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FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil User


I've been hearing so many say that I wont and shouldn't grow mj from seed using ffof,its to hot.I say the proof is in the pudding.With the results i'm getting i dont think anyone can argue that.These pictures can say a thousand words enongh typing see for yourself


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Even in Arcadia I exist
Different strokes for different folks.

Your plants are doing great, nice work man! Mine also like the FF:OF, but I've grown plants that nearly died in FF:OF too because the mix was too hot - so it goes both ways.

Glad to see it's working out for you - wished it worked that well for everyone with every bag :)
Gorgeous See!!!! Looking very good my fellow FFOF friend. I too have been using Ocean Forest since I started growing and I love it. Good Job and Hempy Holiday's


IME, lighter feeding, more nute sensitive strains will burn as seedlings in FFOF. With others, that is clearly not the case. Yours look great!

mandi paige

Ocean Forest is HOT!! a buddy sent me a bag and I figured it looked a little rugged for seedlings, but planted them anyways and 6 out of 10 tutti frutti seeds died as soon as they came out of the seed?

I've germinated lots of seeds in my day with no problems..

4 super lemon haze, and an ak48 all took it well though!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ sure you didn't have fungus gnats in there?

I've popped many DJ seed ( known to be light feeders ) and many others, only thing I've gotten was some slight burn before.

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Sure seeds can be started in FFOF but considering the obscene cost per cubic foot why would you? Sprouts cant take in much food at all for awhile. Considering you will transplant them again why start so darn hot? Fox Farms sells light warrior for seed starting and rooting cuts. LW is barely charged with nutes. It averages about 500-600ppms out of the bag. Ocean forest measures closer to 3000ppms out of the bag. I've had it read higher than that too. I got pH readings that varied way too much for my tastes from bag to bag as well. Readings were as low as 5.5 and never above 6.
Its simply not the intended mix for germinating seeds.
If it works for ya great, but even fox farms would tell you to use a germination mix. Of note, Light warrior is a top notch germination mix.
I've had clones root in it in 4-5 days often. If you are willing to fork out $20/cubic foot of soil, why not try ff's germination mix, then after 3 weeks uppot into FFOF?


Active member
Maybe some genetics can't handle it, but most can. I have started over 15 different seed genetics and never had a problem burning or stunting seeds with FFOF. I mix it with LW, but still.

burned seedlings is strain dependent.
Ya that

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Seedlings can tolerate hotter soils when they're started in smaller containers. Hot soils and big pots will starve the roots of O2.
back when i used FFOF i mixed it 50/50 with LW... Now i use Pro Mix and i like it alot better, because it seems to hold the water better and there is no worries about burning


Another great FF combo for seedlings is 50/50 LW and Planting Mix. The label on the PM goes so far as to state that it won't burn even the most delicate seedlings. I have used this mix countless times for seedlings and have never had anything remotely close to nute burn. Add a bit of perlite (there is none in the PM) and you have the perfect seedling mix. Try it!


so far so good today though i saw my first sign n deficiency not bad but im thinking its time to start feeding so im assuming all the ffof soil user start feeding nute around two to three weeks.just in case anyone wanted to know


im actually running some white russian hindu kushes and after missing the 7-10 day feeding the girls were showing signs of N def. at day 13-14 using ocean forest. now i realized i wasnt supplying them enough N from the get-go with my happy frog fruit and flower, but still i saw rampant healthy growth in this soil straight from seed.


im actually running some white russian hindu kushes and after missing the 7-10 day feeding the girls were showing signs of N def. at day 13-14 using ocean forest. now i realized i wasnt supplying them enough N from the get-go with my happy frog fruit and flower, but still i saw rampant healthy growth in this soil straight from seed.
Yup 13 days for me too feeding cal mag/ro water


i need to get an r/o machine and a new way to provide nutrients.. this simple happy frog tea every week isnt cutting it

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