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Finally, a Prime Lens for my D90

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Folks, I've been denying myself the correct camera equipment for too long now. I finally broke down and bought the lens I wanted, the 60mm AF MICRO NIKKOR with a 2.8 f-stop. This thing gets in nice and close. Killer clarity, too.

I'll throw a few shots up as I take them, crop them.

This is Chem #4.




:) cc


Hey crazy nice shots! I got the same camera and cannot get the closeups I wanted with the regular 18-105. Been jonesin to get a lens like yours but they are costly.... I figured - get th chem 4 first - lens later!
By the way, I have read your thread on the chem 4 so many damn times it's ridiculous. It's like a bedtime story to a four year old- again, again, again. The shots and description makes me droool.

good drown

fuck yea, nice shots.
i have a canon 50mm 1.2L i hardly use, but its a sweet lens


Active member
looks killer. i just purchased this camera but with an 80mm lens. any chance ill be able to get some close ones similar to those?

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Sideways, that's funny. :)

Good drown, I was going to pick up the 50mm 1.4, but it didn't get in close enough. I still must get one for further shots, budshots, branch shots, etc.

OC80, probably not as close as this. You need a macro lens for this type of photography. It's actually called a macro.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Right... I'm starting to get this thing now. :) I LOVE THIS LENS SO FAR!!!

Some young SFV OGKush to gander upon.


Money Shot!!!


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Almost looks like a nice flush of mushrooms.


nice snag friend now we really get to see some good shots,,,better thsn before hard to believe,,,peace


If you can't afford a macro lens you can buy a "macro lens reversing ring" and turn your existing lens around which makes it a magnifier. They cost between $10-$40. they don't allow you to use the camera focus so you get a set focus but for the price it looks pretty good.

mosca negra

Excellent CC! Now you can make us drool all over ourselves even more!! lol

Love your work!

Yeah Buddy. Just when I thought a CC thread couldnt get anybetter, you go get a new toy, and blow us all away. chem looks heavenly. the "money shot" is very nice... MORE MORE we want more.

Hey CC! It has been a while. However, I have gained a sense of normalcy again in my life. I have not forgotten about your brother. :) By the way the pics look insane. hehehehe


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Nice choice CC I have the same D90 and Micro lens. I'm still playing with it. Macro Photography is difficult.







Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Still playing around. I went back and picked up another lens. Got me the 50mm 1.8 Nikkor. Incredibly cheap, but very, very nice. After getting the micro lens (that I'm taking these close-up pics with), I realized I love prime lenses and need one for regular, non-close-up work. The 50mm 1.8 fits the bill for a prime lens for general, high clarity photography. It's an extremely fast lens, and it only ran about $130!!! Great for full bud shots and shooting larger sections of plants, like whole branches or portions thereof.

This is a whole SFV OG Kush, grown the way I always do them. I get 4-5 ounces of fine marijuana from each of these plants. The plant you see here is about 4 feet tall from the top of the soil. Grown organically. It's now as tall as it will ever get. This plant was flowered at about 1.5 feet in height. SFV OGK stretches nicely in the first few weeks. I've come to appreciate the stretch of plants like Sour Diesel and SFV OGK.

This picture was taken with the newest lens, the 50mm 1.8. I was just playing around with the wide range on f-stop possibilities on this lens. It's hard to take an impressive photo of a whole plant in front of crumply black plastic... but I know there are many growers who like to see whole plant shots.

BTW... a prime lens is a lens you cannot zoom in with. In order to get a closer shot, you gotta move your ass closer to the subject. If you don't have your whole picture in the frame, you move that ass further away.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
The same plant as above, but shot with the 60mm micro lens. I used f-stop 20 for this one. If the f-stop is too low, you'll get extremely sharp resin heads, but only in a small area of the picture. With a too-high f-stop number, you'll see all the resin heads on the bud, but they will lose their clarity. The trick for this type of photography is to find the happy medium f-stop number... the place where you get the highest clarity from the most depth. It's an f-stop game, and a matter of personal taste.

SFV OGK... I love the way pistil hairs look close up like this. :)

BTW... all shots here were taken free-hand... no tripod. Once I get the tripod I want... I'll be able to set my shots up much better. ;)

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