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anybody germed thier sour 60's yet

i put 5 sour 60's in a damp paper towel,inside a sealed bag,then placed in a dvd case,then wrapped in a towel and put in an old empty freezer(not switched on of ourse),this was 7 days ago,and im getting a little concerned,has anyone else popped thier's,is it worth leaving them in a glass of water overnight?,how much longer before i write them off?,im a bit wary about skuffing them,in case i damage them,


New member
I just got mine the other day but dont have the room to start them right away. How wet was the paper towel when you checked on them the next day(s)? if it dried out at all then that could be your cause. I usually just do the paper towel in the bag then into the closet shelf always gotten 100% with that.

The whole dvd case,towel,freezer bit sounds a little excessive to me but i still dont think it would cause them not to germ.


Pleasantly dissociated
just put seeds in wet paper towel in a zip on the cable box. look once a day, shouldnt take a week, ya probably killed them
killed them ,lol,how?,they are just in a damp towel inside a ziplock bag to keep it humid,they put in a dvd case,then wrapped loosely in a towel to keep them from getting cold,as its cold in this house,theres no way that ive killed them


when I have used this method, if the seeds have not cracked in 48 hours, they are dead...what is the temp of the place you put them?


I get 90-100% germination in under 72 hours from planting directly in a medium...Whether it's peat pellets or those soil type plug things or just plain old stuck in some soil a tiny bit. I use to try a bunch of different methods but I think they all do more harm than good. That's of course just my opinion. Quit playing with your seeds and plant them hahaha:2cents::):freezing:


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
I would pull them out and see if they are mushy if not put them into some soil and see if they come up.

Depending on how delicate you are try cracking them in your teeth very very lightly.



if they are good quality seeds (which i believe mdanzigs usually are!) then you can just put them straight into soil give them some water and after a couple of days you will have baby canna plants. remembering in nature they will just go straight into soil and grow, try not to over-complicate things

cyber echo

if they are good quality seeds (which i believe mdanzigs usually are!) then you can just put them straight into soil give them some water and after a couple of days you will have baby canna plants. remembering in nature they will just go straight into soil and grow, try not to over-complicate things



Far too complicated.. put them in peat pucks. Or right into the medium(dirt), even when i have done this method, you need to leave the bag open so the air doesn't get stale. They need oxygen. Also as stated above a warm cable box helps them along. I've never had anything pop after 7 days, my vote is goners.

Always remeber "KISS" Keep It Simple Stupid

cyber echo

Peat pucks have been known to inhibit root growth.
Just put em straight in the soil and keep misting the surface.
Make sure its warm. Else it wont crack.

cyber echo

I'll recheck my sources, sorry if I posted inaccurate info, I was pretty sure I was advised against using them. Maybe it was something other than peat pucks tho.

edit: I might have mistaken the peat pucks for rockwoll or the jiffy pucks. I'm sure I've read tons of advice against not using something previously popular to start seeds. I'd appreciate some input.


I'd say that jiffy pucks/peat pucks are the way to go. Don't be a fool and tear off the outside net!

And put them into pots within 24 of seeing a sprout!


I use peat/jiffy pucks for all my cloning and started to use on my seeds. NEVER i repeat NEVER had an issue with root growth, if you let them dry out.. yeah your going to have issues. Once you see roots coming out they go into the pots anyways, whats the issue here?

Beside all this hair splitting.. FAR to complicated a process for poping them seeds. The man has to simplify.. lets keep on topic here.

EDIT: also, i have USED peat/jiffy pucks, i haven't read about it. I do what works, not what some guy on some forums says to "try" do what works, if ALOT of people do one thing there is probably some thing to it.. Take what you read on the web with a grain of salt. I am no "expert" but i don't have "issues" with my plants, so i offer my advice.

cyber echo

I'm sorry for spreading wrong info.
Usually I indicate when any information I say is not reliable and/or from my own experience. I was just trying to give some quick advice.

To get back on topic, the jiffy/peat pucks don't need to be used.

According to my experience, if something did not germinate in the paper towel technique or directly planted in seed, then something is wrong.
I know this because I thoroughly tested my technique upon a purchase of a 12seed pack Durban Poison x Sweet Skunk pack.
I tried to pop 5 seeds too in paper towel method, which worked 100% for me before, and none germed.
I went to try the other methods I've been successful with in the past, and none worked.
At the same time, I did the EXACT same techniques with another batch of seeds that have germinated in the past for me, all germinated. I was being very thorough, as I wanted to know for sure if there was a problem with the seeds.

So, if you have any other seeds, put them in the same conditions and see if they germinate, before you waste any more sour 60 seeds.

Hope this helps.


Active member
ICMag Donor
What a crock. I did very extensive germination test on these seeds, not one problem from them. Just plant them in the soil, man.

12-14-09 6:30 P.M. Just took twenty random seeds, and checked for shell hardness, which the seeds were very normal, no hard shell "husks", als the embryo was completely healthy and intact. If I get this crap about germination, its going to fall on deaf ears, because I know better. The problem in the early days of autos, at least with my autos was that the shell husks tended to be very, very hard, and thick. I believe this could have been in the make-up of Lowryder, which I actually believe is really Fin-314. Anyways, I eventually got rid of, culled, and nixxed anything that was out of the norm. So in essence, there should never, ever be a problem with that thick/hard shell syndrome. My Sour 60 seeds are excellent condition, and very viable seeds.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Also Gypsy just got these seeds, so I'm not sure how they already haved ordered, and received them, and on top of that, have germed them for 7 days? Moosekuckle, let us knopw whats up, because I personally tested these seeds very thuroughly. Im not calling you a liar, but I'll help you out if I can.
cheers for the input MD,out of the five i placed in a towel,1 taproot showed at day 9 one at day 10,and 1 at day 11,two yet to show,ive put another two in to see how it goes a couple of days ago.I never started this thread to call your seeds bunk or anything like that,i was wanting genuine feedback from anyone that had germed them,as i may need to give more thought to my germing method,if im the only one that is having problems,and surley feedback is important to you,regards