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Are Organics people more snobby than other Potheads ?


The Voice of Reason
Talk is cheap, but it is the only way to communicate the facts. Fact is organic snobs are easily fooled by well grown chem weed... See ya at the cup ;)


I started out growing semi organic utilizing pbp and peace of mind dry mix amended into ffof for nearly five years. About a year ago I began to frequent the coco forum and chose Head's formula to work on . What I determined was evidence on behalf of me at least coco kicks peats ass.

My initial run in coco was a success, I cultivated one plant in addition to a 20 day flush. Now the only reason I took the time to cultivate one plant I was under the impression, there were real definite differences between manufactured and organic methods.

The only distinction I have noted the organic taste a little more complex. Coco utilizing Heads formula possesses a clean flavor that I enjoyed. It also increased my yield plus the complexity as well as labor in my garden declined.

On a side remark, coco enthusiasts can be almost as snobbish when it comes to mixing other additions in their coco medium such as perlite, etc.............



Most people cant taste the difference. At the cannabis cup in amsterdam almost none of the weed is organic. Greenhouse has one the most awards i believe and they juice that shit way up with chems. Soma does organic but he has switched to an organic hydro. When you are growing weed you have to grow alot 1000's of people want to sample it. If you are counting on mother nature to produce what you need you probably wont win many cups. Penn J. says it best when he says with organics you are paying for what you dont get.


Most of the weed in amsterdam doesnt even get a flush and millions of people come home and say that dam weed was crazy.


Gene Mangler
The gauntlet has been tossed... :bigeye:

Head Does Coco thread, a true classic. :yes: Should be required reading for EVERY grower!

Will be an honor & privilege to joust with some of the masters! ;)


I feel yah man. I get a buddy who is an obsessive ogranic farmer. He truly believes that if your not growing organic, your growing schwag. :muahaha:

Honestly, to me it seems like this organic shit is a fad. Its just the image that comes to mind.
ITs all marketing.

The real term should be:

Refined Nutrients vs Un-Refined Nutrients.
lets take that a little bit further... this whole growing thing is just a fad. once they can recreate cannabis in a lab setting, it will be all about that "refined pot".

Grat8fulh3ad: I just like organics when I can get them. Specially my own organic strains. Dirt, light, water and time, those four winds always "blow me safely home". Nothing against ferted puffs. Just would perfer not. "You and I could spend some time wonderin what to choose"


The Voice of Reason
Grat8fulh3ad: I just like organics when I can get them. Specially my own organic strains. Dirt, light, water and time, those four winds always "blow me safely home". Nothing against ferted puffs. Just would perfer not. "You and I could spend some time wonderin what to choose"

no worries, I understand... but, your plants are eating the exact same molecules as mine... it's just that you like the idea of organics, not that there is and real difference...

Since in this case it does not cost alot to win, and there is nothing for me to loose, I've spent a couple decades time and decided what to choose... Feeding my plants what they need in the form they can use it makes much more sense to me than raising microorganisms to convert a portion of what is in the soil into a usable form...

The single biggest improvement I have ever made in my garden was switching to refined mineral nutes after a decade of organic stubbornness...

But like I said, grow what you like... If you do it right, the food source is irrelevant...
Grat8fulh3ad: Cool I dig. Another reason for me is cause I'm paranoid. Even writing here is a tremendous leap for me. Been "stealth" before there was stealth, for fifty years now with that good plant. Even when my wife bought Miracle Grow over a decade ago I made sure she paid cash and made lotsa left turns on the way home.


The Voice of Reason
right on... that's why i used organics as long as I did... then one day, already ready nutrients became easily available, so I did the logical thing... If you're doing something that works, and you like what you're doing well enough to see no need for alternative methods, then rock on brotha, rock on... I'm sure i'd enjoy puffin' your stash, but i'm equally sure you'd enjoy mine just as much...


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I try not to be snobbish, its all good, I hand out advice to organic and non-organic growers.
Grat8fulh3ad: More power to ya! Whenever I get the chance to buy California Certified Medical Marijuana 400-500 a z. It's all good and probably ferted. My colas and popcorns stand right up to those 4-5's. To tell you the truth I got a strain I call "Cuda" and one called "8/2" that are more effective than any Certified Medical 400- 500 I've had the pleasure to use. As you probably already know when you get to have acess to different strains the plant is more effective medically. I used to use it for fun. Now old age has given the plant a new meaning to me it's fun, and I don't have to use the Oxycontin my doctor wants to give me. So you listen to Jerry and the boys? Further is gonna be around my area early 2010. Tix go on sale Sat 12/12, can't wait. "And keep it on"


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
right on... that's why i used organics as long as I did... then one day, already ready nutrients became easily available, so I did the logical thing... If you're doing something that works, and you like what you're doing well enough to see no need for alternative methods, then rock on brotha, rock on... I'm sure i'd enjoy puffin' your stash, but i'm equally sure you'd enjoy mine just as much...

What words of wisdom right there. IMO they are more bullheaded in their beliefs. I have for years sat in the Organic Hydro Forum and watched the scientist duke it out for who has the best formula for bat shit and meal. Texas Kid taught me a way to use bottled nutes that by definition were organic except for Cal-Mag. I started using his formula using only 2000 watts and getting 4-5 pounds every 2 months so I was happy.

Now understand here I'm talking consistently and proudly showing it off here grow by grow AND THEY STILL FIGHT over formulas and I love them for it. I've seen countless grows go bad do to a bad mix or equation break down.


What I felt bad for the most were the newbie's that came got caught up in it got lost spent money killed plants and went away never to be heard from again.

I can take 236.00 in nutes 2 lights a few buckets and give you buds of glory but to them IMO that's the easy way and that is what separates the TRUE organic guy from the rest of us.

To them it's the uncharted journey not the traveled path that keeps them going. Besides you gotta respect the hell out of someone that can learn to grow there own food but for me I'll spend my 236.00 and travel that easy path that path that by definition is organic but by THEM is simply nutes in a bottle.

They might be hard headed but damn near all of them are smarter than the average Joe and if the shit did hit the fan and we all had to survive on our skill's and wits's I'm damn glad I'm the Organic Hydro Mod and most of them Hard Headed Geniuses Like Me because their gonna be the one's with ALL THE GOOD FOOD.

My Penny


Fug no we ain't. We grow them pretty plants with love lol.


Well dem sure do looks purty when i do my thing..

I was all about what makes the plants grow at 4 years old in the family garden. My father worked farming and landscaping so he had a shed he would exchange tools and such or get gardening things. he used to answer all my questions. I was told I asked a lot about how the soil makes the plants grow.

I know i have always been attracted to organic soil!

My father is the Son of a farmer as his father was and so on I assume. I may yet become a farmer too.

I'd guess in the competitive realm of forums you get some talent helping others.. That might boost ones self esteem. We also need to balance it with learning new things when we can.

I would possible be one of the "snobs." I am not offended and yes there is an Organic code of purity we work at as a community I believe. I'm sure it depends on the individual.

I quit Algamin after learning there was some simple aspect not "organic enough" and it was a Fav.. Thanks to another Wise OS person Clack turned me on to bulk Kelp meal... Real happy with that.

So in closing the wise words of some past poster some place are still true "The best garden is yours!" That always fixes the fight I have found...

Stoned Crow

They're total fuckin' assholes, all of them. I can't stand them. Why don't they all die? If someone would let me kill myself by slowly ingesting chemicals i would do it. What am I talking about? Shit, if I'm drunk enough I'll smoke cigs. To me, cigs=organics.

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