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when cloning....


when cloning do you use 24/7 lighting or 18/6
also when cloning for sea of green do you take a couple clones a week
or take a bunch at once and let them veg wile putting 2 in flowering a week??
im planing of a small scale sog


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
you can do it either way, whichever suits your needs best.
i root clones and veg under 24/0 and take a few cuttings at a time for my sog.
-a few at a time works better for me because i can flower them at the same height
-24/0 works better for me because it gets cold at night and the lower temps make my cuttings root slower.
it's a matter of preference. try both for your self and see what works better in your situation


It really is a matter of preference not money,as they should be under flo's for at least a week.I've done it both ways many times,and the only thing thats happened is I've become a bit diasppointed with the outcome of 24/0.I wouldnt say I get better results with 18/6,but at least as good if not better.You have to water a little less often too.The way its advertized you'd think you would have to move up the lamp daily or something!Maybe its different in hydro


Far as the timing of clone nutting for SOG...best if you cut them all at the same time, so that they're all at the same size and stage of growth.

That may require having more then one clone Momma for the same strain.


You can butcher the plant like I often do and flower the many cuts off one plant keeping one or two for posterity


Active member
I always use a 24 Hour photoperiod for ALL my vegging plants; clones, seedlings, and older plants included.

I personally take 8 clones at once, fill up my homemade bubble cloner, let them root [usually 7-10 days] and then plant to a square pot.


i like the 18/6 cycle and ofcourse its just and opinion and i like a two week cycle cloning new plants every two weeks and moving older plants to the flowering room its just me and every one has there own plans or ideals

Hank Hemp

Active member
18/6 because I like to save the power. I set my clones off to the side in the light. After all you just want them to grow roots not grow. IMHO

Think Green

Active member
I've heard that an 18/6 light schedule provides a "dark period" which gives plant/roots time to . . . sleep . . . recover... I don't know. Has anyone else heard this? A beneficial 6 hours to sprout new shoots maybe? Like letting your muscles rest after a hard days labor? lol


I have heard that but I know cannabis is the type of plant that doesn't require a dark period,,that being said a lot of people use it.I think 6 hours of darkness is just a tad more natural and can save some money.Like I said when I ran 24/0 I was disappointed and I had been growing the same phenotype of blockhead for years,It didnt impress me it didnt even seem to grow faster

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