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who;s got info on ken's grandaddy purple


ICMag Donor
i recieved a cut recently supposed to be the real deal

any 1 got any info or pics or smoke report
also anyone know the story of where it come from


Tons of info on this site if you do a search. The general thought is that it`s a purple erkle x old sensi big bud cross. The kens version is a little better yielding and stinks a lot more while growing. Serious odor controll is a must. Let her go 60+ days for best results...


ken estes founded it in 2004.. the original real deal grandaddy.. from hilltop in richmond.. i believe it is Purple Urkle x Salmon Creek's BigBud.. supposed to fix whats wrong with the urkle.. fatter buds and much higher yield without any sacrifice to the taste.. strong body buzz and the best pain relief and best medical bud there is.. got the genetics as well as the buds and its by far my favorite.. cant go wrong


here is a pic of a teenage ken clone in vegetating..

here is an urkle for a side by side comparison.
the urkle is a month older. gdp is only a couple weeks.


How tall was your cutting when you got it? Somebody just told me they have in some really great sized clones as of recently, but he didn't mention how tall exactly


New member
heres some kens about 3 weeks into veg i just swiched to 12/12 ,i should have let it veg for another 3 weeks but..

and some dry herb


when i got it it was maybe 5-6 inches tall.. somewhere in there.. tons of nodes already going.. very satisfied.. had a nice big ball of white roots.. its a little sluggish.. but im unsure if its the genetics or if its the shock from the new growing medium.. its doing well.. its just slightly sluggish. SLIGHTLY.. not as bad as the urkle tho.. where as the bubba kush is a vigorous beast although short and stalky.. during veg anyway.. during flowering the bubba tripled in size.. started it at a 6 inch tall clone.. and now its i'd say 4 feet tall.. the urkle stayed short in flowering.. but the buds are FAT and SO STINKY like purple.. i have the next round ready with about 1 month of veg on em so i expect greater results.. the kens will go under flower for the first time this next cycle.. i love the urkle but if the ken's gdp is good enough i may pull it as a replacement.. since the urkle yields sort of low..


New member
hey side do you have kens cut of bubba kush?Yea your yield should be much better with a month veg,6 weeks is best(atleast thats what the guy who tends to the clones at ken's dispensary told me).He lets his veg for 2 weeks then he tops them and lets um go for another 4 weeks before he flowers, im gonna try it that way next run.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I was gifted Ken's Granddaddy Purple, and I will tell you one thing, it stinks up a storm in Veg and early Flowering. I mean I seriously was thinking about giving all of the cuttings away. It had me paranoid. I couldn't even sleep at night thinking that everyone in the world was smelling these plants and that was with the scrubber and fans going.

Midway through Flowering either I got used to the smell or it wasn't as bad, because it didn't out smell anything else in the garden. I had another Granddaddy line going at the same time and when they were both finished they looked and smelled and tasted about the same, but the Ken's cut was more potent in a couch lock fashion. You don't hear about Purple lines being considered potent but the Ken's Granddaddy but was more potent then the other Granddaddy grown right along side of it and with the same care, lighting and nutrients.

I have not grown it again though where my grows are now, just because of the smell. I might do it outdoors though this next season, but I will pass on running it indoors again anytime soon strictly based off of the odor in the Vegging and early Flowering stage.


i dont have kens bubba but the one i have is top notch.. lookin AMAZING only 4 1/2 wks into flowering.. i cut 1 small early piece to sample and it laid me out already off the vape.. looks way better than any bubba ive come across in the club. cant wait for another 2-3 wks for the final product.. the urk is amazing as well so far.. didnt do any kens gdp this round but they are definately ready for the next round.. my boys and i got all sorts of experimental strains btwn us.. blue dream, purp mango, purp hawaiian, DCxSCxBB, white widow, blue cheese, da purps, romulan, green crack, sour D.. once we figure out which ones turn out the best as medicine then we can go from there.. i have high expectations from the kens gdp of course, the purp mango and the purp hawaiian, the deep chunk X strawberry cough X Bubbleberry, blue cheese, widow, and rom.. sucks cuz i want just kens gdp but i need to see which makes me feel the best (my meds to function in life).. i prefer indica dominant for pain relief on my back and i dont like the visually trippy effects of sativas (gifted away my casey jones, will probably cut the blue dream and the widow).. my 'da purps' yields fat and looks good, it grows very strainy though, reaches for the light and then just gets bushy once its right up on it.. i dont like that... ill probably end up eventually just keeping the bubba kush, kens gdp, dcxscxbb, blue cheese, and the rom.. and kens collective is reopen on the hilltop under the name 'gdp collective'.. google it and u will find it no problem.. i believe its the same location and the same phone number. i never went to the old one so im not sure but thats what i hear.


Glad to see the GDP made it's way to the dam, I know you'll do her justice. I'm not a big purple fan, I prefer a sativa, but for relaxing there isn't much better. I've grown some from seeds and found this to be similar to jason king's description of the purps. A whopping 4 phenos: (Ken's GDP Keeper)1 dark squat so vegging, with medium yeild, also there's a green daddy purple pheno, and 2 variations of either leaning purple or green. Anyways pictures are better descriptions...



^^first trim session, they get a nicer one after a week or so.

P.S. OJD I just ordered your SSSDH and can't wait to hopefully find a shire-esque lady. Best of luck although everything I've seen from you is dialed.



Before people give me shit the flowers hanging only hung there for an hour or so, I know how to dry and cure.







A quote taken that i did for the GDP thread....check it out although I kinda cover it under the url...


I'm sorry to those asking for help this site is huge and without bookmarking it's a bitch to find some of these threads. Anyways to any and all asking for advice on the GDP the best thing i can suggest is going organic you may loss a little in the weight and honestly, you'll lose some "look" or bag appeal too, but it will be worth it.

First and fore most...So far what i have come to the realization of is there is about 4 phenos with this great strain. I have grown cuts and seeds from this and find the most sought after is definitely the moderate yielding, darker-dense at the end, indica dominant, pheno. There is also a more yield producing "green" daddy with grapey smell and taste, an almost totally green more sativa dom, and last but not least a balanced indica/sativa blend with little purple mainly on the budlets and inside calyxes.

I find that the green daddy to be almost as good if not better than the more popular darker pheno, and it produces more, but people are all about the "purp". So if you're looking for your self I'd find the green pheno, but if you're looking to vend the GDP is definitely the way to go. Anyways....
If I had a dime for every time a patient came up to me at the medical counter and asked for "purp" or even better "the darkest purple you have" I'd be a rich rich man. But don't get me wrong here I'm not saying a deep purple isn't good meds, I'm just saying "purple" as a color in marijuana is a fad and trendy.

*****Important info there are 4 ways to make a strain turn purple*******
1.Genetics(which actually counts for all four because it has to be in the plants make up to be able to reach the purple hue)
2.Stress(sickness, bug attack, transplant shock, over-under ferts, ect.)
3.Chemicals(unfortunately there are now chemicals on the market that help "boost" the purple coloration)
4.Temperature(the most common and just a sign of temperature drop, doesn't mean it's any better or healthier, actually probably means the opposite)
****************************** ****************************** ****

Ok now that i got that outta the way...GDP is an elite strain that will purple out even without stress, chemicals, or temperature drop. Although the temp drop of about 10-20 degrees won't hurt this strain too much. I think the reasoning is because it's a northern cali acclimatized plant and the weather there drops quit significantly toward harvest, so in turn the plants inner genetics slowly became accustomed to the environment. I believe this to be true with many true breeding strains, I don't really believe the name game to much and....need to stop cause I'm rambling...damn sativas.

Anyways as far as my program on that room it was rather easy. Basis of quality organic soil mixture. (power flower which contains a lot of whats needed, worm castings, perlite, coco peat, some beneficial bacteria, ect) RO water from the get go as well as a light nutrient regiment. Consisting of super bat grow, molasses, and sweet. For flower super bat bud swel, molasses, and sweet. Pretty simple right? I also flushed monthly and once a week they'd receive plain RO somewhat flush so no salt or toxins built up. Also my almost month i only use RO. Most flush the last two weeks I normally flush for at least three. I feel it brings out the natural taste as much as possible. And I also let her go a full 9 weeks in flower sometimes almost 10 if i want to have amber glands all over. Although as I've said before you can get away with as little as 49 days give or take.

Hope that helps some of you grand daddy lovers out there.



i prefer the color purple because of what it means (when its genetic).. it means that it was picked later and not earlier.. 60+ day as opposed to 45-55 days.. when its more purple it means that the thc has turned to CB-D meaning more of a body buzz and more of a body high/relaxing as opposed to visuals.. i like to make tincture from vegetable glycerin as well and i find CB-D filled plants are much better medicinally.. i dislike 'purple' strains that are 100% green just as much as i dislike green strains that have been conditioned to be purple.


one last thing...

one last thing...

Thanks cannabiscookies, to answer your question...
5 600's on each side of the room, totaling 6000 watts, pulled 12 elbows minus about 2 that were jacked from tweakers. If you do the math that's more than 1g/1w, so she can yield you just need to be patient with the veg stage. Good thing it was such a big harvest I figure they couldn't hold on to it all, or fit anymore. Literally you'd need a truck to steal the whole harvest.

Oh and I forgot to add some dry pics....here's from the same cut, but a different grower..
Grand Daddy Purple


Then another grower I know did this impressive specimen...organinc soil indoor.




Sorry to hijack OJD just trying to spread the info around on this great strain...



yep thats that real deal dead on that i used to get back in the day around 2005.. ill post pics of mine this next time around to compare.. doin all organic soil and organic nutes.. the urkle and the kush look AMAZING.. i expect the same results with the kens gdp.. in its own genetic sense.
I need to grab me another cut of the ken's. I've had various cuts of GDP over the years, Ken's being one and it's alway sbeen my fav.. somewhere around here I have the Ken's GDP x Double Purple Doja which should be interesting