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in mexico with a kilo


cant stop wont stop
shred i payed 1500 pesos for an ounce so around 130usd or so, but once i start making it the cost per ounce should drop to about 200 pesos or about 16usd. thats cheap enough to roll hash joints all day long.

danny & oregonthanks, its always nice to be able to enjoy the finer things away from home

Christ Almighty.
You should see what that mexican herb goes for once it crosses that border and up a few states
$ $ $ $ $$$ $$$ $ $ $$ $ $$$$$$ $

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
im from ny so i know........this grade of weed goes for 1300usd per lb.....makes you wonder doesnt it?


did you finally find the silk screen?

I got some bubble bags close to ya. PM me... if interested. If not, all is cool.


Jalisco Kid

Active member
Did you look for silk screen in tepic? If you have not started it yet instead of getting in by the bar have the factory shave your ice for you. JK


BHO all the way . get a large stainless or glass extraction tube .
go run a half oz of buds and get back to me .
randude101- its all good i dont sell and i never leave the house with more than a few grams which is actually legal, but i appreiciate the concern..

Shred42O- thanks im really happy with the quality of these sprung bags and to get super fast 3 day shipping to mexico just makes it all the more better

Jalisco Kid- hablas espanol? no encontraron serigrafía en Tepic, pero yo no veía en todas partes. tengo 50 kilos de hielo ahora. cuándo queras fumar?

djam- would love to have some bho but like shred said to run as much material as i have would cost a shitload of money if i was even able to source the butane.
I would have taken my bags with me in the first place....


frontline for dogs
a case of swisher sweets cigarillos
bud of course
more jeans
extra fuel filters for my truck

believe me when i say the list goes on and on...hindsight is 20/20...
havent forgotten about the thread....been busy....have to organize all the pics....ill get them up soon. i dont have a scale but i guess i pulled about 40 or 50 grams a kilo

for some reason though when the hash came out of the bag and put on the screen to dry it was blonde. as it dried it continued to get darker and now its almost black..it is kinda melty and sticky but like i said almost black or dark brown....is this normal for tropical sativas?

note> trics were not pressed or even squeezed

anyway ill get pics up soon...not today but soon
100 pesos a kilo? dude thats impossible unles you are buying shit in wich case you wouldnt get 40-50 grams a kilo... did you mean 1000 pesos?.
100 pesos a kilo? dude thats impossible unles you are buying shit in wich case you wouldnt get 40-50 grams a kilo... did you mean 1000 pesos?.

never said 100pesos a kilo but to be fair i never speciifically stated it was in dollars....and i guess ive been going back and forth using dollars here and pesos there so.......but if you read more than the first post you would have understood what i meant because theres atleast a couple of posts where i talk about the cost...but whatever

when i first posted this thread i bought a kilo for 1000pesos but since then i have gotten up with a ranch and am now paying 500 to 600pesos a kilo... AND i dont have a scale but i hardly think 40/50 grams or a great huge return of 4/5% per kilo is anything to write home about.....

i have a shitload of pics to post but not enough time ill have them up shortly along ......
well the short side of the story is pictures aren't coming, well atleast the ones that were on the camera.....i left my truck unlocked with the windows wide open while i was surfing and when i came back my camera, cel, and a little bit of money got jacked.....i know.....i know....i know....

i am making tons of hash so ill post a new picture thread if and when i get a new camera....

i found silkscreen so ill be doing drysift runs too....im also considering ordering a okief cropmaster hd tumbler..it hold 625g...anyone have experience with these...????