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What to do with This Male


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Hey Guys. I have this Male star kush and i would like to collect pollen and do a seed run. This being my first time dealing with males i need some guidance and i have some questions.

Currently a couple of the lower male sacks have opened and spewed pollen. No big deal, theres nothing currently flowering except for this fella, everything else is still vegging or being sexed.

What methods do some of you use to collect and store pollen. How long before all the sack bust,and after they do what do you do with the male plant. Does he stay, discarded, kept in flower and more sack are formed? I dont know.



basically to collect it, treat it like coke...get a big mirror or glass framed picture, clean it well...and tap the plant over it a bunch....scrape all that up with a razor blade. Make sure it's all properly dried out and it's pure pollen..no little green chunks of sacks or anything. After it's properly dried store it in the fridge or freezer, preferably in paper or with some dissectant (sp?) like rice or something to keep it dry. Some people "cut" the pollen with some flour to stretch it out a bit.

When you flower it, it will just keep popping more and more pollen every couple days or so new pods will open. If you collect enough and you are confident that you can keep it stored properly, then just trash the plant afterwards...imo no real point in keeping it around and taking the risk of it seeding your crop later. The only reason I'd see to keep it alive after you collect pollen is if you're planning on doing some serious breeding with those genetics.

I don't know if you've ever grown seeds before, but a little pollen goes along way. Seriously 1 single pollen sack could easily make you 100 seeds. I clumbsily tapped a single opened pod over a small flower and got over a dozen seeds, and I wasn't even trying..just kinda screwing around.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Much appreciated grow. Great info, exactly what i needed.

Now i need a mirror :D


Glad I could help man. :)

On the topic of cutting it with flour, I've never done this personally but I've heard of alot of people doing it...might want to look into it more before you mix it in with all your pollen...maybe organic flour is better then bleached flour.. that sort of thing.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire

I wish i would have made this thread ealier, i tried to collect some pollen and most of the sacks were already busted. I got just a pinch , so i put him back in the pc. Ill leave him around for another week or so to make sure i get some more pollen.

guest 77721

If you don't have space for HIM, cut of a stalk with some flowers on it and put it into a glass of water near a window or under a small CFL. The flowers will mature and drop pollen.

I used Pirates targeted method to pollinate popcorn buds at the bottom of my selected lady. Just take a q tip or a small paintbrush and pollinate the buds you want to make seed. Wait a couple of days and give the plant a good misting and wipe your growbox to kill any pollen.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Thanks for stopping by and for the tips Red. Glad to know i still have options.If the male gets any bigger i may try that with the water. I only need a little bit more pollen and i get save it while i wait for everything to become "ready"

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