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uhm she is pretty huge sirsmokealot :D, they are standing about 5 feet tall. Its night time in there now so ill get some shots of the scale of things for you tomorrow. Had myself a 2 hour bondage session tying everything up today due to the weight of them things, buds and plants were hitting the floor left and right. Ive had some snapped branches, one casualty, a branch that broke clear off, ive hung it to dry it will serve as a tastertest. :joint: No biggie, the rest i managed to save by tying them up.

Hiya LB, always a treat to have you drop in m8 :wave: yeh its a pretty crazy place to settle for sure hehe. But its a unique habitat on this earth so i do feel lucky to be able to experience it...

Sec btw ill put up some pictures and really show you why this place is so special and why there is such opportunity to grow autos outdoor here. The reason for the whole Hyperborea project theme.


Here is the very end of the world my friends, looking out to sea there is nothing but the north pole next. Its further north then any point in Alaska, over 300 km north of the polar circle. Or as we call it here.. the moral circle! :D

I think most people have a hard time imagining or understanding this habitat and why its so unique and special. Because it really is, its a place like nowhere else on earth.

Pictures always says more then a 1000 words..

Landscape around Nome, Alaska.. 64° 30' 4" N

And then the forests of northern Scandinavia. I took these pics this summer.
Latitude 70 N:

Notice in the last picture the treeline which is close to 1000 meters. You can see also the range of species.

Nome alaska today 64 and something north
Nome, Alaska (Airport)
Updated: 15 min 39 sec ago -17 °C
Scattered Clouds
Windchill: -24 °C
Humidity: 58%
Dew Point: -23 °C
Wind: 13 km/h / 3.6 m/s from the North

Pressure: 990 hPa (Steady)
Visibility: 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Scattered Clouds 4876 m
(Above Ground Level)

.. and my lawn yesterday..

Hope that illustrates to everyone why im so determined to get these autos to work come hell or high water.


Really I don't believe in god but that is what I call gods county.. other place too nor cal redwoods, crater lake OR ,lake Marin BC places that take your breath away . you just live there...and mad props on the breeding bit it really is a labor of love.


oh Damnit seems that section is only visible to registered members. Sorry about that :wallbash: ill have to link each individual picture for you. Ill do that since its the only documented cannabis grow online from the arctic... But it will take some time, so later :D


It is the land of our lord idd, home to many religious and shamanistic groups. Living in peace today.

Gravesites indicate a sun worshiping religion dating back to long before christ in this region of the arctic. It was an important place in the old norse religions, but also in the greek epics and even the hindu faith the arctic has religious spiritual powers and meaning. The hindus believe its the cradle of mankind. Also the origins of the myth of Atlantis.

Its funny you should mention the Redwood trees, they are descendants of a primal tree that originated in the tropical prehistoric arctic called "Dawn Redwood" or metasequoia. In my native tongue they are simply called "primal tree". I was just reading about them recently in this study:

Physiological responses of three deciduous conifers (Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Taxodium distichum and Larix laricina) to continuous light: adaptive implications for the early Tertiary polar summer
M. Alejandra Equiza1, Michael E. Day1,2 and Richard Jagels1

1 Department of Forest Ecosystem Science, University of Maine 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono, Maine 04469-5755, USA
2 Corresponding author [email protected]


Polar regions were covered with extensive forests during the Cretaceous and early Tertiary, and supported trees comparable in size and productivity to those of present-day temperate forests. With a winter of total or near darkness and a summer of continuous, low-angle illumination, these temperate, high-latitude forests were characterized by a light regime without a contemporary counterpart. Although maximum irradiances were much lower than at mid-latitudes, the 24-h photoperiod provided similar integrated light flux. Taxodium, Larix and Metasequoia, three genera of deciduous conifers that occurred in paleoarctic wet forests, have extant, closely related descendents. However, the contemporary relative abundance of these genera differs greatly from that in the paleoarctic. To provide insight into attributes that favor competitive success in a continuous-light environment, we subjected saplings of these genera to a natural photoperiod or a 24-h photoperiod and measured gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, non-structural carbohydrate concentrations, biomass production and carbon allocation.

Exposure to continuous light significantly decreased photosynthetic capacity and quantum efficiency of photosystem II in Taxodium and Larix, but had minimal influence in Metasequoia. In midsummer, foliar starch concentration substantially increased in both Taxodium and Larix saplings grown in continuous light, which may have contributed to end-product down-regulation of photosynthetic capacity. In contrast, Metasequoia allocated photosynthate to continuous production of new foliar biomass. This difference in carbon allocation may have provided Metasequoia with a two fold advantage in the paleoarctic by minimizing depression of photosynthetic capacity and increasing photosynthetic surface.

Full text here: http://treephys.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/26/3/353

...Very interesting imo!! :joint: .. Land of God.. We may not even realize yet? :joint:


:joint: .. Land of God.. We may not even realize yet? :joint:

:joint: True to our imperfect design, we simply can't realize.
It should be a "red flag" to think we have anything figured out. :crazy:
Those that already know it all, can't learn anything new. :joint:

Given that,
I think you're onto something. :yes:


Disclaimers =
I know little.
SSH has been vaping away my twisted spine all morning...:abduct:


New member
WOW. looking great Articsun
Awsome stains too. I cant wait too see them perform under the artic sun

Do you wanna share the secret with us. What kinda soil and nutes are you using?
Do you mix anything inn the soil? looks like you are using soil from Plantasjen with some vermeculite and perlite.


imma bit busy these days guys, just a short comment today, i aint home atm.

Hyperborea was a theocracy ruled by three priests of the god Apollon. These gigantic kings, known as the Boreades, were sons or descendants of the north wind Boreas. Their capital contained a circular temple dedicated to the god where hecatombs of asses were sacrificed in his honour. The musical race also celebrated his divinity with a constant festival music, song and dance. The hymns were joined by the sweet song of circling, white Hyperborean swans.
The land appears in several myths. The first of these was the story of Phaethon, the boy who tried to fly the chariot of the sun, but lost control, and was struck down by Zeus with a thunderbolt, His flaming body fell into the Hyperborean river Eridanos, where his mourning sisters, the Heliades, gathered and were transformed into amber-shedding poplar trees. His friend Kyknos, in his grief, leapt into the bitumen lake of Phaethon's fall, and was transformed into a swan. Hyperboreans afterwards leapt in this same very lake as they were approaching death and were transformed into singing white swans. The bird migrated to the Lydian river Kaystros and other places in the south, but remained mute beyond its homeland.

.. :wave:

.. slimj, docleaf, A.Neuman, LB & Bjørk .. thanks for the kind words guys. Ill hit yall with an update as soon as i get time. TAK3 sativa version is awesome btw.. i sent off like 100 cuts off it. Seems it has a future.


Yo arcticmon!:D
Looks really good in there!! You been busy:)
I got my male chamber ready and few boys eager to get in
its sinappi btw


some superhealthy girls u got there arcticman! Any chance u will be breeding out som AF'nes to those ssh x cheese?:prettyplease:

Cant wait to get back north and start some serious breeding work and get some more room to play around with. stuck in a tiny flat for only one more month, then hopefully get a farm at 70north. propper arctic :freezing: though


hi sinappi.. love the new nick bro lolol. :D

b9junkee.. I might use them some time in the future. But they are currently being worked at for re-release at So7omon seeds afaik. There might be a couple of packs left on seedbay from Fritillary seeds im not sure. But out of respect for them since they gave these up to me as freebies i will not work them until after their releases. My good man DocLeaf could answer any question about the Cheese/SSH re-release if im wrong about it, infact there is a thread somewhere let me find that for u in a bit.

Ive got a SSH AF version coming tho :D


seems there are new Cheese/SSH packs on seedbay. Well worth the dough for those that can afford it.

I might work them in to some line in the future. We will see.

Hyperborea was the birthplace and seat of the Gods in old Greek Epics by the way. A place beyond the north wind (Boreas) in a land of never ending sunshine where the people lived far from war and work and such ordinary vices of man. These Gods would carry gifts to man around the world by the way, at first they would send a beautiful princess, but she was robbed and raped and killed. So they sent a man after that. :santa1:

In the Norse Mythology which is similar to the Greek the place was called Alfheim, an acronym of the more familiar English Elvenland. But in the epics and myths the place is both a physical and a spiritual place or direction.

We have our old local version of these myths in the old local tongue the place is called "Utrøst" [O-troest]. Where the farmer of the land would harvest his crops twice in the summer.


Its just an inspirational tale for me, while working on a seemingly ridiculous project. Imagination is a powerful tool.


TAK3 sativa bud... i couldnt help myself from smoking half of this bud already hehe..

.. sweet dreams friends! :D