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UV sterilizing light and filter


i have some ebb and flow tables and some DWC,in one of the DWC systems i got some slime /brown algae/ on the roots,now after i cleaned everything and changed the water added h202 30% 2ml per gallon,i wana protect against it,are there any harmful efect to the plants if i intall a UV light or a aquarium filter


UV sterilizers are quite commonly used in water filtration systems. Not sure about using them in a hydro-system though.

You can use a skimmer, similar to an aquarium.

Check out BigToke's Bio Buckets though to find a better way... Sterilization is for hospitals, not your plants. (not a bad idea to sterilize yourself before interacting with your garden, though)


so whats the difference when people ise h202 it kills everything in the water,so if i use a uv light would that change anything,i had a problem a few days ago with some brown algae so i trying to find ways to prevent anything like that without using chemicals


I think you're problem might be light... Roots need complete darkness! Algae won't grow without light.

UV works great, though...

H2O2 effects pH and nutrients! So be careful.

If you're doing eb-n-flo you should take advantage of beneficial bacteria!!! And just keep out the light.


For your DWC system you can use one of these type of UV light systems
You will need a water and will have to plumb into your DWC rez. You can run the water pump and light on a repeating timer so it doesn't heat up the water to much.
You should try the basics first before going the UV route. so to repeat what has already been said for best results and less headaches keep the root zone 100% dark, water temps in the 62 to 68 degree range, have enough air in the water and proper water level in relation to the net baskets.


I think you're problem might be light... Roots need complete darkness! Algae won't grow without light.

UV works great, though...

H2O2 effects pH and nutrients! So be careful.

If you're doing eb-n-flo you should take advantage of beneficial bacteria!!! And just keep out the light.

how does h202 effect the solution,what i mean is does it show as soon as u add it or does it change later too,i never heard about this