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MJ making me depressed?



weed use to make me really lazy but i just condition myself to work after getting high rather then sitting around, although thats my fav thing to do while high is sit down and relax and enjoy something, the more creative the better, and music also helps to, i never was big into music but i notice life is much better with music


Hi! I know I'm new to this group but not to smoking. I read your original few post Piel, it brought back memories. Almost sixty now, and had a few years of severe medical problems with the wife and myself, one after the other. I found myself pretty depressed, the VA put me on anti-depressants; didn't care for the feeling like being in a boat on a small pond with no oars. A pal introduced me to vaporization, it's changed everything, different king of high and I use about a 1/4 of the product I used to use. Plus, it's gave me the chance to learn about something I had never even heard of, took my mind off my troubles so to say. Anyway, just a thought.


Active member
Vaporizing is a different experience, the high is headier but it makes me more prone to anxiety and intrusive thoughts...booze helps kill the anxiety but the combo isn´t the best in the long run.:hide:

The amount of herb used when vaporizing is very small so at this rate my stash will last awhile -how long can weed be stored? My stuff is dry and in Mason jars and paper bags.

Need to find balance.


Well-known member
yes, my pot depresses me. i grew the best i ever had this summer, then lost my job. now i can't get high because i'm trying to get full time work, & all i can do is crack open a jar & sniff. THAT, folks, is truly depressing...


Active member
AOH: Keep on truckin´ for awhile and once you´ve got a new job your back in business.

Question: Is smoking weed from the cola/main stem different from smoking sideflowers and popcorn buds? I´m still kinda new to smoking my own stuff and I´ve noticed that the effect varies in the extreme: Sometimes one bowl of vaped is just a nice buzz but last night it knocked me off my feet!:eggnog:

I guess rest, nutritional status etc influence the effect but different parts of the bud?


Sounds like depression to me. I am also over 50 and suffered a broken back in 81 due to a drunk driver running me over on my bike. The last few years I have lost almost all enjoyment and seem to dwell on the depression. Doctors all want me off opiates but they work. Unfortuneately you need more and stronger ones. I try not to take them unless I can't take the pain. The weed helps a little but has caused legal troubles. After years of hydrocodone it just doesn't work any more. I then found hydromorphone and I got relief again. It did not take long for me to need more of it. I like the idea of no tylenol because you can crush it and snort for fast relief. The problem is there is not much to try after that. When I go to the hospital they give me IV's of it but I need a triple size dose compared to someone who never used it. The nurses seem surprised but I could take much more. After my wife told them I was snorting it they cut me back to Oxycodone. It is real depressing. Sometimes I stay in bed for 5 days at a time. In 81 I spent 9 months in a full body cast so I got used to staying in bed. Have you tried sleeping without a pillow? It helps me sometimes. I think I was prone to depression before being run over in fairness but living in pain is very depressing. I went to vaporizing because I grew and smoked so much I got bronchitis regularly. I've smoked on and off since I was 14. I used much more weed once I got used to my Volcano. Now I'm facing a growing charge in NY and I am thinking about moving to Oregon when it is over because I have to take regular piss tests for the next year. My stress will go down if I am not breaking a law to grow my own medicine. Good luck, I feel your pain.:tree:


Active member
Vaporizing is a different experience, the high is headier but it makes me more prone to anxiety and intrusive thoughts...booze helps kill the anxiety but the combo isn´t the best in the long run.:hide:

The amount of herb used when vaporizing is very small so at this rate my stash will last awhile -how long can weed be stored? My stuff is dry and in Mason jars and paper bags.

Need to find balance.


Dude! Find some happier sativas and find some worthwhile goals to pursue in life. You're thread is lame and depressing.

Princess Diesel

Anyone else know any 'Happy' strains? It's no substitute for the happiness of accomplishment but it will get your head in the right frame of mind to get that done.

Lay off the pills as well. They're definitely not going to help you.


Active member
fdish: Man you were dealt some bad cards. Opiates are hard on the soul, body and mind. I was on max doses of kodein and buprenorfen a couple of years back but thanks to the weed I´m off those -but man was I sick coming off them.

Drunk drivers should be quartered and hung.

It seems that of the strains I have auto AK47 seems to give the less anxiety. I just try for a buzz, which is enough to help with my pain. The depression is letting up a bit but I have a lot of intrusive thoughts and they can be a bitch (OCD) but that I can live with (most of the time).

I guess time is what we need the most, turning 50 wasn´t that bad but at what age does one find peace of mind?

Lame thread? I´d say existential! LOL!

Merry Xmas!:xmastree:



Active member
Just smoking or drinking is OK, smoking while drinking gives me anxiety. Proved that today...


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Do you have enough money? Maybe it's not the weed bring you down but your comfort. I hate to bring up bills around Christmas, but aside from that you may have a gas bill, late fees, etc...

It's cold, and tis is the season for the blues.

Do you get enough me time? It near insanity out there. Family had Christmas on Sunday. Some of us are going out of town to other Christmases. For the last month, I've been running a little fast. 36-40 hours of work followed by a round trip 95 minute drive to the casino every couple days. And I feel good.

It's the entire mess. Change one aspect and you change the big picture.


Everyone has made good suggestions for you, sir. Here are a couple more things that I would add:

1. Nutrition: Nutritional support for the ADHD would be EFA's -- Essential Fatty Acids. These work for a lot of people. They are essential to you and your brain because the body cannot make them. Cod Liver Oil is great stuff. You will wrinkle your nose and find a reason not to, maybe, but this stuff works really well. The EFA's practically work like hormones in the body. It had a great affect on my outlook and mental state when I started supplementing with it. Also contains the fat soluble vitamins A and D. If the prescription med works for you, that's fine, but your body is almost surely lacking EFA's (everyone is basically deficient) and could only help. Capsules of it make me burp so I just eat the spoonful of oil (with orange or lemon oil in it to cover the taste) during a meal. If you don't mind seafood in general, this is not a difficult supplement to take. (Recommending the Weston Price Foundation for more info on diet and Cod Liver Oil.)

2. I agree with everyone that you are smoking the wrong strains. I realize that is what you have at the moment; maybe you can find someone to trade with. You def. need one of the non-racy Sativas or Sativa hybrids. I would go further though and recommend you make butter with those buds and eat it instead of smoking. For me anyways, the effect is WAY more holistic and mood enhancing, and produces less of the up/down effect than smoking does. Start with very small amounts until you learn the correct dose for you.

I swear, I was in a funk and started taking a Sativa butter, and within 20 minutes, even if I woke up hating life/hating my job etc, i would enter into an energized, positive good mood inspite of myself, and it was that sativa butter, amen ! The effect is enduring and smooth. You just got to find the right strain for you.

3. In general, life is too short to be feeling bad. I lost most of my younger years to depression. Enjoy life while you can. The truth is that we are all dying, everyday, slowly, it is a fact of life that can't be avoided. Once you realize this, you can stop being afraid of death (some say all fear is ultimately the fear of death) , and you will start valuing your life more when you realize how precious each day is.

Any day could be your or my last one. I can go out in the car and get crushed. No one knows when life can be cut short. Really think about this, own it, and realize death is always pursuing us, and then you will no longer fear it and you'll enjoy the life you have more than ever. I mean this in the most emphatic and positive way. Realize that we are all dying and nothing is going to stop it from happening and you can set your mind free from the fear and just accept life. Just keep moving, don't stop and think about what the purpose of life is because you'll never arrive at an answer. You're here to live and enjoy life, like a "soul on vacation" here to learn and experience. That's all you have to do, and pay your rent on time, that's it.

There's a lot of crap in the world, a lot of social/moral decay, governmental stupidity and the various crapolas that we can list, but hey, there's good out there too, go have fun and make the best of it.

It's a totally absurd, brutal world, I know, but hey, that's all we got. Take up some new hobbies and join a social/hobby/activity group somewhere, make sure to stay engaged with people, don't withdraw too much.

I know you said you've traveled a lot, but if you haven't been to Costa Rica, go there! Sounds like you enjoy nature and the woods. there are monkeys, turtles and toucans there, god it's beautiful. Tour a couple nature reserves, it's still a travel bargain compared to a lot of places.


4. Watch this movie: "What the Bleep do We Know".
This movie is known to be a spiritual tonic for depression. I'd like to know how it affects your perspective on things, watch it a couple of times so it sinks in. I cannot recommend this movie highly enough for you.

Kindest regards brother man. Smell all the roses you can.


Oops forgot

5. Yerba Mate tea is an excellent beverage and has really helped my depression a lot the last 1 1/2 years.

I used to drink black coffee w/oil slick morning noon and night, and I loved it and never thought I would stop liking coffee.

I switched to tea, and has so much more to offer than coffee. WOW. It has caffeine, but less than coffee or tea. It also contains theophyline (green tea xanthine alkaloid), and theobromine, which is the feel good chemical in chocolate.

It also contains electrolytes like potassium and natural B vitamins, which are of course VERY good for the brain, and phenols such as you would find in green tea.

I never thought I'd give up coffee, but this tea is so much better. It kind of has a smokey green tea taste depending on the brand, and takes a little time to "acquire" the taste for it, much like it does for coffee or beer to first time drinkers, so give it a chance.

I always feel great when I have my yerba mate tea with a lil' sativa butter in it. There's got to be some honey or a little sugar in it though too. (the Argentinian style mate).

www.yerbamateteagourd.com is the best priced source. I recommend Playadito and LaMerced "de campo" blend. Also Union w/orange. LaMerced teabags are very good and convenient but cost a little more (but not more than a normal specialty tea at the grocery store). I recommend the ones with orange or mint, they are tasty. Sometimes you see yerba at the grocery store (Guayaki brand) but it will cost you a fortune if you buy it there. The snapple drinks that Guayaki makes with yerba don't really hold a candle to fresh brewing bulk tea at home.

yerba comes from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and parts of Brazil. They drink it there and is preferred over coffee like 5 to 1 even in the coffee growing regions. They fill a little gourd with it, and pour little sippys of water on it and sip through a metal filter-straw. I don't like the feeling of a metal straw so I just buy the bulk tea and use a french press.

Yerba is the bomb for feeling good so long as the taste does not bother you. Mix it with some mint or lemon zinger. I am a lifelong depression sufferer and it really works well for me, even if I am kinda hooked on it, it's a lot healthier than coffee, heck, coffee doesn't even really taste good to me anymore, and i thought I'd NEVER say that ! :coffee:



Active member
Hi guys!
Lots of info and ideas, thanks.

My life is in sync, I have no problems with money (OK I´m not rich or even well off but we make ends meet), socially alright, family is as good as they come, would like more sex but that isn´t anything new! (never had enough), bodily functions better than in a long time, less pain (much less) etc etc. Clinically I guess I´m depressed/have an anxiety disorder and the OCD...

I´m limited on what strains I use as I can only grow AF´s outdoors during the summer, sativas won´t mature outdoors and inside growing is not an option now. What AF strains have a sativalike effect?

I just started vaping only one bowl an evening and that seems to keep me in a pretty good balance and takes care of the pain. If I smoke more I get anxious and at the moment I seem to have zero tolerance.

Low tolerance means I use less weed...:smokeit:

I´ll look into the oils, D-vitamin would probably be a good thing and mate sounds interesting. I´m big on coffee...

Cheers mates and Merry Xmas



Cool P, sounds like you'll get through it. I'm sure you'll find lots of info on the net about the Fatty Acids. Highly recommended nutrition! Watch that movie sometime, it will open your mind :)

Enjoy the holidays and Best wishes


Active member
MS: I got the fishliver capsules yesterday as I cannot bring myself to take codliveroil...if my life depended on it then maybe.

I need to get in touch with the AF group, they can probably give me a clue as to which AF strain would work the best.

Merry Christmas!:xmastree:



Cool Piel, I really like the nutritional approach. God knows I've tried everything. I think I really noticed the oil after taking it for 3-4 weeks so be patient and keep taking them even if you think it's doing nothing. Your oil probably has Vit D which is a great preventative for flues and colds, especially if you work nights and sleep days like me and don't get enough sunshine.

Recommending you take those capsules along with some food that also contains oils or good ole butter (real butter not the margarine stuff). This will supply a fat soluble matrix to store the EFA's for later use, your body will only use so much of it at once, kind of like any other vitamins I think. Butter is a very healthy food IMO and you should not ever feel guilty for eating it. Dr. Pritkin, who championed the spartan, low fat Pritkin diet many years ago, ended up with a rare health condition and sadly, he commit suicide. Fats are more valuable than people realize, and life is not possible without them. Olive oil has anti-depressant effects as well, so feel good about incorporating that in your diet as well.

Hope you get to watch that movie sometime, drop a line if you do.

Best wishes, always


The first thing to do is quit fucking whining! You got it better than 75% of the planet. You got a job, can eat, travel, family, and you sound like my teenager when she wants the car!
And don't give me that crap about "wish I could exercise more", that excuse can't cut it. I know, I'm 57 with arthritis but force myself to stay in shape, walk, jog, swim, weights very carefully, wash the car, cut the grass, clean the house, etc.
It's a hell of a lot harder to stay strong in body and mind than to get up and hit the bong, but that's called CHOICE.
Exercise is the key my friend, not easy to be sure, but take a look at the state of the younger generation, now that's depressing!
Thanks guys I appreciate the advice.

I guess I´ve always had a tendency to have bouts of depression but usually I´ve just soldiered on and after a few weeks it´s been OK again. I have a good job, nice family, great hobbies, I travel yearly 2-3 times, I take vacations and time off from work etc etc. I really shouldn´t be complaining.

I´ve been off the weed for three days now and nothing has changed yet, then again what changes in three days? I´m not a patient person but I´ll try to holdout for a week and then make a new assessment.

Wish I could exercise more, I should lose some weight, I eat well but I have munchies even without weed (LOL!). I love a glass of calvados and some beer in the evening...

I hate getting old though, I hate looking in the mirror wondering who that bald guy is, I hate going to concerts and kids think I´m a security guard, I hate not having a motorcycle anymore, I hate it when I can´t "pee a rainbow" anymore.


Wifey says I sound like an old geezer.

Let´s see how this develops.

Oh shit.....we are mirroring each other.....please stop reading my mind...LOL!!!

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