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400watt Multistrain Indoor Cocofest featuring: Godberry, Kali Most, Romulan and more



I was in to gleaming the cube back then.

I hope that's not slang for masturbating.

Those babies do look hungry. Just like some seedlings I've got coming up now too, two days ago I had a fairly busy day and didn't feel like mixing a new batch of water and feed, I hadn't fed/watered them the day before either, so yesterday I went to look at them and they were looking a little ruff. slightly yellow and fairly wilted.
They're looking better today after a transplant from their beer cup pots to 4" sq pots.
Do you hand water your babies? Are you going to implement any kind of autowatering system?


I hope that's not slang for masturbating.

LOL Gleaming the cube was a 1980's skateboarding movie.

I'm handwatering right now, Once I'm in to flowering I may setup a system, but I have so many different strains and at different ages, I might have to handwater the whole way through.
I haven't used pure coco or canna nutes before I'm still figuring them out.
People say you don't need to pretreat canna coco but as soon as the godberry came up it was yellowing, The kali went an extra day before starting to yellow. I found a great schedule from canna that says to charge it with A+B @ 2 ml/L I'm going to start doing that, I hate to see babies go hungry. :frown:

I'm going to go check on the new sprouts and get pics in a few minutes, after I finish my wake and bake :joint:


People say you don't need to pretreat canna coco but as soon as the godberry came up it was yellowing, The kali went an extra day before starting to yellow.

When you refer to pretreated coco, what do you mean?
To me, that would mean I wouldn't need to rinse extra salt residues before using the coco, but I would still need to charge the coir with nutrients.
I get the impression that you might be thinking pretreated coco holds some kind of nutrients to feed the plant for a short while, this would not be the case.
I always add some amount of nutrients to my water, even if it's 1/8 of the bottles recommendation.

Time to go start my wake and bake :bongsmi:


Hello Coconaut, What I meant to say is that, I don't think canna coco needs to be rinsed but it does need an initial charge of nutrients, what I call a pretreatment. I've read that this doesn't need to be done, but maybe those people have hard water or are doing something different (I've recently got a canna schedule from the hydro store that says to charge the coco with a solution ratio of 2ml/l canna coco A+B). Thanks for looking out. :wave:

With my new set of seedlings I charged or pretreated the coco with some biobizz biogrow, that should give them a good start.
And I know, the clones are puny, overwatered and overheated, I got these for ten bones each from a coop, I checked them today and they are coming back nicely now.

Forgot the Kali Pic

Wake and bake sounds good, I already did this morning but maybe I'll take a nap later just so I can do it again. :woohoo:
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Everything is coming along nicely, transplanted the new clones into 1 gal pots and they have been vegging for two days. I don't have anywhere to put the revegging romulan so I can't start 12/12 yet. I've got to figure something out.

Seedlings are doing great, I've got to transplant the MOD babies tomorrow.



I'll be switching to 12/12 tonight, :xmastree: took a couple clones just in case the OG or Strawberry extreme turn out to be something great. The single MIS got nute burn from the same fert regiment as the km and godberry, I've switched to giving it just biobizz nutes. The AK clones are rooting nicely, the older one is vegging out and the romulan reveg is growing out too.



First day of 12/12

First day of 12/12

Lights just went out, start the count....

Wow... Are those the Godberry that are purple prior to getting into the flower box? Looking good so far. I just popped 2 of my own godberry.


Wow... Are those the Godberry that are purple prior to getting into the flower box? Looking good so far. I just popped 2 of my own godberry.

Welcome eternaldust, they are the same Godberry from the veg box pics.
I believe a lot of the color in my plants comes from the temps, my setup is in a detached garage with no heater and the temps drop into the 50's when the hps goes off. I get lots of nice colors and short stout plants this way, and it doesn't seem to bother the clones or seedlings much. :xmastree:
Welcome eternaldust, they are the same Godberry from the veg box pics.
I believe a lot of the color in my plants comes from the temps, my setup is in a detached garage with no heater and the temps drop into the 50's when the hps goes off. I get lots of nice colors and short stout plants this way, and it doesn't seem to bother the clones or seedlings much. :xmastree:
They're looking great, so far. I don't know that my ambient temp goes down that low, probably more like 60 - 65 degrees in my grow room. But I can't wait to add some purple to my grow room :tree:.


Looking good headfortrinity.Am just finishing some godberry myself,have 1 pheno that smells like lime starbursts and started purpling at about 4 weeks flowering and 1 that is a lemon/skunky smell.any smell coming off yours?


thanks jaded1, I've got an ion generator in there so there is minimal smell but when I rub the stems one smells like fruit and the other like hash, it turns out the fruity one is a male the other I'm not certain yet.
I'll start labeling them soon before the pollination, the kali haven't started to show yet.

Here is my CH9 fem mixed it's showing a little purple on the leaves.

Romulan and AK reveg plants coming along nicely. Got the veg temps under control.



I finally got a pic before the hps came on.

Both Godberry are male.
Kali Most destroyer pheno has female flower.

Kali Most taller of two kali pheno

Started giving pk boost to clones OG left strawberry ex right

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