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htg 150hps not orange, more yellow like a enhanced bulb, will yeild suffer?


id expect 200 grams on a decent yielding vertical circular grow with any kind of knowledge. opinons on expect little or much are irrelevant becasue its a smaller light, .5 gram per watt, gram per watt or 1.5 gram per watt are all a possiblity. depends on strain n system.

sito imo your systems very wasteful with light, youve done great with it horizontal i just cant grow that way and yes u do condense the light into one area this method but loose an additional 3 times the area in floor(useable) space. the future is vertical, for yeild, for heat management, light bulb longevity...etc.

everyone got into horizontal because typical hanging of the bulb vertical is total waste of light when u just put plants under it, now we are seeing people understand that placeing the plants directly next to the bulb is the way its done, people yeilds are going up 50% there first run, things like mylar or flat white paint are largely a waste of money as theres no wall to even hit with the light to even have a chance to be reflected back in vertical systems as the plants absorb it if u will or block it from getting through to the wall-

again its a space thing for some people, some just cant grow vertical.
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whatever flips your boat lilman my boy gets well over 200 grams with these methods , good luck with that.

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