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here is my first real scrog.


well she was choped dryed and has cured for around 2 weeks. and theres only a little bit left.
And while I am very glad to have some organic homegrown buds to smoke. the buds Rnot as good as I would have liked. even after a good cure in them jars.

So now I am in the porsess of finding the dankest bagseed I can find in my stash. then grow it and maybe take some clones an all that.
cuz I have seen some ppl on here grow bagseed and turn it into gold when done growen it.
hopefuly the ones in my vegbox end up being some dank females.

I would order the good seeds but I don't want to send them to my house. cuz I don't have extra money for good seeds and Ill feel scard about getting busted.

Wat was it about them that wasnt good? What was your final weight???

My fingers are crossed for your up and comers!

Dr 4 four

Nice grow Cheesebuds! I at first thought you jacked a metal hand-cart from a grocery store before reading that its a clothes basket. lol Any chance that harvest time was a week or two later than it should have been?

As far as seeds go, depending on where your are I would recommend checking out cannabis marijuana (one word).com. Decent prices and a wide variety of strains, plus you can pick and choose which strains you want. And the shipping is discrete. Plus who says you have to use a real name. You can repudiate. I still sometimes get junk mail with the previous owners name on it.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Those buds look fire, sorry the smoke didnt turn as good as you would have liked


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah that's true. I just buy some while I wait for it to cure. Anyways, was an epic grow man, well done :yes:


Where did you get the metal screen #1 cheese? And if it isnt tastey buds i recommend smoking it in some good smelling blunt wraps :p