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what your favorite flower enhancers????


sophisto said:
You know at first I was sorta leaning towards thinking you were nuts... Sorry.....LOL.....But I actually agree with you now to a point.... Although what if you took good bud (living) and cured it poorly, for sure it would affect potency, smoothness, and flavor negatively dont you think?????? I do, so the truth is sorta right in the middle no????

for sure if u did a poor job of drying, too fast, in the light etc and if the storage is poor all effects the smoke.

herb is like a good wine, good quality herb stored well and aged is much better, i'd rather hav a few grams of perfect cured herb that a £500 bottle of wine any day :joint:


I thought for sure someone would have mentioned Phosoload or Bushmaster by now????? I have heard both good things and bad things about them..

Good: Increased size, increase bud sites, shortens flowering time..

BAd: Knocks down trichome count, chewy bud ( extra weight for the commercial
grower) Loss of flavor.

I guess the peeps here dont dig these products????? Personally I dont. I am kinda wholesome when it comes to the herb, If I can losse flavor, loose crystals, and wind up with chewy bud I want no part of it! Even if the flowers are bigger and heavier...


thc43 said:
Dont need many additivs at all in my grows canna coco nute a/b seems pretty bloody consistant and of good quality..

Ontop i use

silica Hygen budlink
PK 13/14 canna

In my latest grow trialing these new addys

humic fulvic acids 1400
Canna bio boost ????? unknown little effect so far

Straight canna range + budlink.

We run almost the same exact regime. I to have the Bio Boost and I will say that the flavor enhancing propertiess are excellent.....Yum Yum. I don't run the Hygen budlink and am curious what you feel it adds to what you already run?????

Congratulations on the pics by the way I am sure that is some good smokin cheeba.


sophisto said:
I am curious to see what most of the bros and broettes here choose when they buy a flower enhancer...

So if I could put categories on this question I would ask............

A. Favorite Flower size enhancer?????

B. Favorite Flower flavor enhancer????

C. Favorite Flower site enhancer????

D. One that you have or would not waste money on...????

A. AN's Big Bud and Overdrive... :yoinks:

B. Botanicare's Sweet, AN's Mother Earth Organic Super Tea (bloom)... :yoinks:

... S R... :joint:


New member
Finding a natural herbal euphoric enhancer hasn't been easy for me. I tried so many of them and they just didn't cut it - most of them as you would imagine, are not that effective. when I heard about MindGasm Shot I thought another ineffective product, but I was shocked - this euphoric enhancer really is great. Need to work on the taste a bit, but it mixes easily with water. Shipping was great - didn't have to wait to long once order was placed and it comes in a powder form with cool packaging.



I am curious to see what most of the bros and broettes here choose when they buy a flower enhancer...

So if I could put categories on this question I would ask............

A. Favorite Flower size enhancer?????

B. Favorite Flower flavor enhancer????

C. Favorite Flower site enhancer????

D. One that you have or would not waste money on...????

A. - Powderd KoolBloom

B. - Sucanat = Organic ground cane sugar - stays suspended way way better than molases , and is cheaper too .

C. - Never used one

D. - Sweet - I think Sucanat did the same damn thing for less $$$$$

Peace all
Crispi :hotbounce:hotbounce:hotbounce


Trying out some BudCandy so ill post up when its done. Looking good so far but no base plant to compare too


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I use open seasme, beastie bloomz, and cha ching. They all work well, the on 1 couldn't live without is open seasme, it is very noticeable when not using it.


New member
I'm not one for beating around the bush - this product was o'kay, better than most energy boosters. What I lilked about Crank Powder is the fact that it enabled me to stay up all night. I like to party at clubs and then go right to the beach for more partying and you can't do that without help. It comes in a package, powdered form and mixes well with juice or water, but I prefer juice.



Active member
I am curious to see what most of the bros and broettes here choose when they buy a flower enhancer...
I used to really dig a hot cup of cocoa to enhance the enjoyment of my flowers. Now that I found that most blood type A people shouldn't consume dairy, and quit drinking cocoa..... (I feel 1000% better, btw.)
I guess I'm gonna have to find something else.

Brushing my teeth in the hot-tub at 2am was really up there on my list too!

Stay Safe! :tree:

Edit: No... I didn't mis-read the meaning of your question.... accidentally. :D