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Red Stems and petioles says phosphorus deficiency but fertz high and growth good

Hey guys, first grow in my new cab.

things are going great so far, at day 7 flowering. growth seems great.

Only cause for concern at the moment is that the trunk, stems and petioles are all very red/purple (have been for awhile, 2 weeks?). I have searched and read that this signifies P deficiency, but I feed at about half strength PBP Bloom and the leaf tips are fert burned right to where i believe i want them - just the tip :laughing:. And leaves look healthy.

FFOF soil
2x masterkush
RH and temp kind of suck at the moment, need some time to finish ventilation on the cab. 55-80% / 63-70F
havent measured pH because things are going well, but i will now on next watering (i dont have to water often because of high RH...)
PBP bloom at 1/2
Liquid Karma at 1/2
r/o water (except for last watering, did not have any and used tap, did chlorine ruin everything good growing in there?)

I can post some pictures if that would help.

If growth is good could the red just be genetic? should i try to foliar feed just P (what would i use to do that?)? For all I know, now that i think of it, growth could be slow, this is only my 2nd run ever, but there definitely growing. What do you guys think?


heya .. my guess is that you have switched to bloom fert too soon ..

did you use a RO veg fert 2 weeks ago when the red stuff started ?

some pics wouldnt hurt :p
Temps. are lower than optimal, but shouldn't be an issue.

the leaf tips are fert burned right to where i believe i want them - just the tip . And leaves look healthy.
At first glance, seems that both heat and uptake aren't an issue.
But perhaps it is.
Perhaps it's lockout? Which is why I had to think a second on your temps. But you say the rest of the plant looks nice.
If I'm not mistaken, P has serious lockout issues when temps are real cool. I've had similar issues before, and I run quite cool, especially in the winter.
What is your soil temperature, roughly? Clammy wet, cool? Ambient temps. may be fine in the air, but cooler at root level?
And as you mentioned earlier, some genetics just do that, I don't know which ones though. What are you running?

Pictures would be good.

For all I know, now that i think of it, growth could be slow, this is only my 2nd run ever, but there definitely growing.
If growth is slow, this goes along with slow uptake of nutrients or lockout due to cold soil.

What are your plants growing in? Where? (i.e., on the floor, basement)
How fresh is the FFOF? As in, are you feeding too much if it's fresh soil?

You're also at 2 weeks flowering, so if it's as simple as a deficiency (or if it happens to be genetics), a good all-around feeding of N-P-K and perhaps supplements like Cal/Mag if you need it (I'm only in the "know" about FF ferts.) is in order anyways...
If you're too loaded up on nutrients, flush or water with 10% all around solution to help flushing.

Take advice with a grain of salt...again, pics please. :)
Tap water that hasn't had the chlorine or chlorimine removed can be bad for organics. The beneficial microbes and fungi don't like chlorine. Also, what are you using for your Cal/Mag source? I would get some Cal/Mag + or something similar if you are running R/O water but I may have missed some info about your Cal/Mag source.

The post above has some valid points about temps as well!
If you look closely you can see its only red on the upper surface of the petioles. There are also streaks of purple on the branches.

No Cal/Mag source, soil is pretty fresh transplanted about a week ago.

Strain is DPS Masterkush.


Its not normal for a strain to have purple stems half way through the growing cycle.. usually I get purple stems when I overfeed a certain element (lockout) or my soil is in wrong range (lockout)
You can also get purple stems from N, P, or K. I think Mg will do it too. I anticipate some major issues in about 2 weeks if you take the same path you've taken so far through flower


just wondering what your temps were running low temps can cause this trait aswell.i see the tips burnt on the fan leafs and it is posable p,deficiency and still yet if it is p deficeincy the temp can still be the key low temps can cause the uptake of phosphorus but the temp would have to droped very low for a few days i would keep an eye on them it could also be mg deficeincy just watch for futher symptoms and if it gets worst post some more pics and maybe fill out the form on the sick plant guide

Owl Mirror

Active member
I am currently experiencing this same thing.
With the weather changes recently, the temps dropped below what I had imagined.
I have had to actually place a space heater in the room to keep the temps above 65 after lights out.
As mentioned, cold roots can experience lockout so, today I'll give them a healthy wash with some Epsom salts. I believe the roots should have warmed up properly since discovering the cold room at night.

Hopefully I won't lose these plants due to this condition.