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C02 Tank Syphon tube...



So I went to the contractor store today to pick up a C02 tank for the first time. I go up to the counter and ask for a C02 tank...he says ok.....then after messing with the computer he asks me if I want the tank to have a syphon tube or not. Not knowing what that is I so I'm not sure....then he asks me what I'm using it for....I say paintball....he says..oh yeah you need a syphon tube then. He then tells me that regular tanks don't have a syphon tube but for filling up paintball tanks you need it!!

There is liquid in a c02 tank i am guessing, and most people just want the gas to come out, but with a syphon tube it syphons the liquid out??

I don't want to mess up my guages by hooking this tank up, but maybe am over reacting and it's not a big deal. Anyone know????


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah you don't need a siphon tube for gas, I would check your local hydro and welding stores, see which ones do cheap CO2 tank exchanges. I used to use a few different places so none of them saw me "all the time."


Thanks Lazy you are a big help to a lot of people... I can exchange the tank for one without a syphon that's no problem.. I am just trying to figure out if I can use this full tank or if i need to empty it out and go exchange it


Overkill is under-rated.
It might freeze your regulator if it's pumping liquid co2, but me I'd hold my breath, fill a bucket with it and dip bananas and random shit into it for giggles. I got an apple to shatter a bit after it was frozen and dropped, lol