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foliar feed strength for floranova?


A friend has some chronic seedlings vegging (about 3 weeks old) that need a foliar feed due to a ph related lockout. What strength would you suggest of floranova grow?



less is more, I'd keep the mix very light for foliar at that stage, if at all. first I'd try to get a handle on the ph situation. Just my 2 cents. Best of luck!


Yeah his ph problem was caused by a bottle of ph down that initially adjusted his solution but then the ph shot back up on the solution overnight after watering with it. When he tested the leftover solution it was up in the high 7.x range and he ended up with leaf damage due to the lockouts etc caused by this.

That is all straightened out now, threw that crap out and flushed the medium to bring it back in range for him. Just wanted to give them a little perk up to end the deficiencies a little quicker. I've never sprayed with floranova so I thought I'd see if anyone had a suggested ppm range to try.


These plants will probably have recovered enough by the time I see him again not to bother with the feeding, but I'd still like to know what concentration people use when they foliar feed with these nutes in case of future need.

Anyone foliar feed with floranova at any stage of veg? What strength did you use?

Thanks folks!
i love Serious's Chronic -- i grew it for about a year, and every harvest was just that much better then the one prior............yummy


No Jive Productions
hi, choch, nice to meet you!

i'm not recommending this as it could burn the shit out of plants. i don't use flora nova grow at all but i take flora nova bloom at 750 ppm at .5 or ec 1.5 and add 100 ppm calcium nitrate and 50 ppm magnesium sulfate bringing it up to ec 1.8. i have a commercial water breaker wand hooked to a 950 magdrive pump in a tub. this is now my standard veg solution. while watering the plants i usually give the tops a 10-15 sec burst from the wand, which is enough to saturate the plants.

my plant is sweet tooth #4 and i built up to this level of foliar feeding by starting at around 400 ppm and working up to see what the plants would take without showing distress.

i think this a strain dependent thing and you need to play around to find the right strength for your plant.


Yes I was going to say 100 - 300 ppm at most, just a guess, never actually needed to do so. Hope they spring to life for ya, choch! :)


A friend has some chronic seedlings vegging (about 3 weeks old) that need a foliar feed due to a ph related lockout. What strength would you suggest of floranova grow?

what is the lock-out? what was/is the ph?
may be good just to drench media w/ ph adjusted water & let dry out for 2-3 days...

how old/big are the plants? seedlings?

floralicious was really designed for foliar, but can use flora nova...

@ ~200-250 ppm. adjust ph to 7.0+. can use pro-tekt, or similar silicon additive to do this. leaves prefer higher ph solution for open stomata signal.

maybe 1/4 teaspoon per 1l/quart. 1 time per week... observe effects.

this may be helpful:
Ultimate Foliar Feeding Recipe

enjoy your garden!


Thanks folks! Nice to meet you all. :)

I did get them sorted out with some good flushing and they are happy and growing crazy fast the last few days now that the ph is down near normal again. I've got 5.4ph 530ppm going in, and 6.3ph 510ppm runoff at the moment. That should improve further over the next few waterings.

So I didn't need to resort to foliar with this, but thanks for responding with advice in case I need to in the future.

Mistress: I kind of suspected it wasn't common to use this for foliar, this is my first time trying the floranova. The 3 part was quite effective as a foliar spray. I haven't picked up any floralicious yet, wanted to see how the plants like the basic food first. They love it so I'll be grabbing floralicious first chance I get. Thanks for the link as well.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

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