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Strange vision changes with recently purchased bud...


Yesterday I picked up a quarter of some nice looking / smelling nugs, took it home and a friend and I took maybe 3-4 hits each out of a small one hitter. My tolerance is pretty high, and this was my friend's first time to smoke.

The high was pretty strong and very pleasant, I was very impressed. After a while though I noticed what looked like a "floater" in the vision in my left eye. It was annoying as I had to sort of look around an image or word or whatever in order to actually see it.

I have Multiple Sclerosis and am blind in my right eye as a result, so I just assumed that I was having transient MS badness and it would pass, and it did pass after 30 minutes or so. No big deal.

Well, I mentioned it to my friend and she said that she had exactly the same thing earlier in the evening, but like mine it passed within a half an hour or so.

Should I dump this bag or what? I've always thought it unlikely that people would put additives on their bud since it would reduce the profit margin on the product, but yeah, I've just never ran into this before and it made me think. (EDIT: I should add that I didn't notice any strange flavors or anything.)

Like I said, the high was great, very pleasant and potent as hell. No complaints really, but just kind of strange.


Active member
I've had weed mess with my eyesight many times, sometimes causing a sensation like pressure on the back of the eyes, many times I've had artifacts in my vision but I often put this down to a combination of tiredness and THC rather than just THC.

Additives, can't think what they might add, the usual contaminants are easy to spot and are inert. How does it burn? How is the colour of the smoke? If it's accrid and back, could be an additive of some kind I guess.


MS eh, on a tangent, have you read about dr zamboni's(italy) research on his wife of whom has developed MS and been cured by that procedure that pumps the vascular system of blockages, in MS's case iron buildup in the veins in the face...

interesting find! my parents are following it as my mom has MS, too. just means it's a vascular related issue and not nervous, well not from the get go..

ive not smoked cannabis that changes eyesight...id try again vs a control

edit - pressure on the back of the eyes i get from my purple cannabis mostly. whatever the strain's name is.


I've had weed mess with my eyesight many times, sometimes causing a sensation like pressure on the back of the eyes, many times I've had artifacts in my vision but I often put this down to a combination of tiredness and THC rather than just THC.

Additives, can't think what they might add, the usual contaminants are easy to spot and are inert. How does it burn? How is the colour of the smoke? If it's accrid and back, could be an additive of some kind I guess.

Nah, no weirdness in the smoke, so I guess it's cool. It just struck me as odd that both of us had the same effect in the same eye.

She also got icy cold hands (it was her first time so she was describing everything she was feeling - it was cool to watch someone thoroughly enjoy their first time and be able to dictate the sensations that were going on) so based on our experience she decided we should call this mystery dank "Ice Blindness". :)

MS eh, on a tangent, have you read about dr zamboni's(italy) research on his wife of whom has developed MS and been cured by that procedure that pumps the vascular system of blockages, in MS's case iron buildup in the veins in the face...

interesting find! my parents are following it as my mom has MS, too. just means it's a vascular related issue and not nervous, well not from the get go..

ive not smoked cannabis that changes eyesight...id try again vs a control

edit - pressure on the back of the eyes i get from my purple cannabis mostly. whatever the strain's name is.

Yes! My mom just sent me the article on Zamboni yesterday. I've had a lot of loss of function in recent months, so man, I find this extremely promising and intend to ask my neurologist for a neck MRI once I get back from xmas break. If there is any abnormality I intend to find a surgeon willing to repair it. At this point I'm willing to try anything within reason.


Active member
This thread gave me an idea. Lacing my weed with the smallest pinch of DMT.

haha this is great.
you gotta be careful not to burn the weed tho, or else you'll vaporize out all the DMT without inhaling...

you gotta try and let the herbs roast and just hit it and hold it as LONG as you can.

not as intense as a full-on DMT trip but really goofy, laughy, fun, but shorter and less intense trip will take place.


ICMag Donor
In descriptions of the old school strain Cali-O, it lists one of the effects as "occular acuity", or sharpness or keenness of perception. The cali-o I grew out did have a visual effect, making colors seem more intense, especially orange/yellow. I think this, and having "floaties" may be due to changes in pressure in the eye that result from the blood vessels becoming dialated.

Now, that piece of eye lint that keeps running away when I try and look at it is another story...lol


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
before i got my lasik eye surgery. i noticed that really good indica or hash would really improve the sharpness in my eye site. it would be night and day, the difference....


Active member
It may just be the smoke itself and the eye pressure changes as previously mentioned.

Anyone else run into smoke that affects your speech? Still trying to figure out if it was a strain or an additive since I've gotten the same results from street cannabis in a few different cities. Hmmmmm A higher tendency to say a set of words kinda backwards. Very noticeable if you've run into what I have.

Stay Safe!:tree:

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