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My dream job is to work in the cannabis industry i know its a hard labor heavy planning kind of job depending on what you do, i love to farm... but i love plants! and cannabis is just amazing. here in mass it is illegal well decriminalized up to an ounce. but im sick of the cold weather here and not having herb sometimes even tho i grow. should i go to cali or what?
No. And what do you mean hard labor? No it's not. It's the easiest job in the world if you have the start up funds and can handle the stress of robbers and pigs. Even trimming I wouldn't call "hard labor," just annoying.

But seriously, no. You shouldn't. If you don't really know what you're doing or you've only got a couple mediocre runs under your belt I'd say you have roughly zero percent chance of making it work.

You'll probably get a lot of shit for asking a "noob" kind of question at a forum full of people who walk the walk. Just a heads up.

If it's me? I'd move to wherever the fuck I want regardless of the law and do my thing. Nothing is illegal till you get caught. If you live your life in constant fear of what could go wrong you're not really alive anyway.

Many will disagree. What I do think we will all agree on, though, is that naive young dudes shouldn't be moving to the most expensive part of the country in a saturated marijuana market to come work "in the marijuana industry."

Keep your dreams. Massage them. You'll come up with something way better than living in a shithole apartment for 1500 a month and so on like many do in Ca. I'm not hating that state it's a great place to live if you come from wealth or have a small fortune. For everybody else, not so much.


who doesnt love cannabis? very few...

floodgates opened in '95

Sooo many heads were already there, imagine how many landed there because "they loved cannabis" after that

You should go to Cali if you know you would have no problem finding a "real job", while trying to find an in in the cannabiz.

maybe visit first. If you have a bit of money why not visit all the medical centers of industry. You have 13 states to choose from.

California, the world's-eighth largest economy, has a projected deficit of $41 billion through 2010.

all that aside I dont think theres anywhere else you can have 3 lbs dried 3 times a year.
Rent ($700 - $900) a month for a one-bedroom and that is an apartment in the ghetto.

Car payment
Cell phone
(You need to eat right?) Food

So you'd have to think to yourself, "I have to find a job that pays me at least $2,000 a month?" and that is not if you're spending a dime to go out or saving a penny. Think that a cannabis shop is going to pay you $30,000 a year? And they don't know you? Not very likely.

Sam the Caveman hit it on the head with the link that he provided for you. It was another lost soul with the same idea you have. Different states, same ambitions. There was a great post by one of the members here that said.........

"Stay where you are, get a real job, and cut your hair"

Couldn't have said it better! Here is the link for you to read:
"Stay where you are, get a real job, and cut your hair"
That advice was also given by someone who sells pot for a living.

Throwing stones, and all that.

Look, I agree that it's probably best to error on the side of caution when giving this kind of advice. But we'd live in a pretty boring world if everyone got a "real job" (whatever that means)and attempted to blend into this horrible corporate landscape we call The United States.

You need A little danger in your life. Take a fucking chance, will ya? What are you gonna do, play with your prick for another 30 years? What, are you gonna read PEOPLE magazine and eat at Wendy's till the end of time? Take a fucking chance....."



Active member
stay the fuck outa here man. It's crowded here. Just took me 3 hours to drive home from LA on the freeway. If you come, it will be worse.