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marco renda pied @ htcc hahaha

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Marco Renda

Active member
There are 2 videos and one shows a close up of me smiling after the fact. I like the added publicity that it's creating for me and Treating Yourself

Take Care and Peace

Green Supreme

Heard he had slagged someone in his mag and they paid those girls to do it. LOL. Peace GS

Marco Renda

Active member
Heard he had slagged someone in his mag and they paid those girls to do it. LOL. Peace GS

I myself didn't slag anyone! I published a story by Joe Pietri called Ice Wars.

Let's face it the facts and proof is in the article about how some folks ripped off the patent holder. Mila ripped off the patent holder, then bubbleman ripped off Mila then a bunch of other rip off artists joined in.

Everyone that is mentioned in the article is more than welcome to send me a rebuttle if they like and I would be more than happy to publish it.

Take Care and Peace

Green Supreme

Ok so you never wrote the article, but we all know you would have to have ok'd it to get into the mag first place. Somehow you thought it was ok to print peoples real names with their internet names. Maybe its just me but that seems very WRONG. I would warn folks of this from now on. Outting folks is a serious issue on the net. Peace GS


New member
Ok so you never wrote the article, but we all know you would have to have ok'd it to get into the mag first place. Somehow you thought it was ok to print peoples real names with their internet names. Maybe its just me but that seems very WRONG. I would warn folks of this from now on. Outting folks is a serious issue on the net. Peace GS

maybe thats why he got let off at the british airport on the way to the dam?, with a load of grass anyone else would have been detained?.


Green Supreme

Nah that what manipulation of his Health Canada exemption. Moves like that doom the med system. Peace GS
Hopefully consent was given prior the publishing of these identities. TY is a cool mag; if macro is a security breach, i'll respectfully pass from now on.

Marco Renda

Active member
Ok so you never wrote the article, but we all know you would have to have ok'd it to get into the mag first place. Somehow you thought it was ok to print peoples real names with their internet names. Maybe its just me but that seems very WRONG. I would warn folks of this from now on. Outting folks is a serious issue on the net. Peace GS

The original article was first published in another marijuana magazine and the Ice Wars is already in print in a book called King of Nepal. I didn't publish any info that wasn't already out there in print. I have already told the author of articles in question to clean up his act if he wants more of his articles published.

So tell me GS are we supposed to be silent and not inform folks on the BS that is going on in the cannabis industry?

Take Care and Peace

Green Supreme

That's what I am doing. Because it was done else where does not excuse you repeating it. Peace GS


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I didn't publish any info that wasn't already out there in print. I have already told the author of articles in question to clean up his act if he wants more of his articles published.
About time he is a nasty piece of work and a snitch....No-one likes a snitch!!!:elf::hide::yoinks::

heavy dank nugg

Ok so you never wrote the article, but we all know you would have to have ok'd it to get into the mag first place. Somehow you thought it was ok to print peoples real names with their internet names. Maybe its just me but that seems very WRONG. I would warn folks of this from now on. Outting folks is a serious issue on the net. Peace GS

its funny how you ignore the FACT that the people that were outted are scumbag ripoff artists why is that? my guess is cause you believe its ok to steal.Try bitching and moaning about how some snitch theives were exposed somewhere else please....cause it makes you look retarded.peace hdn

Green Supreme

Good or bad just pointing out that people were outted in your magazine. You can try turn it around on me, but the cannabis world doesn't much care for folks outting others. Wonder who will be next and how do YOU draw the line. Peace GS


Active member
Interesting slippery slope here. Should cannabis 'intellectual thieves' be outed? I think not - things can always be dealt with in a better way, outting another is simply not an option, ever - unless they are a ripper I say. Even then, things can get messy, as in false accusations.


Good or bad just pointing out that people were outted in your magazine. You can try turn it around on me, but the cannabis world doesn't much care for folks outting others. Wonder who will be next and how do YOU draw the line. Peace GS

Nobody was outed by marco. What is your definition of "is", I wonder ? Outing = bringing out information. Marco repeated something he didn't originate that. I'm on this guy's side now although b4 i thought you were a loser because you totally exploded and went nuts chewing me out over something stupid and you were totally out of line. But if so many people are after you I think you are doing something right now Marco!
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