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Question about Mother Plants


It seems like there should be a "sticky" on maintaining mother plants but the only one i found was some bonsai thing. so anyways i just need a couple questions answered. Ive been growing for a few years but still havent used mother plants.

I've actually never grown in dirt, so im a little nervous about that.

What kind of dirt do i use...perlite vermiculite??

What kind of nutes should be used on mother plants??

these are my 2 main questions i think i can figure out the rest :p

plz help!


european ganja growers
it just works out the same as the bonsi thread. only bigger.

the best soil you can get +,,,veg nutes:eggnog:

keep it green

ps. you dont have to use soil i keep my mums in coco and ive never had any real probs
IMO i would use a good organic soil, FFOF is good, maybe add some perlite, keep it simple for a mother.

If any nutes at all, just simple veg nutes with high N levels....

Soil is a lot easier than hydro, you should do fine....


keep em cut back all the time, dont be afraid to really chop em back all the time, all the new growth is easier to clone then big ass limbs and tops imo, peace good luck


promix with blood meal for nitrogen it will take off like a sunflower