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Uk prisioner growing dope in his cell


Active member
UK prison guards unwittingly allowed a convicted drug dealer to grow marijuana in his cell - and even decorate a four-foot plant as a Christmas tree.

Gold-toothed Mohamed Jalloh, 28, convinced jail staff for at least five months that his super-powerful crop was only tomato plants.

He got so cocky he put festive decorations on one to brighten up his cell at Verne Prison in Portland, Dorset in southern England. Eventually he was turned in by a jealous inmate, and guards then identified the plants using Google image search.

"You could see the plants from the grounds as his cell looks on to the education department and communal outside area,” a source told The Sun.

“They were on show for the world to see."

Jalloh is serving eight years for supplying Class A drugs.


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Active member
I don't see what's wrong with his hobby...

He should be teaching the other inmates so they have a usable skill when they get released.

Isn't that what prison is for? To learn useful skills from other inmates?

3rd base

C'mon... the guards needed Google to identify the plants?! Even if that's true, they never noticed there were no tomatoes?!

I think the UK should be the sole trainer and provider of corrections officers for the rest of the planet!



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Awesome, I bet he trimmed the leaves so they looked less like pot plants hahahaha love it :joint:
im gonna say yea, this has to be a tabloid story. theres no way any prisoner would be allowed to grow anything let alone an extremely high profile illegal plant. prison guards arent retards, and what about the smell? dank prison? uhh
funny story i guess but doesnt make any sense in the real world.


Active member
He should have turned the squealer on (probably not a cannaconsumer). I bet that squealer has had his karma returned many times already... Imagine all the stoners who are now straight in that cellblock. Bet they ain't too happy...

I can believe that in the UK this could happen. So many ppl are naive about cannabis there still, esp. law enforcement. Guards in a prison usually know cannabis cause its something they're supposed to keep an eye (and nose) out for. But some may not have ever seen a growing plant...


Super-powerful crop? Say what?

I have to assume this super-powerful pot was grown under his cell's flouro, because somehow I doubt he was able to run 1000w in his freaking jail cell.

Nothing about this story makes a lick of sense.


Active member
He should have turned the squealer on (probably not a cannaconsumer). I bet that squealer has had his karma returned many times already... Imagine all the stoners who are now straight in that cellblock. Bet they ain't too happy...

Yeah right, they wouldn't have been getting their weed off him anyways, there are plenty of drugs in uk prisons.

I can believe that in the UK this could happen. So many ppl are naive about cannabis there still, esp. law enforcement. Guards in a prison usually know cannabis cause its something they're supposed to keep an eye (and nose) out for. But some may not have ever seen a growing plant...

Obviously you've never been to the UK, we ain't naive at all.


Active member
I can almost see the BBC Lead Story now...

Skunk in Prisons increases Rate of Schizophrenia among some Inmates by over 900%:

In London today, the Home Secretary announced he was convening an emergency meeting of top jurists to address the merits of permitting the death penalty in cases where drug traffickers sell Skunk to schizophrenic sexual offenders who have been released or who are otherwise on parole.

Skunk, a new super-potent version of the street drug linked to the ten-fold increase in violence among some schizophrenic sex offenders and commonly grown by incarcerated inmates ...


not many threads get me luaghing like this one did.

haha skip yeah the lifers that are heads are waitng to beat that snitch down! I bet they planned to smoke the one joint they would harvest and that dude ruined it

keep on growing

ducks fooot hahaha funniest thing ever


Your joking right,

You seriously think prison guards are not corrupt? , anyone can become a prison guard!

"im gonna say yea, this has to be a tabloid story. theres no way any prisoner would be allowed to grow anything let alone an extremely high profile illegal plant. prison guards arent retards, and what about the smell? dank prison? uhh
funny story i guess but doesnt make any sense in the real world."
the entire prison would have to be corrupt for that to make any sense.
prisoners growing ANYTHING in there cells is just wild!