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Should i try this Ballast??

Im about to buy a new Ballast, im wondering if i should Try this one that i saw, I already have 2 Lumatek digitals, and they have been perfect over the last 3 years, everythings sounds good on this one, just wanted the pros 2 cents!!

NextGen Electronic Lighting Systems

The NextGen Family of Electronic Ballasts will run up to 1000 watt bulbs. With flicker-free operation, fast lamp ignition and a constant lamp voltage, they are perfect for the next generation of gardening. They produce up to 30% more light than a standard core and coil ballast, while putting out much less heat.
The NextGens are the smallest ballasts available and weigh just 6 lbs for the 1000w model and 4.25 lbs for the 600w/400w, 600w, or 400w models. They can run at any voltage from 90v - 260v, making them very versatile. The Universal Lamp Receptacle will accommodate most manufacturers' reflector cords. In addition to these great features, the NextGen Electronic Ballasts can run your bulbs up to an amazing 65' away from the ballast.

Custom Automated Products has been supplying gardeners with the best equipment available. The NextGen Electronic Ballasts come with a 5 year warranty. (3 years full, 2 years pro-rated). Comes with 120 volt power cord, 240 volt power cord available separately.


90v-260v Input Voltage
Runs either M.H. or H.P.S. bulbs
30% more Light than a Core and Coil Ballast
Fast Lamp Ignition
- Cold Lamp Starts in Less than 2 Seconds
- Hot Lamp Restart in Less than 2 Minutes Universal Lamp Receptacle
Bulb can be ran up to 65 from Ballast
Flicker-Free Operation
Constant Lamp Voltage Output Prolongs Bulb Life

'The lumatek and this one are the same price, should i just stick with the Lumatek or is this one a little better???


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
If you have and like Lumatek, I'd stick with that. Let someone else play with the bleeding edge of technology.


I prefer the Lumatek personally because it is solid state. I don't like fans. They make noise and can break down. The Nexgen has ventilation openings in the housing. Fans are dust collectors and make the electronics in your ballast open to damp, so you can't run them inside a grow room.

The Lumatek circuitry is is sealed and covered with a electrically insulating and heat dissipating plastic layer, and the housing is completely closed. That means you can't repair anything in it any more, but you don't need to: they come with a five year warranty. They test to be extremely efficient and output a lot of light, I just published a test here.

Hope this helps


I think the Lumatek is CSA certified, I'll check. FCC or CSA certification does not guarantee no interference btw. (this is from Quantum):

This device complies with section 18 of the FCC rules and regulations. This product may cause interference to radio equipment and should not be installed near maritime safety communications equipment or other critical navigation or communication equipment operating between 0.45-30 MHz. Move your ballast should any interference occur.

For the record:I just learned in another topic that the Quantum components and pcb inside are also resin coated for insulation and protection. Hope to get my hands on one soon for a test :)
Thanks for the input guys, Think ill be sticking with the Lumateks, They are very solid and im afraid the Nexgen looks a little flimsy, i dont like the idea of gettin dust a whatnot in there - sometimes i know what i need to do, i just need a little push by people that know more than me :respect: