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Blue's.. Uk Clone (Constructive & Structured comments please)


Active member
Oh my - I see what you mean then! It was 1980 for me, but didn't get round to starting growing until late 80's. My mate bought a Phototron, which he used to grow NL in, and then gave it me when he got a bit bigger, but it didn't last long. I used to just grow African bagseed under fluoros, and then he gave me a Sensi Afhgani #1 male, which I decided to flower out. Once I'd made a few seeds I was hooked...;)

But the blues/smelly plants began appearing about '92/'93, I would guess, so the few years before that are the times to be looking at, in terms of possible parents...

I started with African/Jamaican bagseed too and funnily enough the first commercial genes I grew were Afghani #1 too. Went to the dam for the first time in 97, went in the Sensi shop, asked em what was their easiest to grow out of the cheaper strains and they gave me that. Was easy to grow, very potent stone, boring though.

Just get the late 80s SSSC, Seedbank, Sensi and Posi catalogues and look at the skunk hybrids they used to sell, Garlic Bud is a prime example, Blues or the Smelly One could easily be something like that.

Some pics from the old Sensi catalogue:

This is the good old staple Afghani #1, I can almost smell it from here, they were very smelly plants:


Super Skunk which is Afghani #1 x Skunk #1:


Shiva Skunk,which is Skunk #1 x NL#5:


But those are later, from the early 90s when Neville was working for Sensi, Blues, Livers, Cheese etc are from an earlier generation of seedlines sold, back in 1984 before Sam arrived, this was what Neville was selling:






That's what Neville had before Sam introduced new genes and Neville went to the US to find new stuff, no skunks to be had, interestingly he had NL and that is the only candidate from the 84 vintage that could be the source of Blues, Smelly etc. BTW, notice that Purple Skunk that's a inbred Kush, wonder how many of the modern US Kushes come from that line originally? Neville sold so many seeds to the US by 1987 he appeared in HT with sacks and sacks of money. The Mexican x Afghan makes me wonder too, many have speculated Chemdawg is Mexican x Afghan, would make me laugh my ass off if chemdawg is that old Neville line after all the years of US folks slagging off Dutch genetics!

Fast Forward a couple of years to 87-88, the infamous High Times 'Inside cannabis Castle' article leading to the first cannabis cup, Neville had made millions in seed sales to the US and now had a glossier, more professional looking catalogue. 87 was the year he introduced skunk, big bud, G13, Hashplant etc so this is where you wanna look for your prospective candidates for the true identities of Blues, Smelly one etc.










So there you have the source material, let the speculation begin! This should be fun. How many people, especially us tight-fisted northerners just ordered the 'Chi P Variablis' cos it was the cheapest and you got a mixed bag of seeds!? That in itself makes speculation more difficult.

Then we have SSSC, I have their catalogues too, and they are huge, 40-50 strains, so there is plenty of possibilities!


Take A Deep Breath
I just keep staring at that lump of hash Neville has in his hand......probably cost him about 50p lol


I want a pkt of those NL5xSK no1'sand the G13 Northern Lights. and a NL#2xSK#1 & NL#5 xNL#2 they look the shit.


I just keep staring at that lump of hash Neville has in his hand......probably cost him about 50p lol
I think I might have actually been in the general area that pic was taken in,I was based in Peshawar in the early 1990's,his pic says Khyber area,I think its around Darra adam khel the infamous gun/hash town in the NWFP,i saw similar shops with dozens of keys of Hash in stock.
I remember the Super and Shiva Skunks back in the early to mid 90's up here in Humboldt County. I haven't seen them around in a long long while, but do have fond memories. I wasn't growing back then, but I would love to grow the Super Sk. and Shiva Sk.


Active member
All those genes were good back then, it was before the decline began. Personally, it's the lost sativas I would love to have back - HP x Swazi, Durban x Thai, Sonora Super Sativa etc.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I love these old articles... makes me harp back to times when I still felt proper spiritual about the whole scene :) ... hehehe back when folk thought ventilation meant opening a window...lol

in the cold light of day, Indifferent, I think I'd like to shake your hand... just the mention of those Durban and Swazi crosses is getting me all misty eyed *sniff* :)

The Hummus Monk

Active member
SHIT the - Anyone grown it? Supposed to be reet stinkypoos!

What's wrong with snow?

Is Cheese v indica?

Back in 98 I had a connection near Nottingham who's bro had been growing for years and years...used to drive 300miles for that gear! Practically White from crystals and proper blow your mind stuff...it was delicious...but stunk through your pocket. They were really fluffy too...a Henry looked like a quarter.


Active member
Nice one mate, I missed out the pages with the sats on as they aren't candidates for being any of the old skunky cuts, but they sure are nostalgic!

Be nice to meet ya some time mate, what we should do is hold a little oldtime sativa lover's gathering in the dam sometime next year, I should have some Purple Thai, Highland Oaxacan Gold, Durban, West Africa and Jamaican ready in a few months.

Here's the sats for the sat lovers to drool at, I included the Sonora from SSSC as well, looks well lush.













Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
mate, you'll need to give me at least 20 weeks notice so I can get these posi haze cracked n running... then they'll need a cure too... I beddah get me skates on :D

in an attempt to get this thread back to the UK bad Girls.. I also have the strongest susipcions that a lot of them old SSB and early GH lines make up a good few of them (SSH gets rebranded every year here).. as we discussed elsewhere, names fall out of favour and things get rebranded to keep them "current" ... you won't see anyone offering up NL2 or kushes with original names.. but I don't believe for a second that those old strains are either gone or being outclassed "out on the streets" :)

I bet Shiva is still doing many rounds under many names...all over the world


Active member
Yeah man, middle of summer, amsterdam, some fine hazes and other sats, let's do it!

No indicas to be smoked before 9pm! lol

I tried some Seedsman Haze a while back, only 2 of 10 popped, got two females, very different looking, never did get to flower them out. I have another pack though as well as a pack of Tom Hill's Haze so I could have another crack. I'm kinda chockful of Africans, Jamaicans and Mexicans at the mo tho.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
sounds fun to be you :)

I see you have the heri too?

I have some of motas' version here, sposed to be pretty close to woodhorses (I have no clue, never even smoked the stuff - either version) but I DID wonder about hitting it with the pure haze to see what kind of monster might come out... HeriHaze

is that just grasping or does it have potential you think?

(sorry for the off topic)


$85 for ten seeds in the 80's, WOW :yoinks:, guess seeds aint as expensive as i think they are these days.

Elevator Man

Active member
My other candidate for the smelly one/blues are the Northern Lights-leaning Jack Herer phenos, which do have very similar chacteristics, as I remember, although they may have arrived too late in the day. Or indeed the NL#5 X Skunk#1 pictured above - that could be very similar, and without the addition of Haze (or a pheno with not much Haze) pretty much is Jack Herer...;).


Active member
Jack wasn't released until november 94 for the htcc that year so too late.

I don't see there being any haze in the smelly one at all, I see it being largely skunk.

Funnily enough I just chopped a nice Jack Herer tonight, she is extremely tasty and done in only 60 says, sweet but also spicy, I think she's probably quite skunk dom. Yield is only average though, but I have to get it dialled in to see how much it can yield.




Active member
The Smelly One is very like that in looks and when grown alongside Cheese there is a striking similarity so i could believe The Smelly One was a skunk dom pheno of nl x skunk. I am pretty sure that plant they used for the pic is a skunk pheno, it has the characteristic bud structure of a skunk but much fatter from the NL in it.

Maybe the blue is a NL dom pheno of the same thing?

We could go on with this forever and never get any closer to the truth.


ICMag Donor
plants and there past,,,,:)

ya gota admit bro,,,,them smelly plants taste the best:)

i love the candyd blueberry side the blues has,,,,,the candy the big difference to the cheese in my eyes......

The Blue's @ 7 weeks from its mother week 6 flower

Just a small plant but it swells so much over the last 10 days If small enough in a large pot the buds ripen well into the 12/13 weeks before the very end I like to take plants all the way to see there true colours and flower formations.




ICMag Donor
Yeah mon,,, this the photo that set standard on UK Blues cut for us :yes: ,, outcome of a positive afternoon bashing button pon camera :canabis:

The Blue's @ 7 weeks from its mother week 6 flower

(This photo really reminds us of an old Yumbolt clone (a la Kerbdog) ,, in its structure,, all gnarled out n praising jah in the solar,, (photos lost to OG).

Blues smells candy-dandy when fresh,,, with a musky taste on the tongue,, and the dope last longer than Cheese does...lol


peace peace peace

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