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Wanna Be A Zombie?



As Primary Caregiver for a 55 y/o schizophrenic, I get to witness zombieism first hand every single day of my life...or worse when the meds stop working well enough...

Was an extra in 'Tropic under Capricorn', 'Evil Angels'...worked on the set of 'Quigley Down Under'...saw some of the filming for 'Salute of the Jugger'...and got to hold one of those big reflective thingymabobs aimed to reflect light during a PentHouse photo shoot...Sold booze to Elle McPhearson{wine} and Jeremy Irons{Southern Comfort Man!}...

If George Romero was casting for Zombies, I'd be the first there...supply of me own blood and blue skin makeup as well!



I was an extra decades ago, in a movie called "Ironweed." Big time Hollywood production, starring Jack and Meryl. I ended up on the famous "cutting room floor." Ha!

Certainly wasn't all fun...it was a 14 hour day, composed mostly of sitting around and waiting.

But, from what I'm reading on the movie's website, this is a small production, and I think the chances are pretty good of getting some screen time if you can make it to the set.


I was an extra decades ago, in a movie called "Ironweed." Big time Hollywood production, starring Jack and Meryl. I ended up on the famous "cutting room floor." Ha!

Certainly wasn't all fun...it was a 14 hour day, composed mostly of sitting around and waiting.

Been there, done [email protected] the $$ was good and as an experience it was all priceless!

Got really good $$ hiring out the ute to the film crew and wrangling an extra $220 hr for driving!:xmasnut:

Aaah...memories. :)



Hey Medi...you did way better than me. I got $50 for that 14 hr day... :(


Hey Medi...you did way better than me. I got $50 for that 14 hr day... :(

The difference between an indie film and a hollywood sponsored film, huh?...

When you're 1500+ km from the nearest city, they pay through the nose!



Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I love zombie movies. sometimes I wish there was a crazy airborne disease where any greedy piece of shit with an IQ under 100 would turn zombie. Then I could finally start shooting at stupid assholes. :D


spreadin da love
shit mang.. thats like an hour and 45 from me.. i might check that out... although everytime I medicate i do the zombie walk hahahahahahahaha :rasta:

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