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Limited space with micro, seedling/sex ratio


Well-known member
Im heading out the door to pick up some rubbermaids to assemble a micro. I only need a little bud, and two plants (hoping for 1/2 OZ) is plenty per grow.

Im using two black 18 gallon rubbermaid tubs as per lifeless design. Im using 3 42 watt cfl's, 2 - 2700K and 1 - 6500K.

The tub dimensions equate to 1.8 sq. ft. of space which gives me approx. 70wtts per sq. ft or 4300 (approx) lumens per square foot. Lifeless gets away with 4 - 42 watt bulbs in the 30 gallons so I have to think this will be sufficient. Also, I will be using a DIY scrubber and am heading to radio shack to look at their muffin fans since they are a bit beefier then PC fans and should be better equipped to pull through a small scrubber.

My delima is this:

As mentioned, I really only need two females. The problem is I have to start from seed. The second issue is I need this to finish by the first week in feb as Im moving so I dont have time to take clones and sex the clones. I have the seeds sprouted as of yesterday in a wet paper towel. I have four seeds that are sprouted (blueberry I believe but its been awhile so I could be wrong on that). I only have room for two plants in 1 gallon pots in the rubbermaid.

I was planning on just putting them in 12 oz. dixie cups and veg them for a week or two, then flip to 12/12 to sex crossing my fingers I get two females and then transplanting into their final 1 gallon pots.

Can I do it that way? Transplant after flipping to 12/12 to sex them.. into their final 1 gallon pots? I dont have room for four 1 gallon pots is the problem, I MIGHT be able to squeeze 3 in there ...... so Im not sure if I should sex, then transplant, because Im starting from seed or if I should just use smaller pots so I can fit all four... and then just keep them in those pots through to harvest?? Of course the downfall to that would be murphy's law and I would end up with one single female, and now I dont even have her in a decent sized pot .... lol

Any suggestions??


I say go for it, my last four plants, I actually transplanted 2 weeks into flowering and they are still doing very good. and they are all in the same pot right now, and they haven't killed eachother yet lol. You can even go 12/12 straight from seed if you want to save time. When they show sex, keep females and kill males. That's it. You only have about 8-9 weeks from now till the beginning of feb. I would certainly try 12/12 from seed. Or else u may have to harvest early

Also what strain are u growing? cause some can take much longer than others.


Well-known member
I appreciate the input! I could push it off until Feb. 15th if I needed to I guess .... I think its blueberry, but I cant be certain of that the seeds are older. All are popped though as of today in a paper towel.

Just got back from getting my supplies. These 18 gallons are a little smaller then Ild like once I add a scrubber its going to definately keep it at two plants.

However, if I can put the scrubber on the outside of the tubs and push through it I could fit 3 plants for sure!

Ive read its better to pull than push through scrubbers, but do you guys think I could get away with pushing through it?

The fan I bought is a 120 mm, but its a thermaltake 80 CFM, amperage of .38 Amperes though so its a little stronger then most of the PC fans Ive seen ..... it has a pressure rating of 2.97.

I was thinking Ild make a srubber with 4" and 5" net pots. If I need to pull through it, I can only fit two plants, if I can push through it and place it outside, I could fit 3.

Im all ears if you have any input on this, as well as other opinions on transplanting after sexing. I have all my supplies and pretty much need to figure these two things out before assembling everything. What cha think!??

Thanks in advance!


Active member
Check my super simple stacker. The carbon filter design should serve you well. And order another fan so you can run them side by side. .38 amps is actually kind of weak, so you need two at least.

The container I used can be found in the kitchen department at walmart.


Well-known member
Ill look into it, Ive seen the thread before ... these are 120 mm fans but ya I suppose they are kinda weak.

Are you saying I should piggy back them one on top of the other or simply have two seperate exhaust holes. .. I dont really have the room for that, if thats the case it might serve me well to simply look for a higher powered single fan - unless I can simply piggy back another one onto this one ..

Where did you get those 3 Amp bad boys??
It's my understanding that when you daisy-chain PC fans together, they split their power draw across them. I.E 1 fan on a 12v rail has access to the 12v's provided...2 fans on the same rail have access to 6 apiece. I'm trying to remember what thread that was in...might've been Scrub's Beginner's guide to PC fans.

Also I'm with maryjohn. An external scrubber like her-his Super Simple Stacker's or redgreenery's "R2D2" would probably be your best bet.

I dont really have the room for that
The room to put a scrubber on top of the rubbermaids...or the room to put two exhaust holes in one of them...?


Well-known member
Well .. I guess if needed I could do either to be honest. The idea of a single fan blowing through a scrubber is much more appealing though.. lol

Assuming I could find a fan that is up to the task. I dont understand why people say the PC fans wont work ..... I see people using small home made scrubbers on PC case grows that are pushed by PC fans - and they are using 80 mm fans.

With only two or three plants in an 18 gallon container I dont think I would need a big scrubber...

With that being said, however, this could be my ignorance talking and once I try to blow through one I might see WHY it doesnt work.. lol

A small homemade scrubber (in the spirit of R2D2's) attached to a 120mm fan should work fine. If you scan through my cab thread you'll see I intend to treat the air in that cab with a Pencil Holder scrubber and two carbon sockettes...and I'm like 90% sure that'll work fine.


Well-known member
I appreciate the input guys!

I think that using a scrubber on top of the tubs, built out of smaller containers as in the r2d2 thread would work great. I saw that thread but I guess it didnt click how that worked until now.

Although, I dont like the ducting at all. I think I will simply sit a small tub on top of the tubs and cut circles in the bottom and glue it down, then put the fan on top. That should work well ...... I probably wont mess with the glass though, if need be Ill simply add another 120mm/ 80 cfm fan.

Plus then I can still have 3 - 1 gallon pots...

Any input on transplanting after sexing?? lol ..


you wont drop voltage to 6 volts unless you wire them in series.. just wire parallel and all the fans will be fine.


Grow like nobody is watching
you wont drop voltage to 6 volts unless you wire them in series.. just wire parallel and all the fans will be fine.

Yeah that's right. Another problem with wiring in series is that if one fan (or whatever) dies, all the others in series will die too. Doesn't do that in parallel.

I'm a big fan of Delta fans. As is maryjohn, aerohead, and a lot of people who don't like heat problems. :dance: I have a 92mm blowing into a commercial filter and it's great. Just aim high and get an overkill model, then undervolt it, in my opinion. Hope it helps.



Well-known member
Yup ... I just went and bought one, the delta is perfect $35 ..... so its expensive, but it will come in handy in a multitude of applications Im sure

Heres the specs - So I definately should be able to push through a DIY scrubber now:

Brand Delta
Model PFB0912DHE-F00
Type Case Fan
Compatibility Case
Fan Size 92mm
Bearing Type 2 Ball
RPM 8000 RPM
Air Flow 175.03 CFM
Noise Level 66.5 dBA
Power Connector 4+3pin (TAC output)

Rated Voltage : 12V

Operating Voltage Range : 7 ~ 13.2V

Input Current : 3.7 Amp

Input Power : 37.2 Watt

Maximum Air Pressure : 46.21 mm H²O
Physical Spec
Dimensions 92 x 92 x 38mm


Well-known member
Alright, well I ordered the fan above and will attach a scrubber to it once it comes.

In the meantime I put together everything, Im using a weak PC fan right now until the other fan comes in. The box is crude, ugly .. and who ever said that the PVC T's work as light traps are out of their minds .. haha - however, over all this will work. It really doesnt have to be stealthy stealthy, just small and contained. The biggest thing will be keeping the smell away and I believe that strong fan with a scrubber should do it.

The bottom cracked so I duct taped it up, and the paint got put on too thick so it took forever to dry. My room reaks of paint fumes right now so I have it running empty hoping it will clear itself out by this evening.

QUESTION: My four seedlings broke ground this morning... can I put them in the grow box now or will the paint fumes harm them? Certainly it cant be good for them, but I need to get them in there by this evening at the latest so I hope they can handle it... any ideas on this??



Looks like you're starting off well! If you want those PVC T's to be lightproof paint the inside of them flat black... It'll help quite a bit. PVC is a rather reflective surface.
Good luck getting this set up! I'll be watching :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah the paint will help. Otherwise you could attach 90º elbows to the Ts, pointing down (the coolest air is on the floor). One thing I noticed is you have what looks like your exhaust hole several inches down from the roof. Generally you'd want it at the very top (heat rises and your ballasts are there), but I don't think it's a big problem for you. I'm impressed though, great huge cab.

Oh also, I'm not a fan of all the tiny little diy scrubbers. You would do well to look up maryjohn's idea which is similar in principle to mine and a few others. The problem with most of the diy filters is that they simply don't have the surface area, that's the problem more than the fans are. The benefit of those tubular filters comes from size - long lengths and such. A short one isn't giving you any more surface area than a simple screen, and quite often the screen can be implemented in a less obstructive way, being flat. You're actually in a good position to utilize a decent filter, what I call the carbon screen method. So feel free to check that out.

and best of luck whatever you choose


Well-known member
Gracias ... thanks for the help. Ill be starting a new thread for the grow. I went ahead and put the seedlings in the tubs even though the fumes were still a bit strong. They seem to be ok ...

The last thing I really need to figure out is the whole transplanting after sexing thing...... I guess Im going to just let these seeds grow out in their dixie cups for about a week, then flip to 12/12 and once Im able to sex them then Ill transplant into the 1 gallon pots.

Any suggestions regarding a better way to do it Im all ears. As it turns out theres only enough room for 2 - 1 gallon pots so I really need them sexed before transplanting...


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