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The 4x4 Lab - Hybrids/bubba bubble, candy99

Think Green

Active member
Agreed Hank. Hindsight it 20/20. It seems that the ladies responded real well to the flush. Medium went from 4.0 to like 6.2. Im happy with that result as long as the girls are. I would rather have a pH neutral medium to work with and no kind of nute's! I'd rather take care of the feeding myself from now on. Thanks Hank 4 the help. Will be posting updated pics of the new arrangement and cloning area later.

Hank Hemp

Active member
You may want to try watering with a bit of dolomite lime in your water, that may help but 6.2 ain't bad.

Think Green

Active member
Ok, Got the flush done and brought the pH back up to around 6. I went ahead and bought some water trays for my 4 large pots & grabbed another clone tray to set up my humidity dome on the back of my table. This will be primarily a veg room until the first of the year when I get my 600 watter. By then I should have some very mature plants for flowering. And have my cover made by then also. Ok, that's it. Gotta make some coffee. It's early.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Hey Think. in picture 4 is that for making rooting clones? If so you won't need that much light. I generally put my new cuttings in rapidrooters and put them off to the side. Not in a dark area of course but in just enough light to keep them alive. You just want them to grow roots real growth will come when they are in dirt. Your looking pretty good.

Think Green

Active member
Thanks hank. Yeah, thats my clone dome. I just keep a small 2 bulb, 15wt flouro fixture on top of the dome for encouragement.

Think Green

Active member
Thanks Socachi. Imho, I'd prefer to just do hydro all around. Less mess, better utilization of my nutes and out performance of the soil/soiless mixes I've worked with in the past, however I was having problems getting seed started in the rockwool cubes. I got some advice to just start my seeds in soil until I could take my clones, so here I am looking for my special lady to keep around. I'd make a mother, put her in dwc for now & have a strait run of dank without all the soil & mess. I'll take a slight reduction in taste for the overall difference between the 2. I guess I just prefer the simpleness of it all.


I can appreciate that, considering to go Gordon cubes in the future after I get some grows under my belt. That way I don't have to keep dumping soil less mix into the yard, can just toss the RW into the trash. Maybe get a trash compactor and smash those puppies down.

Hey Think I read one thread and this grower was only using hydroton, no RW. Had an ez cloner and from there into rock. If I can remember where I saw that thread I'll post it. But I've got to warn you my memory isn't... what was I going to say?

Think Green

Active member
I have seen growers that have medium-less systems, but Im by far not experienced enough to attempt the hard stuff. As long as I can keep myself in good med, I'm happy. Anything that reduces my work & mess, I can get behind, but I also know that with experience I'll find my way. With alot of help from Ic no less.

Think Green

Active member
Ok. Update.
So I transplanted all of my older candy99 & bubba bubble plants into 2 gal pots and had to flush because my soil was acidic as hell. Stay away from happy frog.
So brought my pH to around 6. I also transplanted my sativa mother into a 2ga dwc bucket. Since the switchover, I think my plants have thrived. So here's some pics of the lab. Input appreciated.

pic1-the lab
pic2-sativa mother
pic3-bubba bubble

Think Green

Active member
One more thing. I have a natural gas furnace close to my growing area. Is this supplementing Co2 for me? Googled it and found mixed results, but the plants seem to do real well.

Think Green

Active member
Thanks socahi. She really took of when I put her in the 2ga bucket. The smaller containers seemed to provide a good environment , but not for long. She knew her lot has improved. I really cant wait to find good BB & C99 mothers!


just don't molest my colas..
yeah, being near the gas furnace should be a bit of a co2 boost for your plants. all co2 burners are is a pilot flame that gets lit with propane or natural gas and blasts out hot air.

Think Green

Active member
That's what I thought TMB. I have noticed in the winter that my plants seem to be fuller & more vibrant. I wondered if that may have been a contributing factor. Thanks for the heads up.


ICMag Donor
Looking real nice mon. Love the way the BB makes the dutch treat look like some hemp. Such a badass looking strain. Start keeping an eye for preflowers. They can start showing signs at the 7th set of leafs. The males generally show first. Try not to fall in love too hard until they are sexed. Sometimes the most awesome and vigorous plant turns out to be a big bad billy. But I'm def pullin for ya bro.

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