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GHS Lemon Skunk


Bush Doctor
Greenhouse Lemon Skunk


Ease of growing: Easy

Flavor: Orange/lemon rind, clean astringent, slightly dirt-y sometimes?

Aroma: sweet and slightly musky, lemony

Potency: 5/10 (varies at times, maybe range of 5-7/10)

Tolerance: high ("low ceiling"); need more than usual on occasion

Effects: Head high and generally no body (eye/forehead area); perhaps good for depression

Resin content: high

Recommendation: Overall, if you are looking for a strain that is inexpensive and relatively easy to grow, yet also has a pretty decent flavor, Lemon Skunk is a good choice. However, for those more seasoned smokers this may not be mind-blowing.


Bush Doctor
Not right now Prof Sublime. I smoked the rest of it. I chopped the top off of it and it only weighed 1.5 grams dry. I have some popcorn still on the plant that I can post pics of in a week.

Here is the same nug from above. The picture is clearer.



Active member
nice report , grew out a pack last year and one pheno smelled crazy intense lemon , wish i had keep a clone of it. and like you say 5-7 / 10 on a potency scale, but very nice taste and


Active member
great smoke report freeganja i agree most of the lemon skunk phenos i got were mild id say the keeper i got was a 7-8 on the potency scale though the rest were pretty mellow ,just finished a grow of lemon skunk (well nearly) , first pheno took 8 weeks huge buds , intense lemon aroma and battered in crystals deffo a keeper, second to come down was the branchy indica chitral pheno (foxtails also, grown at 28c) lemon citrus smell with an edge of leather, 3rd was a wiry indica gimp that was a pretty bad smoke and the other 2 phenos are skunk/sativa one is about to get the chop and other needs a week but they are looking promising
lemon skunk keeper 50/50 pheno

lemon skunk citral pheno

the citral pheno was very sticky but not much of a kick pretty chilled stone thought the 50/50 was potent though made me go a lil pale couple o times in a bong


mr noodles

the taste is just amazing . i bough this strain for this value and the proper medicinal effects for fibro . it dont knock me out in daytime which is a quality when i am completely level off by fatigue . a very function-able high that ease a lot of unpleasant side effects of my medication .

more than everything , it put a smile on my face .

recreational user who want a huge brutal high might look at another strain . the high is a combination of light sativa and mellow indica that cannot be enough sativa for the racy sat lover and not enough couch lock for pure indica lover .


Bush Doctor
I had some buds that I left on the plant 2 weeks after I chopped the top off. The resulting smoke was longer lasting, but not that much stronger IMO
I've only come across Lemon Skunk once but it was a good taste for sure. Probably about a 7 on the potency scale just as others have said.

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