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PH 8.1


New member
What's all this "here's the big BOY" and the "little guy" ??

We want females damnit!! lol.

Things are looking pretty good with what you are going with. Try to do your best to read the plant and give it what it needs. As people mentioned, nothing is set in stone, just basic guide lines.
:) Pipeworks your right what am I saying! I am thinking I will need to sex this one pretty soon but for me its just great that it grew so well. I had a brief try once before and they never made it past the first water change.
Hey its looking good!... That big one exploded huh~ I don't know if it just looks so much bigger cuz it's a top view of the plant. I loved the switch from soil-less mediums to hydro when I was able to grow.... It grows twice as fast and honestly to me its easier... just gotta mess with the plant one day a wk maybe longer depending how dialed in you get your set-up~ Like Pipe works said there's just guide lines... Hey my first attempt at DWC, I tried biting more off then I could chew.. I tried sticking with pure organics(EWC,Guanos,seaweed,ect...) the first run and just hit the clone with way to much nutes in the beginning. The plant/cutting didn't go too much further from that stage.. Then I did alot of reading an tried again.... AND BAM~ SO just keep going... Read and go~ AND LEARN MORE & Keep posting


sorry if you stated this already but, those are both the same age? very interesting..


Active member
Hey Dude,

You need to look into water & nute solution's buffering capacity. The mechanics & basic water chemistry would be a good start. Use a fert with exellent added buffers. Maybe read up on adding your own to the mix.(especially if using R'O water)

Here's a good link to start with by 'Bigtoke' http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=23357

Read these: too:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_solution

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Some salts give water the ability to resist changes in pH or buffer the water from wild pH swings. In water that contains no buffering ability (like RO), the pH can wander dramatically with the addition of small amounts of acids or bases (alkali), or other pH altering agents like chlorine or bromine. With a buffer the pH will hold steady and pH bounce will be eliminated for a while until so much acid or alkaline has been added that the buffering effect is overwhelmed.[/FONT]

If you can add a ph buffer to your weekly solution then your P.H will remain more stable. Change out weekly and you've no need to worrie about the solutions capacity to buffer being 'Overwhelmed.

Hope this helps!........'Peace'..........'Scroger'
I put a video camera in the room and ran it for 24 hours, I was then able to play it back at high speed and really watch the plant grow. The most amazing part was to watch me raise the light an inch and then see the plant instantly start to grow.
when u can read your plants not ph ppm your a grower in my book that'z wuz up i to have kush hindu my friend that'z grow n high ph n ppm that'z wuz up
Thats hilarious you put a camera to umm... How long in between each picture... THat big one got f-ing huge bro... Keep up the good work... I want to see some BUDS~ Also this whole grow will be done with CFL's???? I love umm for vegg and they cvan work good for flower~Plus saves electricity ...I just like lots of lumens!!!!!
BB Its actually a video camera and it takes non stop video for 24 hour periods, then when you run play back you just drag the bar and it shows all 24 in about three seconds its very cool to see the plant grow about a half inch.
No I do have a HydoFarm 400 W Light but i only use it for flowering. I am trying to decide when to put in back in.
I am kind of waiting for the small one to catch up a bit more. Also I changed water yesterday and doubled my nutes on the big (Fox Farms Grow Big and Big Bloom), it was amazing this morning the plant seemed to leap up.
Well I flipped the lights on my girl 12/15/09 and its getting close to harvest
Can't really tell it looks like my Trichs are all over the place some cloudy some clear.Should I wait to go amber and go for 60 days on flower which would be 2/15/2010

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