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ro VS tap hydro?



Very good thread for me, so I am starting a new hydro grow for the first time and I am using RO water and have not picked out a nutrient yet. Do I need to add something extra to my nutes to make them stable in PH? I am thinking of going with the Ionic line and was wondering if I needed to buy something else for it?

Thanks IC

Morning Uno...
I haven't used those particular nutrients...but it's generally good for a new hydro person to keep it as simple as possible. You should be able to grow very nice smoke with just those nutes alone. You can add bloom boosters and fancy additives later and only after you've researched it and feel you need it or are in the mood for experimentation.

On the water issue. You can see in the thread that opinions vary. I've never done hydro with anything but straight RO water. But many say the Ca helps buffer the ph (keeping it in range better)

So you could try a mix of RO and Tap to around 150ppm. Whatever the ratio (if you choose to do that) try and keep it the same so you can expect predictable results from your res.

Think Green

Active member
Ive used tap for the last 6 or 7 months in dwc with little to no problems. My tap is around 8 ph & about 450-500 ppm. Now granted, I really want an R/O system, but im still growing my meds without one. I mean, who wants to go without meds?


Would it be beneficial for a person who is new to hydro getting a R/O system?

The Ph in my area in Australia is at 7 - 7.5 which is fairly nuetral...

I mean if its gonna save me a bit of $ in not buying one which means i can put that money towards other purchases...



In search of Genetics
I have well water and i really hate the amount of water im wasting.
for every 30 gallons i fill i waste about 90 gallons.

And if you want to recycle that water you have to get some high powered pump and go through more pains in the ass so your not wasting water.

I want to go back to regular well water with potassium softner and test it out i will see how it goes i guess.


Would it be beneficial for a person who is new to hydro getting a R/O system?
The Ph in my area in Australia is at 7 - 7.5 which is fairly nuetral...

Hi Daemos,
Your water ph tells you some info, but to decide if you need an RO unit...you really need to measure your EC which gives you a clue as to how much dissolved solids you have in your water.

You can look at your ice cubes and if they are cloudy and opaque...then you have hard water.

You could try hydro and see how it goes. If you have persistent problems...then buy an RO unit.

All you need is a small one. Hook it up to a large container so you don't have to wait for water.


daemos that was cool of you to do an actual test to show the effects of proper ph.

edit: opps I got the name wrong credit goes to Uncle Remus


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
What comes out of your tap is not what comes out of my tap - water - while it looks the same - is vastly different from city to city and region to region.

What works for me may be the kiss of death for you, so don't expect to find the 1, 2, 3.... way to grow - look for guidance and pointers that lead you to success.

Growers tend to think,, If I do step 1, then step 2, then step 3 and so on, I will arrive at step happy harvest. Plants don't see it that way.

If your tap isn't condusive to your grow - then it needs to be fixed. sometimes - filter 1/2 or 3/4 of your water and using the rest from the tap will offer better buffering -

Sounds like you have done a lot of reading and have a strong foundation - to build on - or grow from.


Aireation is a good thing.

Gennerally - it seems to be a step in growing - I used it extensivly in my soil grows and initially when I switched over to hydro - now, the only air pumps I use are in the cloners. As the garden improves - it seems aireation gets dropped from the grow room - was it needed initally? I can't say - but I do know it won't hurt you.

I purused thru the answers and there is more than one way to grow.

I got lucky in my switch to hydro - I found a local grower that had a good working nute schedual and I did some research here on IC, - found a couple amendments to his regiment and now we both use about the same mix and mostly same strengths etc. So locally - what works for one should get you close, but city to city that can change,


Uncle Remus

One other thing to mention here...If your going with RO water, you better check the ppms before AND after to see where you stand...And better make sure whatever nutes you are using have plenty of minerals or your most likely going to encounter calcium and mag deficiencies...The process of RO is removing these minerals, hence your water getting softer

Better have some Cal/Mag Plus on hand just to play it safe

My one pheno of Double Strawberry Diesel was a total cal/mag whore...I had to add C/M+ from veg until 3rd week or so in flower...And I have near perfect water here with almost perfect cal/mag levels...Every other strain grown never gets deficiencies

BTW: I NEVER check ppm's...Once I mix nutes and readjust the pH the next day, its simply add back 6.0 water until the next nute change

And the "acceptable" pH range for hydro is 5.5-6.5...So shoot for 6.0or the median...Use Rez's recipe for hydro...If 6.0 is what he uses, then thats what I'm using


Uncle Remus

RMH: So you don't aerate your res??? Never heard of that one before

Aeration not only adds d.o. to the res, but also keeps the nutes mixing preventing the micro nutes from dropping out, thereby helping to prevent nute lockout...If your getting by without aerating your nutes, and have no deficiencies, then I'd say your pretty lucky


No aeration here either...
Some systems are inherently aerating in their action...E&F, top Drip, Aeroponics to name a few. Obviously you can't eliminate aeration with DWC.

Excess aeration can be a problem due to oxidation which can effect the chelators. Messes with ph too.

A good nute will not go out of solution and doesn't require constant mixing. Natural duffusion actually promotes unifomity in solution.


Aireation here

Aireation here

Res aireation here... all pro-growers here in Spain do it tooo, so I assume is the right thing to do.... I have a flow table, and using an air pump in the res to keep good guys (microbes) up and kicking... my hidro guru says is a must, and after running a couple of times without, now that I added it I can say you notice it in groth and NS stability for sure...
We go GH way+delta9+hammerhead ...hydroton, 400 w HPS.
We use CO2 tablets, too.. good to keep PH steady, and a massive huge difference in final colas.
BUT still getting MG lockout becouse of too much CA and little MG in my tap water (240 ppm, but it is from de-salinization center (???!!), we are by the sea) so I am seriously thinking on getting a 5 filter RO unit...
Excuse my poor english. Nice thread, BTW.


Ive sent my local water authority an email requesting ppm, ec and Ph levels in my area so i should know next week what type of water i have and wither im gonna get a RO system for my set up when things get rolling...


wrong name

wrong name

Sorry not too sure what your on about?

ya I got the name wrong credit goes to Uncle Remus

No aeration here either...
Some systems are inherently aerating in their action...E&F, top Drip, Aeroponics to name a few. Obviously you can't eliminate aeration with DWC.

Excess aeration can be a problem due to oxidation which can effect the chelators. Messes with ph too.

I've thought the same thing about oxidation


New member
we have all seen tap work but it can cause problems we dont need
i was using brita pitchers to remove chlorine what a pain lol
so i bought a merlin im at 50 ppm now and the plants prefer who would'nt
and helps keep your hydro system from mineral deposits clogging your heads etc...


New member
One other thing to mention here...If your going with RO water, you better check the ppms before AND after to see where you stand...And better make sure whatever nutes you are using have plenty of minerals or your most likely going to encounter calcium and mag deficiencies...The process of RO is removing these minerals, hence your water getting softer

Better have some Cal/Mag Plus on hand just to play it safe

My one pheno of Double Strawberry Diesel was a total cal/mag whore...I had to add C/M+ from veg until 3rd week or so in flower...And I have near perfect water here with almost perfect cal/mag levels...Every other strain grown never gets deficiencies

BTW: I NEVER check ppm's...Once I mix nutes and readjust the pH the next day, its simply add back 6.0 water until the next nute change

And the "acceptable" pH range for hydro is 5.5-6.5...So shoot for 6.0or the median...Use Rez's recipe for hydro...If 6.0 is what he uses, then thats what I'm using

wicked bud mang!!!

yes RO is like distilled water nothing bad but nothing good left lol
the cal/mag is a gr8 tip i personally use seaweed extract it gives the good stuff back and your girls will be so happy grow on with your bad self! ;)