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Dispensary in your neighborhood....


Just a stray random curiosity here...

Given that there would be kids living in the neighborhood, and
that it was a good place to live with relatively no crime and
little if any police presence normally, and that the probability
existed that there were growers in the area too.

IF, mind you, just if...there was a dispensary that opened in your
neighborhood, and it was legal mj...what would you feel or think?

Clarification: residential/commercial area

Please no flaming, civil discourse welcome...thanks.


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
They need to be in a commercial zoned area, so I doubt you would see one operating legally in a residential zone.


I don't understand the question. Seems unlikely that a dispensary would cause any more problems than a bakery or any other legal business. Of course if my neighborhood was the only neighborhood with a dispensary it might invite an unwanted crowd to hang out there too. Therefore to keep the peace there should be a lot of dispensaries in every town. ;)


Active member
I would be proud.

but other people could be a bit scared... but honestly, I think that a med disp seems less of a danger zone (sick people) then a safe injection zone (junkies)

btw, I support Safe injection sites


I'd way rather have a dispensary in the neighborhood than a liquor store...

Until the dea agents come through with their machine guns and sirens, that is
I think the dispensary would be great, and my friends think the dispensary would be great, but alot of the older generation that still thinks "marijuana is a Drug" would be the ones that would be against it.
I have a dispensary 3.5 blocks south and another 2 blocks west of that (tho' i only use the first one). No probs an' I met some really nice folks there :)


Safe injection zone haha,man you just described Valhalla lol where do they have those?Boy people in this country would be creating pudding outta their backsides if they had something like that

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Bars are the problems with their drunken patrons, dispensaries are places for people to pick up meds and go home usually, a very peaceful place...Society is not ready though, so initially I believe industrial zones are better and more common.


Active member
IF, mind you, just if...there was a dispensary that opened in your
neighborhood, and it was legal mj...what would you feel or think?

I'd rather see a dispensary in a neighborhood instead of a Rite-Aid or Liquor store. Whole lot fewer problems than you might think. The most problems you have are prohibition related, not cannabis related.


New member
I would like it provided they didn't sell to kids or condone it, ie passing out fliers, advertisements etc. If it remained small and kindly, almost like a small hang out coffee place I would like it. As long as it did no harm to the youth or public it's fine by me.


Yea outkastt I'd much rather see a dispensery as opposed to a meth clinic but the dispensery better dispense something other than cannabis if its to address the problem at all.Cannabis can't replace opiates or opiods but god I wish it would,what a great thing that would be.I think we better stay on the subject though before I get in trouble.Contrary to persistent rumors I don't like to be in trouble lol


Ya know, I don't get the associated crime with collectives. I mean yeah they get knocked over, but nearly everyone has a qwikie mart, seven eleven, am/pm, gas station or liquor store right by their place and yet no one complains about those locations being robbed (nearly nightly). I think its about the only scare tactic the anti mj meds guys have left at this point..


Here's a point to end the case..

http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&so...ocal_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CAkQnwIwAA click street view on the bubble of 'vancouver seed bank' to see

there's the vancouver seed bank and the dispensary, separated by a cafe on hastings roughly 5 whole blocks from the worst 10 square blocks in canada. It's so bad they DO have safe injection sites ( http://supervisedinjection.vch.ca/research.htm )
and temporary housing for homeless/junkies.

back on topic, the dispensary in question sits on the same block my great aunt lived on before she died. So i know the area really well, but did not grow up there. There's a ukrainian hall, a few schools and apartment blocks and such. it's no shaughnessy or west vancouver/caulfield(both top end vancouver neighborhoods) but it's a decently quiet neighbourood the dispensary sits upon. The vancouver seed bank ALSO has a back room/yard for smokers to go chill and play video games, have some non alcoholic beverages and such, so the area is really quite accepting of these establishments.

across the street and a few blocks down towards the harbour becomes prostitute laden and more commercial. I once had a shoe thrown at my vehicle...that's a story for another day...

NO harm has come from either of these establishments for bettering ourselves.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
It's a bit different here in BC I know that two of our clubs are right beside schools and have been for years doesn't seem to make any difference so I'm not sure what they are so freaked out about?? lol peace out Headband707

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