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My First Grow 400W CMH with 3x strains


So I've been mildly lurking around IC for a while now, soaking in as much info as possible. Before i start, I'd like to thank the numerous helpful responses ive received otherwise, this grow would not have happened.

First things first, some specifications.
Box: 38inx43inx73in INTERIOR dimensions
Light: 400w CMH bulb from adv. tech.
Ballast: Hydrofarm 400w magnetic HPS ballast @60hz (needed for CMH)
Reflector: Hydrofarm Daylight AC 6"
Scrubber: Can 2600 (4 inch outlet)
Fan: 265cfm blower pulling through the filter and reflector exhausting out the back of the mini-closet.
Pots: 24 6"x6"x7.5" pots and 6 20oz solo cups to start with. the pots will be in 20inch trays 6 pots per tray.
Medium: Well, im using ICC's method with the ocean forest/fruit n flower/superthrive

Strains: I'm currently germing the following:
10x Hindu Kush
10x Lemon Skunk
10x Hindu Kush x White Russian
i have 5 more short stuff#1 that ill germinate if i cant fill atleast 20 pots with females since NONE of these seeds were fem (i know i should have gone fem :noway:)

doors closed and open, this CMH bulb is very bright, for 400watts its pretty harsh on the eyes, gonna get a set of strong sunglasses.

and heres the first 16 being put into pots, tomorrow morning the rest will be potted

im going to do a mild SOG with these autos, ive been told that the lemon skunk has a tendency to shoot straight up and can be grown in close quarters. if this ends up being the case im going to do everything in my power to save a male (if one pops) to produce some of my own seeds.
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Glad you got your stuff setup, next you will have to get some pics of that setup.
Let me know if you have any questions or problems, if you get pics I can help you out if you have problems, but I doubt you will.

The Auto Hindu Kush is good, I want to see the Lemon Skunk too. Making Lemon Skunk seeds would be good and making the Hindu Kush x Lemon Skunk male would give you something unique. Good Luck!

And ya you should have got FEM seeds getting 20 females out 35 seeds will be lucky, hope the best for ya.

ICC :joint:

cyber echo

I've heard good things about lemon skunk's smell and taste. They say it smells exactly like freshly peeled lemon skin. Who needs odor control if thats the case :D

ps: Yeah HinduxLemon would be good. Prolly backross back to the lemon though


a good friend of mine grew super lemon haze this past summer and i remember the distinct musky lemon scent like it was yesterday, im really hoping for the same thing out of the lemon skunk.

the babies are in paper towels as we speak, prob going to put em in soil by midnight (have some company at the moment)

i have a plan for if i dont get enough females, and its called 5 bagseeds of purple urkle that ill drop as soon as the final count is taken or the number of males becomes 15+


nice setup ya got there Rise, good luck with your grow. I had seen a thread about the lemon skunk, and as I recall, the grower was none too pleased with it. Low potency, and an almost overwhelming lemon. I did hear more about the possible anticancer properties of the 'lemon' trait though, which could be very intersting. Will be interested to see your results.


Hand built the only way to go! the cab was built with intention of an auto sog or a 4plant scrog with some bagseed or leftover greenhouse seeds a few amigos had lying around.

theres a total of 21 potted right now, should have some sprouts by tonight. If the seeds in the paper towels don't crack theyll be put into soil like ICC suggested.

so excited =)


pics gonna come tonight, but 4 of the hindu kushes are above the ground and 3 of the hindu/white russians have surfaced as well.

the lemon skunks must be slow starters


So i believe today, the 22nd is going to be my official day 0, 20 of the 27 have popped through soil.

I've been really busy lately, and a bit sick so the pictures are slacking, but once things get rolling aka after sexing there will be plenty of good shots.

so heres a group shot of the floor level of the cab, bunch of (hopefully!) lil girls

one of the first to break soil (yesterday morning) is already an inch or so tall.

im so excited! i am getting worried though, because at the moment if all seeds germ i still only have 27 plants, which id assume 60% are going to hopefully be female. I think I'm going to either get some more auto seeds and do a staggered grow (after sexing id germ 10-15 more) or throw the 5 bagseed urkle into 6 inch pots and train those for a nice scrog to flower after the autos are done


Im excited with you m8, but curious as to your concern? with your set up, suppose you get 15 fems x 10 g yield each = 150 g's. That should get ya through till the next run i would think? Nice thing about autos, is you can keep adding new seeds into the cab as you go, for a perpetual harvest without the bs. Lookin good, and prayers for fems comin your way :joint:


im an efficiency freak, and hopefully 15 plants will fill the cab, but if not im going to do whatever it takes to make sure my menial 10.7 square feet have 10.7 square feet of green =)

im currently doing this with the intention of supplying myself as well as 2 others for the next year or so. After the lease is up i would really love to get a proper setup so i can stagger grows and start learning about genetics/breeding via first hand experience.

For the far future? id love to find a way to introduce autoflowers into the medicinal realm, whether it be through semi or fully auto girls.


We are Farmers
Nice setup, welcome to the CMH club, I am running two 400s right now.

I was going to PM you but you have it turned off, a good amount of a persons face is in the pic of the open cab in your first post


its okay he doesnt even live here haha he was visiting from the opposite coast for the weekend and happened to be dumb enough to walk into the picture. i thought pming was turned on at 50 posts?


hey bro you asked me this in my thread but I will answer it here.

lookin great. at what point do you do full waterings (when you get some runoff) for your girls? right now i'm only on day 3 out of the ground but i've been periodically watering keeping the soil damp throughout germination and now since they've pretty much all sprouted i was wondering when they could handle a full watering. I just dont want to wash out the roots or anything by doing too much too soon. still a newbie when it comes to manually watering.

I need to look and and revise the ICC Organic Thread just to be sure all info is in there. Before you planted you need to soak the soil, and get run off. I will take pics and show you how it is done. Then you keep that moisture level until they sprout, I will plant a few today and take pics and some VID, but I dont know where I can post the vid... i might send it to you. After that you need to water so you get a little run off every time,, not as much as feeding of course but you need to make sure that the soil in the middle and the bottom of the pot are wet. If you say you have just been water the top a bit,, what about the soil that the roots are trying to reach now, is it dry down lower? NOT a good thing bro. If I was you water them fully now, JUST BE CAREFUL that you dont water to fast and uproot them, just water slowly but make sure that are soaked, you see the thing about that soil is it drains SUPER WELL and it is very hard to over water. Make sure they DO NOT sit in the run off water you must get rid of the run off. Once you do this watering ever 2-3 days is normal. Make the system work for you bro, dont over think it, it is made to be simple. I hope you get at lot of females bro!! You will need them to fill that space, you can put 48 flowering females in that space, so you can see how much you will be missing.

ICC :joint:


first off, thanks!

i've been watering them so that not only is the "surface" watered but ive been continually making sure that the water drains deep. Often i water in a 4inchx4inch area around the sprout about 3 times over 10 mins to make sure the water seeps deep into the soil. Today im going to go procure some distilled water and do the first full watering. I have a double tray setup thats hard to see in the pictures but ive got a tray for the runoff to drain into that then drains into a tray which ill empty after each watering.

I had a feeling what i was doing was wrong, its why i asked =P

i didnt soak the soil until runoff upon initial planting, i just heavily watered the soil and then fluffed it up a bit since it compacted.


first off, thanks!

i've been watering them so that not only is the "surface" watered but ive been continually making sure that the water drains deep. Often i water in a 4inchx4inch area around the sprout about 3 times over 10 mins to make sure the water seeps deep into the soil. Today im going to go procure some distilled water and do the first full watering. I have a double tray setup thats hard to see in the pictures but ive got a tray for the runoff to drain into that then drains into a tray which ill empty after each watering.

I had a feeling what i was doing was wrong, its why i asked =P

i didnt soak the soil until runoff upon initial planting, i just heavily watered the soil and then fluffed it up a bit since it compacted.

Ok and the 4x4 water square is not good, you need to water all the soil everytime you water. basically it is, water every 2-3 days from day 1, try to keep that moisture level you had in the begining, BUT not everyday, you must let them dry out and then water again, but everytime you water you need to make sure it will last another 2-3 days. Then add more as the plants get bigger and require more often waterings. The key is here the fox farm soil, it has very good drainage so you can't over water as long as you let them dry out for 2-3 days. It is basic watering 101 bro, takes time it figure it out, make is simple , water well when dry and dont water when wet.



I will be watching this... Interested to see how the lemon skunk comes out too, if you end up going the spear-cola sog route I would look into doing some form of a HDSOG @ ≥9 Plants/SqFt but then again providing enough plants to fill the cabinet can be hard especially from seed with autoflowers.... I stay away from AF plants myself as I like the idea of keeping lineage around.
That said the cab looks CLEAN! If you have time stop in my log and check it out. Always food for thought :joint:

What temps are you running in your cab? Sorry if I missed something you've already written


right now the cab is running a bit hot at 78-86 degrees depending on outside temp.. its not fully winter yet so outside temps are still playing a small roll. im going to get a 4inch inline duct booster for the carbon scrubber once the girls begin to smell. at the moment my "265" cfm fan is having a hard time pulling through my can 2600, it needs a lil help.

ive been gone for the holiday weekend but all is well in the cabinet, ill be sure to update once i get some time to downsize pictures. One of my room mates decided to take it upon himself to water the plants in between my waterings so the girls got a little hefty and a little yellow.