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Volcano dilemma


Active member
So yeah...

should i buy a new volcano for 595.00 after tax or my friends that was bough aug 07 for 375?

cant decide. i feel like the new one will last longer idk

EDIT: bought the new one
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I'd go with a new one if I was spending upwards of 200. Electronic devices, high heat, and time just don't mix. though I've never owned a cano.


So yeah...

should i buy a new volcano for 595.00 after tax or my friends that was bough aug 07 for 375?

cant decide. i feel like the new one will last longer idk

I don't like how the knob is mechanically connected to the thermostat on the non digital one.
Of course, the digital finger pad would wear out too.
So if you get the non digi one, I'd say you may be taking a gamble.

Turn it on, heat it up, move the knob up and down, literally - not cranking it left to right, but moving it gently so as not to break it! ;)
It shouldn't interfere with the heating switch easily, as in, turn it on/off.. If it does, something is about to fail.
It should be somewhat tight. Not loose enough to affect the heating switch.

I'd say screw it why not spend the extra 225 and just get the new one, you'll have a warranty, granted it probably won't break by then anyways, but, eeh...
If the old one was going for $200-250 I'd consider it but $375 sounds too high for my liking.....

In all seriousness, they're cheap pieces of shit that don't stand up to much. So if the person before you treated it a little rough, you may be sending
it in to Storz Bickel to fix up for one or two hundred bucks. It's hard to tell if that's the case unless the knob is loose, it rattles, it's obv been treated badly, etc.
Ahh, here I am writing a fucking guide to volcano buying, lol
On the company site I see Classic for 539.00, or Digital for 669.00...I guess you don't live in Canada or the US to take advantage of their free next day/two day air shipping? I'd recommend Volcano Classic w/ Solid Valve...you get a 3 year warranty as opposed to the 2 year warranty on the Digital, and the Solid Valve is way less expensive to maintain than the Easy Valve system (essentially a disposable form of the Solid Valve system). Solid Valve is very easy to clean with a paper towel dabbed in Everclear. I'm pretty sure Easy Valve is meant for the extremely disabled or the extremely lazy/rich.


Active member
yeh i think im just going to get the new one. i figrue i might as well if im spending that mzuch already


Yeah the easy valve is wasteful and baaaad unless you are that medically inhibited...disposable valves basically...although you can still reuse them of course if you get some new bag..

...solid valves are soo much better, i think they hold more, right?


375 is a little high, but if you could get him to come down to like 320, that would be a good deal. money talks, i would show him 3 bills & $20 cash to see what happens. its still under warranty @ 2007..

edit-thats if it includes the solid valve


Yeah the easy valve is wasteful and baaaad unless you are that medically inhibited...disposable valves basically...although you can still reuse them of course if you get some new bag..

...solid valves are soo much better, i think they hold more, right?

I totally agree, i think the smoke, errr vapor, is smoother & tastes better out of a solid valve


Have you used a vaporizer before?I was all exited about getting one a midpriced deal but if you're used to bonghits you wont like it.I need the smoke I dont use it anymore.I can see using it in the future though when my copd really kicks in lol


how do the oil pads work
Works as well as oil could without frying it on titanium/glass...just kinda soaks up and does its thing.

Have you used a vaporizer before?I was all exited about getting one a midpriced deal but if you're used to bonghits you wont like it.I need the smoke I dont use it anymore.I can see using it in the future though when my copd really kicks in lol
That's a good point, I know some people who really just do not like the vape experience for one reason or another, similar to yours.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
buy a new extreme for 300. or I guess the new volcano if you really have your heart set.


ive got the classic an thought about upgradin to the digital, but then i saw the v-tower extreme 3.0 an got that instead, had it delivered today,
since using my volcano for the past 3 years 24/7(4-10 a day/half grams each bag) i seem to have acquired an allergy to something which i THINK is from my volcano as i never had it up until 1.5 years ago(if not it is weed im allergic to). an its everyday an worse dependin on how many volcanoes i do, if i do 8 a day for a few days- week i can hardly breath with bunged up nose an gooey throat its really really bad, if i do 2 or 3 an hardly smoke much the allergy is hardly there jus a bunged up nose a bit, also ive been getting really sick on a daily basis the past couple weeks an noticed i dont when i dont do a volcano.
its very odd the doctors gave me antihistamines an said its jus rhinitus which is a random allergy kinda thing basically. havnt been about the sickness tho.
so anyways like i said i figured its time i put it to the test an got another vape, the v-tower, to see weather it is the voclano making me ill or not. if it is ill assume the volc is giving off some kind of fumes im allergic to or something.
i received the v-tower extreme this afternoon an have been using it since, no volcanoes thats been put in the cupboard for now. i had one volc this morning whilst waiting then felt sick a while after but that sickness has now gone since using the v-tower an the allergy symptoms are hardly there, however its only been not even 24 hours so il have to wait to see to wot happens in the next few days to make sure.
im really impressed with the v-tower considering its nearly half the cost of the volc its defo worth the money an comes with a lot more nicer things, the volc wipes the floor in comparison as a balloon system but the v-tower is great as a whip system, the ballon works very well tho but after using the volc for so long you kinda see so much room for improvement in the ballon department. however its still good an works a treat.
i figured i cant go wrong with all glass an ceramic parts tho i did have to remove some rubber bit off of the cyclone bowl.weather or not im suppose to i dunno but i dont want it on there an i got a spare jus in case. you also feel like you get a lot more for your money.
so yea if your thinkin of upgradin maybe you should look at the v-tower extreme its a lot cheaper an is i think a bit better in most areas, plus its something different to what youve already got.
i will however miss my volcano but if it makes me ill then there is no point going back to it. i clean it regularly so its not dirty jus so u know.
il come back an let yall know in week or so how i get on with my fuckin allergies an shit an if it is the volc causing it.


Welcome to the world of the volc, yee-yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :thumb:


Cannabis 101
get it i own the old one and bought the new digital one for a buddy and his is much better than mine it works faster and smooth


Active member
mmm this is definitly the way to smoke. ill see if i get tired off it though, i seem to go through smoking phases.

Although all my friends who bought them years ago rave about them.
the only reason my buddy wanted to sell was becuase he needed money and he wants to quit smoking so much.

you can taste the weed so good. but the high makes me kind of retarded...idk if thats lack of sleep from finals though haha.


375 is a little high, but if you could get him to come down to like 320, that would be a good deal. money talks, i would show him 3 bills & $20 cash to see what happens. its still under warranty @ 2007..

edit-thats if it includes the solid valve

:yeahthats:yeahthats:yeahthats:yeahthats:yeahthats Like the way he thinks

You might want to consider an iolite also. That's what I getting after New Years. :xmastree:

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