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PLEASE help me before i loose 'em!! pH problem or something else?!


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i dont think its a ph problem as 6.0 really is a good number for most media. looks like lockout, or they are starving for food.


they're getting full strength Ionic nutes and have been since the day they went into flowering.

the pH could have been actually been LOWER than 6.0, but I dont see how this could do too much damage if my veg. was happy as hell?


Update, feeding with FF Big Bloom (which was listed as a fix for phosphorous deficiency) with dechlorinated water, pH of 6.5 and this is still spreading...

Please help me out guys!


Looks like some sort of fungus or blight.

It isn't always nutrient related everyone.

Cheese is a whored out clone...I would never take that thing in these days...

Look on uk forums where there are a larger number of cheese grows...cheese is more often than not infected with some rust or leaf spot fungus.

Now I will wait for the "noo thats not a fungus it needs more of this and that"....


do you have pics or the fungus/blight you're suggesting? The humidity in the grow is fine for flowering from what i've gathered. And I haven't seen anything that resembles "fuzzy" fungus.


What exactly do you mean by" dechlorinated water" ? How is it dechlorinated? Are you just letting it sit out in a container or some other method?
Looks like some sort of fungus or blight.

It isn't always nutrient related everyone.

Cheese is a whored out clone...I would never take that thing in these days...

Look on uk forums where there are a larger number of cheese grows...cheese is more often than not infected with some rust or leaf spot fungus.

Now I will wait for the "noo thats not a fungus it needs more of this and that"....


:yeahthats I agree. Some of those spots look like it might be something more than a nute problem. I would bet some kind of plant disease, try spraying with a fungicide.


Let'em dry out just a wee-bit and pull'em out of the pots to have a peak at the roots.

what should I be looking for in particular? the bottom of the pots im using are clear, and the rots I can see are still white looking


This is what I thought the main problem was, too. In flower they need extra P especially, looks like they could go for some extra K as well. Maybe try a light flush, then a final pour of a high P & K fert.

Don't discount that a pest/mold problem could be going on as well. When a plant accumulates all that dead material from cannibalizing itself it's an open invitation for pests/mold to get a foothold.

Inspect closer and post pics of anything that looks funny or you aren't sure about.