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Flowering DURING CLONING 12/12


In search of Genetics
I Need to know what you guys think of flowering clones in the cloning chamber as soon as they show roots.

I have a smaller extra box (400 watt hps) that i want to put a small aero tub for a SOG.
But if i take the clones after they root and flower them in the aeroponics they will explode.

I would like to keep them stunted longer to get them to stay short?

For example, i took clones 6 inches tall. 3 days later in the aero they where 1 1/2 feet tall. Vegged a week. Flipped to flower they are almost 2 1/2 feet now.

I want them to stay about 1 or 1 & 1/2 feet.

Would flowering them in them in peat pellets in a clone tray with dome, as soon as they show roots give me the results im looking for?
In the clone tray they wont gain much root growth and they will trigger flowering but not take off with growth.

EDIT: What i mean by this is start flowering in clone chamber for about a week then stick them into the aeroponics and continue flowering.


Go straight from clone to flower chamber and then pinch/cut/top them off after a week ?

Thanks for any opinions
Depends on the size of your cuttings, but you are going to suffer if you fail to veg them a little before flipping. They will not have enough time to take up enough N to make it worthwhile, but hey give it a shot. You might do ok if you nurse them along longer than you would have liked to see any substantial yield.


Active member
I have flowered plants straight from rooted cut and unrooted cut and also topped once in the first weeks. Well unless its a sativa hybrid or a pure sativa dont do it. Long flowering strains work much better and they still end up nice sized.

But a week veg is always better for many reasons so you can top em right before and not while in flowering cycle. On the other hand if you use many plants like a dense SOG even with no veg time you will get very good results


Bro, I know what ur talking about. I vegged my girls from clone (3" or 4" tall) for 11 days in a gh rainforest 66 system and didn't top 3 of them....I'm in my 3rd week of flower and those three are freaking three feet tall now! Lolz next time I'm thinking 3 or 4 days of veg, then top, then switch to flower.
this is the sweet spot im trying to find also, with a ebb and flow table i add nutrients to my aero cloner after most of the plants show roots and am trying to find the perfect size roots, i have tried them with 12 inch roots and the plants stretched to much and this run they were about 4-6 inch roots and now i have like 20 girls that are only 6 inches tall, next run i think im gonna try for about 10 inch. good luck finding your solution sorry i cant help, give me a few more pulls and should be able too =]


Active member
A light application of Bush Master will help control the stretch, flowering while cloning will probably give you an uneven canopy as some cuts root faster. I could be wrong about the second part, depending on how uniform your clones are I suppose..