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Stressing about bills to pay and everything else


Cannabis 101
How i wish i had a fat blunt or joint to light up right now, this year has been soooo weird for me and I'm broke as shit no jobs and I'm never taking anything for granted... every good thing has an end like they say.. i just planted some seeds in hope that they will save my ass for good or i'll have to move to south america in the next 3-4 months. There is some tough time coming on my neck of the woods and thats fine i just hope I see the light again its amazing how life can be I never been depressed and this seems to be the lowest i felt in a long time, to think about 5 months ago I had more green that i could count and smoke lol i went to amsterdam about 2 months ago and had one of the best times in my life took some risk when i came back business went sour and lost a bunch of $$$ hope people aren't hurting as much as i am with the economy and everything else thats all.... i have no one else to ramble about this so there.
This site helps me stay positive as i see all kinds of situations and kind people helping each other out.
hills and valleys man....hills and valleys.

like you, im in a valley right now. we will climb out of it....eventually.

keep thinking positive!


Cannabis 101
thank you EvilRaven1031 I really need it that bro good things will come your way I promise you.


Overkill is under-rated.
hills and valleys man....hills and valleys.

like you, im in a valley right now. we will climb out of it....eventually.

keep thinking positive!

Well put, I also like the ancient Hebrew saying, "this too shall pass." It applies to both good things and bad things alike, and often regardless of our desires. Tomorrow is another day, and within months or even weeks, this time will be gladly forgotten by many. Mores the pity that the many lessons that needed to be learned, will be shamefully forgotten by the people, and their leaders.


yea man same here, im in the valley aswell on my way to the top again it seems, change is good, just try to make sure its for the better! :)


Garden Nymph
It is unfortunate that for us in the so-called civilized world, we must chase after money. Maybe change is for the better Dr.Dank. Just keep your eyes and mind open, chin up, and count the blessings that you do have. Money is fleeting. You'll have a chance to get more money again. But remember the saying, money doesn't buy happiness.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do. :)


Cannabis 101
thanks guys yeah money does not buy happiness I never let it get to my head when I had it but when i didn't have it i felt the need to have a nice house car and all the luxaries maybe is because i lived around rich kids in one of the wealthy citys in the usa then when I actually had it I wasn't happy with myself I was proud I made that money but not happy.
Money can change people and make them forget where they came from... i didn't get my first shoes till i was 6-7 yrs old i always wore plastic sandals (in south america) I was born here but when i was 7 months moved to south america.... I remember when my mom bought me my first shoes (nike) she said i was in school and all the kids where gathered around me while i showed them off she said i had a big old smile :D now I think back and I laugh at all the stupid shit I bought and wasted money on if I ever make any money again I will send money to people in need i promise because thats where i came from being poor, dirt poor. Never forget where you came from and never take anything for granted Thank you guys as i really need it some support I'm trying to stay positive.


Well-known member
I'm broke as shit

DD, hang in there my friend.

It's always better to be broke than poor. "Broke" is only temporary, and "Poor" is forever.

Something will pop for you when you lest expect it, and you'll bounce-back. You just need to keep on stepping-up to the plate and taking swings, and sooner or later you'll hit one out of the park!

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Mourning the loss of my dog......
I'm poor and broke at the moment, when payday comes here soon I'll only be poor for a few days, then broke again, heh heh.


"Oh I await the day, good fortune comes our way, and we ride down the Kings Highway." Tom Petty

Things will turn around for you Dr. Dank!

3rd base

I feel ya man, but as bleak as the outlook seems, remember that your situation is only temporary...

As was said, peaks and valleys...



Overkill is under-rated.
It's always better to be broke than poor. "Broke" is only temporary, and "Poor" is forever.

I like this, I'm broke as shit right now, but as long as I have a job, a house and food in the fridge (and my wife at my side) I can conquer anything!


Active member
i realy try to have a jewish mentality when it comes to my funds.

alot of my friends do teh hills and valley thing with money. They make 5 thousand, then spend it all on a fun vacation or a few months of partying.

i however, will blow maybe a grand, have a little fun, then i throw the 4 into my checking and use it to cover bills for as long as possible.

i have never been "dirt broke" because i always have my nest egg to fall back on.

i dont take expensive vacations even though right now i could fly to amsterdam or hawaii or whatever. if i want to go on vacation i start to stack up right now.

right now im trying to save up for a new truck and i need abuot 8 grand so thats what im saving my money for. most of my friends blow through their funds way too fast and they can barely pay rent some months. i have at least 4-5 months of rent tucked away in case i loose my source of income.

gotta plan ahead man!! create a stable nest egg first, then stack up and party.


Cannabis 101
Thank you everyone for the support today went great i help a friend move and I am now looking everything on the right mind set I am thankful for everything and really appriciate everyones kind words hope ur laidies are growing like champs !!!! much respect and keep it dynamite

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