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Maybe I'm Old & "Slow" but Sears???

Hello All, foot notes from the over 50 pew at The Electric Church. Was trying to find a 'lil-bit-o specific info on "Hydrofarm Heat Mats". So I Googled said phrase and turned up a link to "Sears" of all things. So at the Sears site I searched on Hydrofarm and came up with 15 different items. All at typical "Hydro" prices, (imagine that). Well I was floored. Maybe things are going a bit mainstream??? That's good I guess, isn't it? But I was floored. Just about the last place I would expect help for my hobby at. Then again (if it expands a bit) it may help keep me outta the Hydro store and save me a lot of drive time. Now if they would compete on price a bit things could get more interesting in the future. Whoda Thunk It!!! I'll be swinging by the nearest one to see whats available locally real soon. Just thought I'd share for anyone that didn't know. If everyone does sorry to repeat the info and I guess I'm a day late again...hi ho