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How do i reverse stem rot?


Came home to see that my babies are beginning to suffer from stem rot ... one so bad it even fell over, thought the leaves & plant above still look good.

Can it be reversed? Thanks for your help.


The Voice of Reason
I highly recommend Physan 20...
It will both kill and prevent rots, molds, and mildews...


Cut Flowers in containers, tubes, and decorative vases - Bacterial Stem Plugging.
To eliminate stem plugging (which restricts uptake of water) and to control bacteria and fungi (which create ethylene gas, a cause of petal drop), flower spikes should be hardened by keeping the stems in PHYSAN 20 solution during harvesting, storage and shipping.
USE: 1 teaspoon of PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 1 gallon of water.

Plant Cuttings - Begonia, Chrysanthemum, Fuchsia, and Geranium.
For controlling Crown Gall, Gray Mold Leaf Spots, and Powdery Mildew, soak completely immersed cuttings 2-5 minutes in 1-1/2 teaspoons of PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 1 gallon of water. Plant in compost completely saturated in PHYSAN 20 solution.
USE: 1-1/2 teaspoons of PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 1 gallon of water.

Seeds and Seedlings - Damping Off
Treat seeds and seedlings by soaking in a solution of 1 1/2 teaspoons of PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 1 gallon of water for 5 minutes. Fill the flask containing the seed or seedlings with enough PHYSAN 20 solution to completely cover the seeds/seedlings. Drain the PHYSAN 20 solution off the seeds/seedlings before planting. Use a fresh solution of PHYSAN 20 for each flask.

Seedlings - Damping Off (ornamental plants only)
Make a solution of 1 1/2 teaspoons of PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 1 gallon of water. Soak seedlings in PHYSAN 20 for 5 minutes. Use a soak container large enough to completely immerse one flask of seedlings at a time. Change the solution daily or more often if solution becomes visibly dirty.
If a garden soil is used for planting seedlings, completely saturate the soil in PHYSAN 20. Place the soil in a pot or tray and add enough PHYSAN 20 solution to completely cover the soil. Let the solution drain through the soil or pour off excess.
USE: 1 1/2 teaspoons of PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 1 gallon of water.

PHYSAN 20 solution is effective in stopping the spread of damping off when sprayed on seedlings. Spray seedlings so that all surfaces are thoroughly wet.
USE: 2 tablespoons of PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 3 gallons of water of 2 tsp. PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 1 gallon of water.

Seedlings - Downy Mildew (Ornamental Plants only)
Most common on seedlings. The fungus sporulates on the lower surface of leaves as a white, sparse downy growth. The disease can cause the death of aerial plant parts. Spray seedlings so that all surfaces are thoroughly wet with Physan20 solution at 5-day intervals until under control.
USE: 2 tablespoons of PHYSAN 20 concentrate in 3 gallons of water.

CORROSION AND DAMAGE TO MATERIALS: PHYSAN in use dilutions, will not damage or mar natural rubber, glass, painted or plastic surfaces. It is non-corrosive to all metals in normally used applications for swabbing, mopping and rinsing. PHYSAN is non-flammable and non-explosive.

BACTERICIDAL ACTIVITY: PHYSAN has demonstrated bactericidal or bacteristatic activity against a wide spectrum of bacterial organisms such as:
Agrobacterium tumefaciens Pseudomonas sp.
Enterobacter Agglomerans Erwinia cypripedii
Erwinia carotovora Xanthomonas campestris

FUNGICIDAL ACTIVITY: PHYSAN is effective against a wide variety of fungi that may cause rots, rusts, blights, and mildew.
Botrytis cinerea Gnomonia veneta
Fusarium spp. Rhizoctonia solani
Penicillium digitatum Curvularia sp.
Gliocladium roseum Phythium aphanidermatum
Rhodoturula glutinis Helminthosporium sativum
Ophiobolus graminis Puccinia antirrhini
Ceratocystis ulmi Sclerotinia homeocarpa

VIRUCIDAL ACTIVITY: PHYSAN has been tested and proven to be effective in controlling Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) on hard surfaces and tobacco leaves. TMV is the most stable of the viruses which are pathogenic to plants. PHYSAN’s ability to control TMV may indicate that it would be a good product to control other viruses.

PHYTOTOXICITY: PHYSAN generally is not phytotoxic to plants at concentrations below 400 ppm (1/4 ounce per gallon of water). However, this can vary depending on the type of plant and its stage of growth.
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you guys are awesome .. thanks!

The roots look fantastic - no rot there. What happened, as i piece it together, appears to be that the groplugs in which i started the seeds retain quite a bit more water than the hydroton in which they are seated (waterfarm set up). I had the cycle set for 1 min on, 4 mins off. This was good for hydroton, but the groplugs were constantly soaked - causing stem rot just above the groplug.

The rot was spreading incredibly fast ... eating into the "trunk" of the plants. I changed out the solution - no superthrive, rhiozome, or any bio-feed at all. Put in H202 at about 2 tsp per gal, and then used a q-tip to apply straigt h2o2 to the rotting trunks.

I turned the cycle down to 1 min on, 10 mins off & put fans in to keep air moving/hydroton dry on top.

A sleepless night, checking on them every hour or so. I was gonna begin cloning the moment I saw any leaves drooping, but as of this morning, the rot appears to have dried up and become hard and leaves are still strong. Fingers crossed! Lesson learned.

Thank you again.