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DWC Root Development

I transplanted 2 blackberry clones into rockwool about a week or so ago. they are in a basic DWC set up.the plants have grown noticeably. I was just wondering on average how long it takes to see roots comming through the rockwool, just want to make sure I haven't messed up. thanks for reading....


1-2 years.

Also little known secret man, 3 days and 12 hours after you go into flowering, CUT off all of the leaves and the buds will be massive.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
How large a cube?

One inch starter cubes are as large as you want to go in DWC. DWC is designed to make upper roots live in air. Rockwool will decrease air to the upper roots. It negates the purpose of the technology.

Think Green

Active member
I agree with freezer. I have seen clones root in 3 days, & I've seen clones take up to 5 weeks, but with optimum conditions you should see roots within 14 days. Just my opinion but I find that air pruning your clones helps with root development when you place it in its final system, especially dwc. Fuller roots = larger yields & more immunity to disease as well as other problems. Patience is the key here. I find best results when I leave my clones under a humidity dome for about 7 days, then when the cube starts to get dry, just barely get the bottom of the cube wet. That will encourage your roots to shoot down through the cube as the roots are searching for a source of water.