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Soil And Feedings For Autos


cyber echo

Hey man, I though I replied to your post.
I kinda wrote a long post too, strange.

If you're unsure about soil, and you say you're going to get coco. Just go with Coco 80% and perlite 20% (vol%). You'll save yourself the trouble of pests, and some diseases since coco is a non-nutritious medium, meaning the coco itself doesn't rot.

Coco is very breathable, so your roots will love all the oxygen.
You will need to give a light feeding with every watering (no feedings till it develops a few real leaves). You won't need to worry about pH or toxicity.
Since coco dries up faster, you will need to water daily.

If you can fine loose coco peat, it will be much better and more refined than the pressed blocks. Get high quality coco. Don't forget coco is reusable btw.


You could mix your coco 3 parts to 1 with your bagged soil, perlite, and maybe some worm castings? I like to keep it simple.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
have you tried germing any of those seeds yet? i just germed some of my own to try out and see what kind of results. i get from the beautiful mother and father. they have started really strong. hope you have the same luck i'm having.

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
Hey guys, I am getting ready to start a variety of auto seeds. I was wondering with your experience with autos if you could help me figure out a feeding cycle and soil recipe.

I've never done autos but I plan on keeping them in one pot so I want to aim for a soil that will last the whole plant's cycle of life.

The ingredients I have at my disposal are...

Blood Meal 12-0-0
Bone Meal 4-12-0
Cottonseed Meal 6-2-1
Plant-Tone 5-3-3
Greensand 0-0-01
Earthworm Castings 0.5-0-0
Miracle Gro Perlite 8 qt
Premier Black Earth Lite Way Potting Soil 32qt (2 bags)

I also have kelp extract and plan to get some fish emulsion, and coco coir.

hope i read it corect(some word i dont understand) but i think its good (love kelp extract & fish emulsion )
i also put one dead freshwater fish in there.
let this earthmix sta for one month
and put a hand full of live Earthworm in there too.
water it in .
in a month you have the best earth for :smokeit:

look ath you plants you can give them sometimes also liquid plant food wen you watering them.
plant them in biger pots for more root space


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