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My Box Set Up


Well-known member
im here just wandering around lost. trying to figure out how to post a picture its been so long. if this worked picture link worked this is a cross i made awhile back i call Apollolicious. Indiana Bubblegum X Apollo13 bx1. A friend grew this as a test grow for me and is revegging this plant cause we had no idea it would turn out so well. The smell is super fruity with a hint of over ripe cantalope.

guest 77721

Oh-Oh_Oh!!!! Sweet Bud!!!

You've still got the magical touch!!!!


Lifeless, you inspired me to put together this simple box for very young plants.



The power strips are strapped to the top of a cardboard box. The folding flaps are removed from the box. The box is slightly bigger than the tray that the plants are in. It can rest with the bulbs literally centimeters from the coco line. When the cover/bulbs need to be raised I have wooden blocks to put under the corners (told you all it was simple). The box(es) sit on a shelf. There is a clip fan on one end of the shelf and hole in either side (lengthwise) of the box cover for ventilation. What you see in there are eleven Blue Haze seedlings that are seventeen days removed from the paper towel. Roughly five leaf sets. What you can't see are four, 1/2" tall Trainwreck seedlings that are two days removed from the paper towel.


Well-known member
Red,Boom,kinger Ty

LJB great lookin plants you have there. Keep us posted on the results. Peace LL
this is one of my fave threads on any forum period. Lifeless, your user name is quite hypocritical :smile:. your contributions have certainly helped Rubbermaid's bottomline in the past few years, not to mention Ball jars too for all the full jars of dankness from your genius designs. +1 rep for being the man.


New member
Can someone tell me how to coneect a pc fan to power? All I got from Radio Shack was a fan with a red and black wire, seems kind of small gauge to connect to an extension cord.

Fresh Start

Active member
Keepin this alive.

Keepin this alive.

Hi lifeless and all other would be LL lab goers. Here to share how my LL lab is going and my experience with it.

Although I've had my LL lab for over a year, I'm still making alot of changes to it. Here are some notes I've found worthy of public notice:

-Added universal weather stripping (like for cars) to the bottom maid box lip. This keeps the light out for 12/12 and also creates a vacuum air flow for the passive intakes.
- I used to have 2. inch passives on the bottom but have to upgrade to 3. inch for airflow which is key for temp. stability. My temps stay within 73-76 range.
- I've mounted another fan in the middle of the box for airflow which runs on the same power supply as the exhaust fan.
- I've drilled matching holes into the top and bottom lip of the boxes and use "pins" made of coat hangars to keep the top and bottom aligned while i drag it around
-Used plastic textured spray paint before painting interior white.

I'll keep this post updated for pics very soon. My computer is down.
Current grow Specs: 4 Gdp plants in various sized pots. (2 gal. + 2 lit.) Using the Lucas formula with gen. hydro nutes in Coco and perlite blend. They love it. So Simple!

P.s Lifeless, whats up with that DIY carbon scrubber? The big version looks great back there. I'd love to add it to my box! Thanks for everything man. -Get Fresh:biggrin:


Hey Lifeless !
Congrats on your nice setup ! I def wanna copy you, but have a question.... R u sure they is 30 Gallon ? That will be each 100 liter approx, making 2 tubs as big as a barrell... Looking at your couch the tub seems more like 30 liters... Keep up the great work !

By the by, any pics of scrubber yet ? ;-)


Well-known member
Still working on the pics of the scrubber. There 30 gallon tubs. They do look bigger than a barrel when there together. Ill work on the scrubber tonight. I had to order a few new fans so im waiting for them to get here. Glad ya like the set up.

Fresh Start lookin for some updates. Peace LL


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hi Ya LL, good to see you still posting and inspiring peeps :biggrin:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
wowzErZ Lifeless this thread is ALIVE!!! Its alive... great work bump...peace..


Fresh Start

Active member


Some good news and some bad news..

Bad news first.
My biggest plant is in the process of falling victim to mold. Important lesson to learn with these boxes: never turn the fans off, even when the lights are out! Now I keep them running all night. Atleast i'll get some clones outta her before she goes. But she was gonna be my biggest yielder. *sniff

Good news.
Three other plants are doing great. Looking alive and smelling slighty citrusy after the first week of 12/12. here are some pics and I'll get better ones later.

Box in action

This picture is a little old. Maybe by 2 weeks ago.

Moldy plant that still looks great. She's the new momma and my most recent picture. I took this tonight.