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How Do I Win the Heart of a Taurus Woman?


New member
All this talk about Taurus Men. What about the women?

I've been seeing and talking this Taurus woman and I'm attracted to her. We're just friends for now, but I want to take it to the next level. What should I do?


Garden Nymph
Well ya can't judge a woman by her sign, that's for sure.
Take the next step and just ask her straight up. My mom is a Taurus...she's into jewelry :D But then again, many women are.
Take her out on a nice date (let her know that it's a date, of course, so your expectations aren't shot) and see where it goes from there.
Good luck!


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
All this talk about Taurus Men. What about the women?

I've been seeing and talking this Taurus woman and I'm attracted to her. We're just friends for now, but I want to take it to the next level. What should I do?

Sounds to me you got the hard part down. Strike up a conversation like you have done several times and ask her "her name here if you could have dinner anywhere in town where would it be?" once she answers you simple say "oh I've heard great things about that place how about I take you there next Saturday?"

Now it's out there man sink or swim the next few seconds are critical. Watch her eyes and her face for an expression you will know like I said in a matter of seconds where you stand. if she is interested she will more than likely say great what time if not she will probably look down at the floor and say something like let me see and I'll get back with ya,either way you tried and that's all we as men can do.

You see we spend nine months getting out and the rest of our lives trying to get back in. They know this and that is why until we die women will always rule. Now most men will not admit this and those that don't are usually single, balding, over weight and are behind on their child support.

BE you and TRY. She didn't become your friend because she finds you repulsive right?

My Penny


Most women can see if a man is attracted to them. Do you have her phone number? If she gave you her number its generally an invitation to call. Next time you see her make strong eye contact and smile.

Dimples earn you points!


be aggressive bee eeee aggressive! lol girls like confidence, but not cockiness and there IS a difference!!!


different girls like different things. you may not believe in astrology, but i do. and the taurus girls i know like aggressive assholes that can make them angry and then rock the shit out of them later. very very very cocky assholes.

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