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Too Late to Popsicle and use fo clones?


I have some bonsai mothers in training here but I'm not sure if they will be ready to fill my flower room when the time comes. So, I'm hoping for the best but at the same time I'm planning for the worst here...

My flower room is just about to start it's 3rd week of flower tomorrow.

I was thinking, as a plan B, that i could popsicle these plants that are in flower now and use those cuttings as clones and then veg them until the flower room has been harvested.

I'm a little hesitant though as I do not want to affect potential yield of this current crop. So, I ask you friends, is it too late to be popsicling? What is the latest in the cycle that one would want to popsicle ever and what are the potential ramifications?
I just like to start by saying I'm no pro! But I've cloned from around that time into flower, and my results weren't anything like what I was looking for. My clones grew out all jacked! They didn't have normal leaf paterns, and not sure if it was a result of the cloning or somthing else I may have done wrong but the buds didn't seem to develop correctly for me although nothing except the cloning process had changed but I'm not dismissing anything else long story short if you must do I'd move quickly but me I'll never do it again


Texasdrodown - your plants grew all jacked up because they were trying to reveg. Cuts can be taken off plants well in to flower but they will require a large amount of time to revert to the vegitative state. Given enough veg time those cuts would have straightend up and grown normally.

Intlplayr - You probably wont lose much yeild at all being under 400w lamps you don't get much penetration to the bottom branches. The reveg thing still applies so it will be some time before the clones would grow normal. Your better bet would be to give your mom more light if possible so she grows more new growth. New growth = better clone material
just my thoughts.


good info thanks guys. After erviewing the cana bible by jorge he concurs. He says teh earlier in flowering stage cuttings are taken, the more rapid the rooting and re-vegetation rate. Once a plant reaches the senescence point, growth hormones have dissipated, leaving not enough to initiate roots.

Nothing in the book about popsicling tho. Ideally when are you supposed to popsicle / budsicle the plants? just before flower?
I'm not a popsicle guy but you still have 6-7 weeks to prep for your next grow, right?

That should be plenty of time to get your mother to produce enough clones and get them rooted. Like the guy above wrote, give your mother more light to produce enough clone sites. That shouldn't take more than a couple weeks and you only need a week or two at the most for those clones to be ready to throw in your veg room.


I'm not a popsicle guy but you still have 6-7 weeks to prep for your next grow, right?

That should be plenty of time to get your mother to produce enough clones and get them rooted. Like the guy above wrote, give your mother more light to produce enough clone sites. That shouldn't take more than a couple weeks and you only need a week or two at the most for those clones to be ready to throw in your veg room.

Thanks for the reply. Well, the ladies are just about to enter wk 3 of flower, so yes, I have about 6 weeks before they need to be planted into the flower room again to hit my goal of no down time in the flower room.

However, I'm starting to think that I should have vegged my pk's a little longer before I put them in this time (which was with approx 1 wk veg).

So, if I take the cuttings now, it will give me a wk give or take to get them back into veg state again, another wk to see roots hopefully and then I could veg them for 1 month before planting into the flower room (which may be to long anyways on 2nd thought but better to have more growth than needed and compensate with light to reduce growth than have not enough growth I feel)

Ideally I think I would like to veg for 2-3 wks this next time so...

Alternatively, I try and give my small mothers (I only have 16 of them) more light who are currently under 4 2ft T5 sunblasters and let them grow out for only another 2 weeks max if i want to hit my goal of 2-3 wks veg assuming of course that it takes 1 wk to root them after taking the clones.

The thing is that I'm not 100% confident that i will be able to get 75+ clones that I need off of the 16 mothers (basically it would be 4-5 cuttings per mother to supply that)

I'll show you guys the photos of the mothers and where they are at currently and maybe you can help me decide what to do. Remember they would only have another 2 wks from where they are at now of veg time and they must be able to produce 75 cuttings

Here they are, I took'em with lights on and off and I lifted the ceiling for a better view and also so you guys can see the T5's. Let me know what you think...


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are you foilar feeding the mothers,here in bc theres a product called growth plus,sprayed every other day at 1/2 strength keeps the mothers pushing alot of stems out

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