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please advice


New member
mix: 20% coco, 20% perlit, 30% peat based substrate, 30% worm castings

additives: plantela vit and cristalin for the roots an added every 2 weeks during veg, hesi phospor + added twice during flowering

room temps: day from 22 to 26 night 15 to 20

humidity: cca 40% to 60%

watering with ph 6,2

soil ph measured with soil electrode 6,8 to 7

problem occurs from 2nd week flowering and it gradualy worsens

lighting: 600W flowering lamps (only red/yellow spectrum), cool tubes

ventilation is good, in/out put



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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
that 15 over night is not helping you much

That is canopy temps? imagine what your roots are living in...

looks like the roots are cold, thus your soil is staying damp, and the roots are shrivilling back, like a man in a cold lake. You should shoot for almost the same temp lights out as you have when lights are on

Guest 18340

Let me get this right, during veg you only ever fed them plantela vit and cristalin? And for flower all you gave them was Hesi Phosphur? Thats it?


New member
yes, and probs only occur during flowering

dr. dog: it was the same problem during summer when it shurely it wasnt cold

Guest 18340

So you're not feeding them anything other than some Phosphorus? IF that's the case, then you're slowly starving your plants.


New member
worm castings 30%, lime, peat based substrate has some ferts, 4 weeks veg, 9 weeks flowering. probs from 2nd week flowering

i have seen people with same probs posting pics but didnt get answers


well i dont disagre with dr.dog if you have enough nuts in your mix its hard to obsorb them when the roots are damaged and its posable with those temps. but i dont think they are getting enough nuts from the start and looks to me like if there was enough in the begining they are runing low now and the plants are starving like evlme2 said what was the reason you dint feed them,but they have done well up till now they wont die though you just wont have as high a yeild as you could have and the problem can be corected


New member
the thing is i have another room, same feeding only diferent lamps, in both hps, one room only flowering (the one with probs) the other flower/vegi.
i just cant figure it out, found here on forum people with same probs and no answer to them. to me it looks like something with ph. does the light affect the ph???
that will be my next thread :)))



Active member
ICMag Donor
Its either your soilless-mix or the water you may be using. If you use a really good soiless mixture at the beginning of your grow, you will not get these types of problems. You also could be over fertilizing somewhere in there. Id would need to see your grow directly to tell you for sure, but I think you should go back, and use a better mixture from the start.


Yo GrowDawg...:D

Looks like your mixture's running hot...didn't see any reference to proper flushing...leaves look burned, leading me to believe you have a toxic salt buildup...if you have not been flushing, then this is to be expected...also, size of container and length of time these plants have been in said container would be helpful in making an accurate diagnosis...would also be nice to know what strain we're talking about here...I'd flush using 1/4 strength complete fertilizer then see what happens...hope this helps...jay:)


New member
pots are 12 liters - 3 gal
two strains, top 44, chronic

there is enough nutes, i grew only with mix without, and with little and a bit more ferts, its not a big difference.
i never flush, in other room its ok, watering from the same water tank. its the same for 6 months now.
i also thnik that perhaps lights were to close, though using cool tubes, because the problem occurs mostly under the light and also where the circulation fan is blowing at the plants at its strongest.
i also read that if there is only yellow spectrum the leaf is not as strong as where there are both yellow and blue spectrum, so perhaps it was a combination between yellow spectrum, to close lamp and fan disturbance :) if that exists :))



New member
Those soil trodes aren't the greatest thing in the world.

Try checking the pH of the runoff next time you water. This is probably a more accurate reading.

jeps, figured that out. what ph is the runoff water suppose to have? (i know its very beginers question :))


weed fiend
It depends on your medium and your preference based on your results. I'm growing in soil mix (which isn't soil.) It's typical potting "soil" that consists of peat and humus. I shoot for a range of 6.5 to 6.8 pH. This is an average range for peat growers. If it's organic, pH isn't as critical as elements have a bigger window of absorption.

Coco on the other hand usually has a lower pH. I'm not as familiar with coco so I'm not sure what range you're best suited for. I would venture a guess it's a little lower than mostly peat mixes. Maybe you can search other posts with similar mixes. If you don't find the specifics you're looking for, shoot the grower a PM and see what they have to say.:santa1:


New member

long time no see. belive it or not it is somekind of radiaton, either from underground water or something. beacuse on one side of the house plants just want grow as they should. on the other side of the house they grow perfectly. everythng else is the same, i checked tryed double checked... so im sure.

peace, love and rezpect

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