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I wanna Micro grow too!!!!


Yes coco is good if you give your plants the perfect amount of nutes. For micro cfl grows it might not be the best idea because a good coco grower will make those plants big in coco moss.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
hey man everything looks very healthy. looks suberb so far. i was thinking in the future you should try using 100% coco. ive read on here that you can use smaller pots with bigger plants with coco. just would be an interesting thing if you did a side by side soil vs coco and see if there any comparison. would be interesting if you yield more. just an idea little baked

Never really thought about it. From what ive read on coco they need to be watered daily,and thats something im not trying to do. The returns look nice, i may consider it in the future to expand my knowledge in growing

Yes coco is good if you give your plants the perfect amount of nutes. For micro cfl grows it might not be the best idea because a good coco grower will make those plants big in coco moss.

Big plants is always a plus, nothing a little training couldnt handle :)

Your babies are looking great Fuzz!

Thanks man

**Little update.
I have 1 Kali Most Female!!!I still have 1 more waiting to show, but im pretty sure its going to be a female as well.The Og Kush is starting to smell, but still no pre flowers, im pretty positive its going to be a female, but its taking its sweet time showing sex. 1 star kush and 1 mod bx are about 1-2 weeks out from showing sex.I also have two mod bx waiting to be sexed and there in the veg box hanging out untill i figure out which strains are going to be males.
My prize NYCD pheno after 6 weeks has finally shot out new growth like mad.So im guess another long 3-4 weeks before that one is ready for clones,but ill least have one Kali Most in full flower by then. I have some star kush pollen that will be dusting the kali most, should be interesting :)


ooooo some sex is gonna be going on in your cab huh??? Cant wait to see this!

Good to hear about the NYCD pheno man. That girl is gorgeous!


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Yea buddy theres going to be lots of sex!!!!

Kali-Most x Star Kush, NYCD x Star Kush,Star Kush x Star Kush,and if any MODs are girls they'll get it too.Whenever the Diesel gets bigger ill gets some pics up of her,there hasnt been anything to see in a very long time


ohhhh man lol. sounds superb all those cross's makin me drool. i am a newb with that stuff never even tried collecting pollen. as for coco from what ive read the smaller the container the more frequently you will have to water. however different coarse coco's have different properties. maybe you can find something that will hold water nice. and as long as your pcs stay at a good temp and dont get to hot i think you could set everything up to be watered every 2 maybe 3 days. but everythings lookin bangin bro. i wish i could throw up those triesels to do a side by side run. pretty soon im gettin situated and ill setup a pc to start back up


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Well i got tired of waiting on that og kush to spit pre flowers, so what i did was tie and bound her up,and threw her back in veg. As she reverts back to veg and i becomes root bound, preflower should come flying out. I need the space the Og was taking up so i can Sex two MOD bx's.

Next two Kali Most will be getting tied up like that. Ill have pics when i do :)


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Just some shots from the temp veg box:

NYCD Pheno 1, i can take a couple clones off her now when im ready

NYCD pheno 2(keeper) Shes a couple weeks out from clones:

Og Kush:

Star Kush on 5-6 week veg



lookin good man. looks like there will be alot going on soon. i am really looking forward to getting situated again. at least i got some nycd left =] 5oz left.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Update from PC#1

My Kali-Most are starting to stretch like mad

Good thing i implemented LST

Kali Most #2

MOD Bx sexing. Im pretty sure this is going to be a female

This MOD Bx is slightly deformed and acting like a runt.

Last MOD bx, about a week away from showing sex:

I also have 1 last Star Kush not pictured that sexing still. Just like the MOD Bx it needs about a week or so to show sex. Theres gonna be some bomb ass sativa action in 3 months,should be interesting


Holy Ganja! Those are very nice micro-plants Fuzz. About how long did your NYCD take to shoot out new growth for clones?


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
kidkannabis-Much appreciated thanks for stopping by. Well i have two different very distinct nycd pheno's. There both good but one is exceptional. The first pheno under 24/0 started new growth about 3 weeks, and a couple weeks after that branches were every where.The second pheno(keeper);which turned purple took much longer than the first pheno. She took about 6 weeks to even start new growth, and shes been shooting new growth out like mad,but isnt quite ready for cloning yet.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Well i didnt have to wait a week. The MOD bx and the Star Kush are both Ladies. So I put the star Kush back in reveg and the mod bx will stay in flower. Still have 2 mod bx left to sex. Now i just need my NYCD pheno to hurry up so i can take clones and get my second pc in to flower.


sounds good to me man ! excited. even though i dont got my own place ill have some PPP (Pure Power Plant) from gypsy. if i am lucky a triesel which will turn out female. i use the rest of them triesels to see if i can get a quality pheno along with clones of ppp and triesel in the near future =].


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Seems like forever since i updated this thread

We have itty bitty action going on:watchplant:

Start off with some stretchy Kali-Most Action

I believe there about on there second week of flower since they showed sex.Ill have to "reference my notes" to be sure:

Kali-most #1

Kali-Most #2


Promplty after these pics she was given some much need water

MOD BX still Sexing

Also was fed promptly after the pics

Last MOD Bx the Mutant/runt still sexing. Shes/he doing quite well actually. I think she/he will grow out of it

Star Kush #2 in the pc box 1 still reveging.

NYCD #2(keeper) Reveging and clones taken last night and after pics promptly watered

My OG Kush thats been reveged and now vegging Nicely. Shes actually growing quite fast compared to anything else that vegging. So Shes been tied down and almost wraps around the cup shes so tall.

Thoughts from this week:

I took a whole bunch of clones from both of my NYCD pheno's. First one to root from my non keep pheno will stay and ill chuck the rest and the mother plant. I have 4 clones from my keeper pheno so whenever they root ill send them to flower, and ill have to see what space im working with before i make another move for clones or not.

It appears i have 2 phenos for Kali Most.1 pheno seems to continually to be stretching while the other has appeared to stop and started shooting preflowers like mad. There both on there most likely second week of flower, ill have to check but they seem to be going fine and healthy so, 12 more weeks to go?

I have 1 Confirmed MOD bx female. Shes starting to stretch like her Kali Most counter parts that are slightly older. STill waiting on the last two show sex. Let hope there both female.

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