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Active member
So, I had several clones shipped to me, they got stuck in the mail...won't be here till 1 wk after they were shipped. They all had roots and are about 4 inches tall. Anyone have any idea if they can survive the dark for that long?



No i would say they it's a real longshot if they have been properly packed to last a week then you will need to get the straight under 24 hour lighting


I remember the days of the free clone trading ring and then refeerman had some clone trading on his forum. But were not supposed to speak of that here I think so i say no more. But it all depends on how they were shipped, I cant talk specifics of packing but there are several ways to ship em that why will last for over a week.

The fact that they were rooted clones and not just cuttings then you got a much better chance. It also depends on the quality of them and the moms they were takin from. Good luck man, here is some good vibes coming your way..


Active member
They def. were well rooted, strong tall and healthy cuttings. They were in rockwool cubes, put inside a tupperware container, lid put on, taped shut, inside a zip lock bag, inside a box. They were not shipped via air due to somewhat close location. So, I dunno...I guess we will see ;)
Really depends on how much vegetation, a week is a long time but they won't dry out in that time. It's really about the cold, and how much life they had when they went into the box.

Just don't kill them with light and give a little water as misting, maybe trim off the heavy dead weight...so they don't try to kill themselves.

Sorry about your luck dude!


I have had clones sitting on a bench in the dark for a week. They still did look healthy after that time.

I recommend sticking them in a low light situation and bring the light intensity up over a few days.


Hey, I shot you a PM a minute ago before I read your reply here. I think they will be fine. I dont want to speak of locations but most clones ive gotten have taken 4-5 days to reach me and most have been shipped worse than yours. Heres some good vibes coming at ya.


Active member
So, they finally arrived. One of them had snapped at the top due to shifting in transit; but I was able to take a cutting from it. The others all actually appear fine. The tops are some what drooped over, however they still have turgor pressure, which would lead me to believe that they are droopy from the way they were packed, not from stress or the tips dying off. Also, they all actually had put out new fuzzy white roots. I think they will bounce back fine. I put them in small pots under a fluorescent on a heating pad. Keep you guys posted.



I figured they would. Thats good shit man. A bunch of good vibes and healthy clones helping over grow the government one cutting at a time..

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