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Hanging Vertical Bulbs / lamps the easy way

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Hey all I had a bit of time on my hands last week and I had to hang up a new bulb so I thought I would show you how I do it, a lot of people use the bolt through the lamp socket, I don't do it this way, I use cable ties to hang 'em up, I've always done it this way and keep doing it as its not expensive, very simple, very quick, and lasts for a very very long time.

600w Bulb

Top of lamp

All you will need

First Step, wrap the cable tie on but don't tighten it, it should be loose

Step 2, insert the next 2 cable ties on your lamp exactly like I have.

Another view

Another view

Try and get it to look like this

Step 3, put the next cable tie on like I have.

Another view

Cut all the excess off

Closer view

How it should look

Last step, hanging chain has been cut with an angle grinder

Hooked up to your cable ties

The end result.

Another view

This way works perfectly for me and I would never use any other way, the cable ties are flexible so you can move them about to get your bulbs into a good position. Hope I taught somebody something here today.

Thanks for reading


this method is great, you can also hang PC fans utilizing the same wrap once around X dimension, then feed ties through perpendicular to make 'hooks'(then can bring together like HGO did to make a central hook)

good to see others use those ties in more utilitarian ways than just holding linear things together k++++++++++!

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Thanks for the comments, Norrath good thinking...I suppose you could use this method for a lot of different things. I thought of it when I was high and had some Hendrix on, the things man has thought of when he was high.....


Thanks for the comments, Norrath good thinking...I suppose you could use this method for a lot of different things. I thought of it when I was high and had some Hendrix on, the things man has thought of when he was high.....

haha, youre so right!sometimes when i smoke, my brain goes all 3d and thoughful. so born to invent something worthwhile:p and yep, can use it for anything with big enough straps/number of straps:D:abduct:
Thanks for explaining with pictures this method of handing vertical lights. I recall reading the description in the past of using the zipties to hang vert lamps, but for the life of me could not visualize how to do it. Does the heat from the lamps, effect the taughtness of the zipties over time? Does it need to be replaced/redone at intervals? Thanks


^Green&Gold - Set and forget, until you need to change it; the ones i use have never warped or loosened:D


Active member
octagon box with an I-hook + chains and the lamp cord going in the side knockout of the box works the best if you ask me.


Devil's Advocate
I wouldn't trust that with such an important part of my setup. Bulbs can cause fires. In order to feel safe, I'd say the zip-ties would have to go through some part of the part you're trying to hang...
I'm thinking taking the time to do it right and drill a hole in the mounting bracket to allow zip-ties to go through is probably the best bet. I love zip-ties, but I don't see how you expect that zip-tie loop to hold the bulb base tightly enough that it would be long-term safe. Make things as solid as you can the first time and there won't be a second time.

Peace out peeps.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
I wouldn't trust that with such an important part of my setup. Bulbs can cause fires. In order to feel safe, I'd say the zip-ties would have to go through some part of the part you're trying to hang...
I'm thinking taking the time to do it right and drill a hole in the mounting bracket to allow zip-ties to go through is probably the best bet. I love zip-ties, but I don't see how you expect that zip-tie loop to hold the bulb base tightly enough that it would be long-term safe. Make things as solid as you can the first time and there won't be a second time.

Peace out peeps.

Have you ever tried it? I've been doing this for ALL of my vertical 'career' and it works perfectly every-time, its SOLID. And to the other yeah you could put another few on there if ya wanted, I just wanted to share how I do it.



Devil's Advocate
I figured that might be coming... Your way might have worked up to this point and may well work forever, but it is obviously not optimal, and when constructing things that have the potential for human/property damage, I don't go with sub-optimal.

But no, I have not hung bare bulbs in this way, but a common sense level understanding of physics tells you that using compression like you are advocating on a solid base (which won't give to allow the ties to really squeeze it and get a firm hold) is not going to withstand pulling forces (like gravity or clumsiness) very well. I mean, give it a tug of reasonable strength, it will slip. Even if it is a good hold, it is not as good as passing the zip-tie through the thing you're trying to hold, which would be a guaranteed hang.

I prefer guarantees to taking chances, every time. That's all I'm trying to say, my man.

Adios and good luck.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
I figured that might be coming... Your way might have worked up to this point and may well work forever, but it is obviously not optimal, and when constructing things that have the potential for human/property damage, I don't go with sub-optimal.

But no, I have not hung bare bulbs in this way, but a common sense level understanding of physics tells you that using compression like you are advocating on a solid base (which won't give to allow the ties to really squeeze it and get a firm hold) is not going to withstand pulling forces (like gravity or clumsiness) very well. I mean, give it a tug of reasonable strength, it will slip. Even if it is a good hold, it is not as good as passing the zip-tie through the thing you're trying to hold, which would be a guaranteed hang.

I prefer guarantees to taking chances, every time. That's all I'm trying to say, my man.

Adios and good luck.

Well I can tell you something from experience, Nothing is ever guaranteed
I understand what you are saying but your talking from a position of guessing, I'm talking from experience.

*guess - a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence*

This way works I've done it for a very long time with no problems, try it yourself and you will see how strong it is, gravity is no worry with this method, try it yourself or show me some evidence that it doesn't work.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Isn't heat a problem? I mean, those ties are plastic? This might work better for some equipment than for others. I know my 250W lamps get so hot at the base that I can't even touch them while they're running. What kind of base is that? It looks different than my moguls...

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