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Why I have been away



Some of you know me from the early days of BGS, OG and CW, or maybe from working with Dr Jay in the med forum for AAMC. I have been at this a long time even just the med part of my involvement with cannabis is many decades old.
Some may have noticed I registered here yrs ago but only recently began posting again on any cannabis site here.
The reason for this is my involvement "behind the scenes" in the parent movement of cannabis for autism. I became involved with this through a someone who became a dear friend who's story of her son Sam is, or was, on the AAMC site. By much research and trial and error we treated her son and saved their family. Mrs medjool and I spread the word and at one point we met with the parents of a particularly violent 7 yr old child, CSD, and the head of the local support group and demonstrated how effective a half teaspoon of my honey elixir was during a "bad time".Within 23minutes(we were timed) he went from hitting himself and anyone who tried stop him to calmly playing with trucks.
This child had lost his speech @ five and then at seven mostly screamed. By one yr of using cannabis orally as syrup, and cookies, he began to regain speech. This news spread like wildfire through the parent community via the web.
and the close link I had to the issue led me to give up any real sort of attention grabbing things like my big grow,my cannabis forums and just keep to myself.
This also was just after my dear, dear friend Jay died and I had begun to slide into a funk. I did however have a positive feeling about my decision to protect any stain of my own activities in my growrooms or on the web from marring the groundswell of parents finding out about my oh so jewish mother's sucess and the sucess of those she reached out to. Then I got the second blow too soon after Jay's passing, mrs.medjool had liver cancer. She died very quickly and the family then moved and I lost touch. I was disillusioned for several years and had some major health issues but am healing physically and emotionally and am picking back up where I left off now that it is all over media about cannabis for severe violent autistic behavior.
It has been a silent honor for me and lasting legacy for mrs medjool.Knowing we played a part in this profound blessing to not just the children but the whole family. To my friends I dropped off the grid with, I am so glad to see you here ( hey Sportz!) and I look forward to getting to know more of you much better now that this turtle is sticking out his head again.


Hey whiterasta I remember you man...from OG and here..

welcome back...
Hi Gyspy! been way to long. Nice little place ya got here I must say.
god to see some old familiar names like yours Sportz,
oldpink and some others.
Thanx or the howdy ya'll


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Welcome back ! great work you did, RIP your friends jay and mrs medjool, and props to them for the work they did.

i didn t know about cannabis for violent autism behavior, but i ve been always wondering about that... thanks for bringing up the point...

Stay safe, and see you on IC !

ps wanted to give you some good rep, but i already did on that cbd thread.. great infos !
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