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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread



No, its not bullshit.

Its my conclusion after evaluating the data of a side by side grow in hempy's to compare the different media mixes.

Lets talk about hempy bucket root structure.

You all know that the tap roots go down to the rez to drink up the water. But its also the job of the feeder roots to uptake the majority of the nutes that the plant needs. These type of roots do not grow in the water like tap roots do. Roots have specialized jobs. Tap roots go down for water, and feeder roots look for food.

In 100% perlite hempy's the feeder roots are forced to grow in a mat or layer above the rez water line. The perlite drains and dries out and the roots make this moist spot above the water line its home. The roots become Bound.

But the Job of the Vermiculite is to hold nute rich water in the area above the rez.

This makes for a larger moist root zone above the rez and more volume of roots means bigger and happier plants.

Our goal to optimize the space we grow in. And I stand by the idea that starting with two pots of the same size you can get a larger root zone for the roots to propagate if you utilize the verm correctly.

And as I said before, a larger root zone makes for better, happier plants and thus more yield.

Im not disagreeing with everything you say just that part about the roots only being above the water line cuz its just not true or mine are just defying your data

Well the roots in my hempy bucket are screaming Bullshit


Active member
I will explain in more detail what I saw in my side by side grow.

The roots in the 100% hempy buckets grew down and out from the plant.

So they did grow in the media above the rez, but once they got down far enough they grouped together in a moist zone above the rez in a layer about a centimeter thick.

While in contrast the hempy's with perlite and verm substrate media had roots that propagated the the entire top of the bucket.

I wish I had picks of both but I just have this one of a 75% / 25% as an example


Here you can see the 2 different types of roots, the Feeders and the Tap roots, they are slightly separated.

The way the 100 % hempy looked like all the feeder roots were compressed and and sat above the tap roots and water line.

Imagine all those feeder roots down at the bottom with just a few in the media connecting it to the plants.

That was the result of my 100% hempy. Environment and bucket size may play a role in this.



where did that come from dailihempy?? i didnt see any hate in his post ??

osecretgardeno his a troll mate link below gives just one exsample .


He is a troll and delta is his idol its that simple i read that post and saw it for what it was as have others who have sent me pms like i sed im done you need me or need my help im a pm away but wont stop me comeing in to post wen i see fit ethir.

Delta is some one you all need to watch he showed his colours at docs that guy is a liability and still has not admited or even apolugised publicy to those he couse there plants to suffer or there grows to complitly fail think im lieing think agine you think i have forgoten nope or have many others watching and who are less forgiveing than i.

The guys tryed to rubbish me has even tryed to basicly point black say i stole this idear and yet has run with my idear at the same time the guy is a bottom feeder full stop and the trolls are as bad as him for sucking up to his crap thats clear as day clear inuf think you know were im comeing from now.

We had the delta bucket with turface with lots of holes wat a crock any way delta n his trolls can hold hands and sing cumbiya for all i cear take cear and rember karmas a bitch.
Melt down no just a guy saying it as it is that has no need to feel importent.


Active member
Hempy my friend, I mean no disrespect, i know you come down hard on us if we deviate, i was just wanting your opinion on vermiculite is all, that's the only "debate". Hempy you need to stick to the thread topic. If you want to bash people start a thread on bashing. Troll? I dont know WTF your talking about.
Xare Thanks for the pic and explanation.
Oh and I still LOVEthis thread


Active member
Shit forgot to mention i got my 600 hps in today, plus 2 big bags of perlite and a bag of coco fibers from wormsway. they had free shipping so i said wtf, why not. little cheaper and the i dont have to get it at the local nursery again.


Active member
Hello HempiPukets, allow me to break it down for you. This my invoice if i ordered these items today:
Verify the items in your cart and their quantities. To make changes, go to your cart.
Qty Price

2 x $19.50

Sunleaves Piece Coir
1 x $9.95

Please note:
Shipping charges quoted on the web are for FedEx ground shipping to the 48 contiguous states.
Call (800) 274-9676 or e-mail [email protected] for shipping charges to Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin islands. Click here to view our ordering and shipping policies.

Subtotal: $48.95
Discount: -$0.00
Non-Taxable Amount: $0.00
Sales Tax: $3.43
Shipping: $110.64
Total: $163.02
However when I ordered with free shipping subtract that $110.64, and thats what I paid. $52.38
Hope this makes sence.

I was considering starting a "deal" thread, especially free shipping on large items


Active member
Congrats on the new light and shit. And the plants are looking great, rep worthy even. Take care and stay high..

Thank you. Im trying to upscale just a bit, I have 2x1000 on a 4x8 and now the 600 on a 4x3.
I only have 2-400's for veg, and hoping that is enough. Well i have 4- 150's laying around if needed..lol


No Jive Productions
hey, bostrom!

looks like you are ready to rock.

your iphone takes better pictures than my old digital camera.

i really like the shape of your plants. i think that with the added light and some coco they could be really good yielders. have you pruned or trained at all? i would really enjoy playing around with a cutting of that. too bad we can't be more open about what we do. someday, maybe, but my bass ackwards state will probably be the last one to change. we still have dry counties around here. the baptists stagger to the polls and vote themselves dry.

last night i put my 70/30 perlite/coco plant in a ppk into flower at around 37-38", very bushy with a huge stem and branches. 7 weeks veg. looks like it's going to produce. pot plants love coco. when i open the bloom room later i'll post a photo in my thread.

again, nice looking bunch of plants!

to xare and anyone else, my 10 gallon all perlite hempy's have thick, even root distribution. the reason you are seeing the stratifying is over watering. you are not quite allowing the medium to dry out enough. the air type roots don't have enough time to populate that region when it is always wet. this is not criticism or anything negative at all. i personally am one of the worlds worst offenders when it comes to over watering. it is one of the reasons i built the passive plant killer. i finally have a device that won't allow me to over water. hempy buckets, like most container systems, rely on the drying cycle to be successful. it is the same in standard nursery pots with any medium you choose. hempy, of course, is an expert at watering hempy buckets. some of the 100% coco heads are absolute experts at knowing when to water, i personally am not that good at it. but even with all my faults i still have managed to grow some very large plants. i get a little better every day. in approx. 9 mos of growing in 10 gal hempys using 100% perlite, i harvested an approx. average 10.25 oz of rock hard, dense med quality buds every week. i have 16 spots in my 120 sq ft. one in and one out every week. it is my opinion at this point that perlite needs to be amended with an agent that has a decent cation exchange capacity, such as vermiculite, coco, peat, turface , or you name it as perlite has virtually no cec.

there is a saying in the ornamental plant industry, which is mostly container growing, that whoever holds the hose holds the key to profitability.

i've got 2 more 10 gal all perlite hempys coming out this week and next and then i'm personally out of the hempy business. i especially want to state openly, in view of recent developments on this thread, that i feel hempy buckets are one of the best ways to start growing your own meds. you don't need much experience to pull off a decent grow.

it is quite obvious at this point that hempy has never grown anything in turface. i believe it is one of the finest mediums available. it is just kiln fired arcillite clay, like hydroton, produced in a way that makes it more porous. holds more water than perlite and then doesn't dry out as fast. mixed with a little coco the results are amazing. turface, like any medium, has to be understood. for example, you can't water coco like you water perlite or potting mixes. coco is a very unique substance and has unique requirements. my passive plant killer thread has numerous links to turface being used by gardeners and plant researchers as well as links explaining the perched water table phenomena which is the cause of root stratification in containers. i'm also going to include here for the record, some photos of plants grown in turface. some wick cloner shots and ppk #1 in 100% turface at introduction to 12/12. that's a yardstick and a golf ball for reference. i don't consider this to be a particularly large plant for it's age, but it will produce ok.

hempy is right about me. i'm a half crazy old radical anarchist. a real loose cannon with bad intent. you better watch out for me, i'm a real mean, dangerous old mofo. if you fuck with me i'll come down the internet and squeeze your nuts from under your desk. have a nice day! d9
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I've been running an idea in my head of growing a bunch of autoflowering plants in a hempy bucket. I think I found a container that would work really well as a giant bucket: 26.13 L x 18.25 W x 6.38 H" (40Qt sterlite container)

Would that thing be tall enough to grow a good number of plants (possibly up to 10?) to their full height? Also, do any of you have links to an autoflowering hempy grow? I thought i saw one a couple weeks ago, but I can't find it. Growing autoflowering strains in a hempy sounds like the absolute easiest, stealthiest, and best yielding way to grow for personal use. You can call me an idiot if you want. :)


No idiots here, where all here for the same reason.
I think itll be fine, autoflowers need les root space and hempys seem need less than other methods. You should be good to go with that tub. Not to mention your gonna have to pull a few because of males. take care and stay high..


Active member
I've been running an idea in my head of growing a bunch of autoflowering plants in a hempy bucket. I think I found a container that would work really well as a giant bucket: 26.13 L x 18.25 W x 6.38 H" (40Qt sterlite container)

Would that thing be tall enough to grow a good number of plants (possibly up to 10?) to their full height? Also, do any of you have links to an autoflowering hempy grow? I thought i saw one a couple weeks ago, but I can't find it. Growing autoflowering strains in a hempy sounds like the absolute easiest, stealthiest, and best yielding way to grow for personal use. You can call me an idiot if you want. :)

Hey Thizzness, I grow in 10 Gal totes, soiless though not hempy (yet) actually im in the process of totally ditching peat/compost/perlite/lime in lieu of Coco for the totes and hempy for the 5 gal buckets. i dont know shit about coco though still expirementing. Just put my first plant in 100 coco into flower. I would root the best ones in solo cups or little bigger, then xplant into tote, just to make sure you get the strongest plants. 10 plants go for it. Let them veg for a few weeks or more then flower.


Active member
Delta, I train early on usually just bend her over at a youth age, then let all the branches do their thing, ill top some branches. but this strain branches alot anyway. like train-wreck from what i hear and see. I have a white widow max from 420seeds ( clone from a buddy) and if i bend her over to get more branches, the yield suffers, over letting it sog. I been wanting to try and follow ur trees profile, however i am horizontal and have some limited room, i have all my soiless plants on small buckets to stay even with these 5 gal pails.
So delta you think its a plus to have something provide CEC. whats your opinion on EWC it would seem that it would wash to the bottom. I might try coco in a few buckets.
Dubwise, thank you man, i cant wait to see your plant with the 6 month veg, i built two veg cabs, each with a 400, both are about 3x5 feet. bigger than it really should be but i like overflow area, plus i want to get 5 gallons buckets rolling and need the room to veg them. it lights the area up pretty good, one is an HPS the other a MH.
great info everyone!!!

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